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What are you guys smoking right Now?



  • @RockyMountainBriar, that is the Red Virginia coming through...
  • Taking a beak smoking LL7 in a Mastro de Paja.
  • Peterson Standard Mixture in a basket Dublin.
  • First pipe of the day, GLP Charring Cross in an MM Apple Diplomat along with coffee. I've already roasted a batch of coffee and planted a couple of seed flats.
  • @RockyMountainBriar  Nice blade, the pipe's pretty good as well
  • edited April 2023
    It’s called the “Pipe Doctor”, it’s a reimagined and repurposed “Doctor’s” pattern knife.  They are made by Rough Ryder and are very inexpensive, especially compared to most pipe specific knives.  Smoky Mountain Knife Works SMKW.com in TN has them.  There are a couple different handle scale color patterns as well.  The “pill crusher” end can be used as a tamper, and it has a nice long fold out poker.  Not to mention the cool little pipe handle inlay.  I wish they would have softened/rounded over the edges on the tamper/pill crusher side bolster a bit. One needs to be careful not to bash the pipe rim with a sharp corners of the bolster.  I have been contemplating sanding, buffing, and polishing the corners off of mine.  I just have not been able to bring myself to working over a new knife.
  • edited April 2023
    I think I need a roach clip…I mean cigar clip.  You can’t say I didn’t get my money’s worth🙂.  I was a bit surprised, the smoke didn’t get hot at the end, but it did warm up my fingers a bit.  I was wondering if I might singe my mustache.
  • Londy3Londy3 Master
    edited April 2023
    Looking good my brother.  I am not a cigar aficionado either, but now and again I like a good one. Looks like you took that thing to the very the very end. Would you buy it again? I do like a Macanudo Maduro, ever try those? It's getting warmer down here in the south, no worries about snow 😂🤣
  • edited April 2023
    Yes, I would buy it again👍🏻.  I have not tried a Macanudo  Maduro.
  • Good Morning!
    I'm just finishing my first pipe, an MM Honeypot filled with GH DVC, and my first cup of black coffee. I watched a couple of videos on stem making since I've been unhappy with the plastic taste from Forever stems, I want to make some from vulcanite blanks for my cobs.
  • @RockyMountainBriar
    That Peterson B10... the list continues to get longer...🙂
  • Just popped a new tin of Quiet Nights. A few bowls and the rest goes into a mason jar.
  • @Whoispra
    I went and found my 10+ year old jar of 1-Q and loaded up my chubby Pete “Dublin Edition” B50.  This tobacco has change dramatically and is not as harsh/sharp as I remember.  It’s been many years since I have smoked it since I was not impressed with it at all.  I enjoyed RLP-6 much more.  It must be a bit moist still, as it is not wanting to stay lit, I will preserver.  I will say, it is much, much better now with the age on it.  It’s much sweeter, pretty dang tasty.  Interesting, I thought I was getting a bit of smokiness, so I had to look at the blend description again….sure enough, it says “hint of fire-cured”.
  • @RockyMountainBriar wait a minute now. Are you saying 1-Q has fire cured in it!? Would have never guessed if that’s the case. But every new thing I try gives me
    more context for the things that came before which is really interesting. I’m glad you enjoyed it though. That’s a win. I finished a bowl of Autumn Evening just now in my MM Country Gentleman. To me it’s one of the better aromatics I’ve ever had. It is very sweet no doubt about that but the Virginias are present which I appreciate. I won’t mind having it around but I do think the strength of the maple and may keep it from being a daily driver. I have small storage jars so I’ll be having more bowls to use up what’s left in the tin. We will see if it grows on me or becomes tiresome.
  • @Whoispra
    I have seen that Autumn Evening gets some pretty high aromatic reviews, but I’m not a fan of maple, so I have steered around it🙂.
  • @RockyMountainBriar , @Whoispra
    I just can't see how these are so popular. Those are the two of my least favorite tobaccos.  Meh
  • Years ago I stopped into Gold Leaf Tobacco on the NH seacoast, I had just returned to pipes and was looking for a replacement for Black and Gold that I bought from the closed Boston landmark, Ehrlich's. The owner had lived in Boston, worked in the photo industry as I had, and frequented the same tobacco shops I enjoyed. He told me that Black and Gold was 1-Q so I bought some and off I went. It was horrible, the last half of the pipe was acrid! I went back and asked if he was sure and the conversation about tobaccos continued for a while. The main thing I remember was the question "Don't you like the taste of tobacco?" I left with three or four bulk choices none of which was an aromatic and to this day I avoid them.

    My question to aromatic smokers. If you don't like the taste of tobacco why don't you suck on a piece of candy instead of a pipe?
  • Almost forgot, I'm starting the day with GLP Charring Cross in an MM Apple Diplomat along with black coffee. 
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