Best Of
Re: Other Hobbies
A few of you may remember that I was once a musician and have recorded several CDs under the moniker Ghosts Of Pompeii over the years. But back in the mid 70s' I was the keyboardist in a progressive rock band called Vesuvius. Well now forty years past an Italian label called Black Widow Music is releasing some of our music on vinyl and CD. I was floored when I discovered someone was actually releasing music that had never saw the light of day - other than copies we'd made for our friends and family. The majority of the tunes were demos and not even completely finished. Rough cuts. But the guys at the label somehow got access to some of those bootleg CDs and wanted to do a legit production fit for release. I've got no idea what the finished product will sound like but it will be pretty cool having a vinyl record of the stuff. I was about 24 years old when the music was made - and now that I'm approaching 75 it's finally being release by a legit label.

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Re: The World We Live In
Ageist rhetoric?
For decades, folks have told me to "grow up."
At 74. I see absolutely no value in "growing up."
It usually means , "Stop growing...."

For decades, folks have told me to "grow up."
At 74. I see absolutely no value in "growing up."
It usually means , "Stop growing...."

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Re: What are you guys smoking right Now?
Sutliff Phantom Privateer at the moment.
Thinking about a bowl of Kopp's Stormy South for a second pipe.
Thinking about a bowl of Kopp's Stormy South for a second pipe.

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Re: The World We Live In
I have been corrected. They were not illegal migrants criminally trying to enter the United States. They were just saintly volunteers from other countries trying to come to the aid of Californa.
I have been corrected. They were not illegal migrants criminally trying to enter the United States. They were just saintly volunteers from other countries trying to come to the aid of Californa.

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Re: The Loot! - What's your latest tobacco purchase?
SmokingPipes had a 20% off sale on C&D recently so I stocked up a bit - Founding Fathers, Apricots and Cream (I’ve made to almost 47 without ever eating an apricot that I am aware of, but I’ve heard good things about this blend), Orient Express, and more tins of Innsmouth and Awakened Elder, with Awakened Elder being one of my most favorite blends.
Of course I still have love for our friends who founded and run this site for us to enjoy and picked up a couple of the large cans of Captain Black (White) and SWR Aromatic. As the weather begins to turn a bit towards colder rather than hotter here in Maryland I always find myself reaching for aromatic blends more than anything else during Autumn and Winter, and mainly English blends during Spring and Summer. I dunno why that is exactly, but I know that I’m far from the only person whose blends change with the seasons!

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Re: What are you guys smoking right Now?
Doing some Creme Brulee in a Rhodesian meer...
And life can be simple with a pipe and Earl Grey tea...
And life can be simple with a pipe and Earl Grey tea...

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Re: What are you guys smoking right Now?
Probably the last day of golf for a while between future rain and/or very cold temps in the forecast.
At least we all got a round in today...
Now doing some Sutliff Dulce de Leche in a reworked and restemmed noname churchwarden...

At least we all got a round in today...
Now doing some Sutliff Dulce de Leche in a reworked and restemmed noname churchwarden...

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