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What are you guys smoking right Now?



  • Yea... You're right @motie2 That collar must be a PIRATE collar (skull & cross bones) That means @Londy3 needs to get Vinny an eye patch...
  • Finally getting a chance to relax with a small bowl of Christmas Spice in a refurbed Kaywoodie apple... This stuff is pretty good... 
  • Rainy day today on Oregon. Out for a walk with 50/50 mixture of Barbados Plantation and Lane VBC in a Savinelli rusticated poker. Thank you @motie2 for the suggestion.
  • @Danfriedman

    You are entirely welcome, sir! Always nice to have my judgement confirmed. B)
  • Currently smoking MacBaren Navy Flake in my Mountbatten Billiard while working on a Christmas story for my blog. Not sure if it'll make it in time for the holiday, but it should make it before the new year.

  • HH Burley Flake in an ancient IRC apple.
  • @jfreedy Thanks, and yes that's a Peterson Christmas pipe from 2016.  The bowl is larger than average and it smokes fantastic.
  • @KA9FFJ, it is the only one I have...seen in my photo.  Thanks @Corey562 , I hate to admit it but it is my go-to pipe most of the time.  I'm still perfecting my pipe-making craft, so one day one of my own pipes will be my go-to.  Maybe. :)

  • Had sons and the one daughter in law over for dinner last night. I used the dual exhaust fan in the dining room window. Everyone agreed (including SWMBO) that the smoke that didn't get sucked out was.... delicious.

    The blend? The aforementioned RLP-6 plus BCA plus VBC. Awesome room note!!!!
  • @motie2

    OK Gordon.....I am looking forward to trying that.....d Christmas my friend
  • This morning I am enjoying Lagonda, a blend by GL Pease. It is nice, but definitely better reserved for outdoor use.
  • Vinny is one strong beast. 
    But he will only lick you to death..lol
  • @jim102864, rock it!! Looking good my friend
  • PadraigPadraig Apprentice
    I'm taking C&D's Jolly Old St. Nicholas for a spin in a clay pipe. I'm not a big aromatic guy, but this is pretty good. You can really taste the orange liquour, ginger, vanilla, and a touch of cinnamon on top while still tasting the Virginia and hint of perique spice. It's a great chance of pace from my usual smokes.

    Now I just wish I could get my hands on the topping extract. It would be a great mixer with some bourbon and a splash of soda water!

  • @jfreedy, sneaky and Naughty you are! I can hear it now, she comes home, walks in the door and....
    "What's that smell?  Were you smoking in the house?" 

    Reply: "what smell? ...oh, it must be the new firewood yourey smelling. Nice isn't it?"

  • @thebadgerpiper, hey Greg, in your last pic here, looks like a pretty big bowl in that Mountbatten. Wow.
  • I had to go out and AGAIN fix a circuit of garden lights that the lawn guys destroyed when they did the winter cleanup some days ago. I wish I had a dollar for every light they have destroyed over the years....sometimes I am befuddled just to theorize how they do what they do to our lights. The good news is it took me maybe only 20 minutes to rerun and splice wires so we are back so Santa can see tonight.

    The better news is it gave me a chance to smoke a pipe. I filled up my Kaywoodie "pot" with a bowl of C&D "Cross Eyed Cricket" for at most my second or third bowl of this blend. I marked the tin 2.22.17, so it is just 2 months o so shy of 2 years old.

    The tobacco was just about right in the moisture department. Now this tobacco is a little out of my ballpark as I normally smoke straight or mixed aromatics. This tobacco was very tasty, having Smyrna Latakia AND Perique which are "outliers" for me. I very much enjoyed this blend. Interestingly I checked my notes (yes, OCD) and I initially after receipt gave it a 7. Some 6 months or so later I upped my score to a 9. I believe what I experienced today was also a very strong 9.

    The smoke is very thick (probably the Latakia), and I got sweetness and enjoyable taste form the Perique, Turkish, and the Black Cavendish. The "light Rum Punch" certainly added to the experience.

    I do not think this would be an every or all day smoke for me, but it was and will continue to be a very enjoyable diversionary smoke for me. I have not seen it available on any of the sites I visit or from whom I buy. I was going to grab another tin jut to have for the future.

    Tonight I am looking at some Captain Black original in a Corn Cob for Christmas Eave.

    A Merry and Blessed Christmas to all, and to all a Good Night (well Afternoon).
  • Nice warm day in Northern Arizona. Enjoying some l Q in my Stanwell Royal Danish. Dont get any better. 
  • mapletopmapletop Master
    edited December 2018
    Well its another turn of events for me as plans have changed,
    My wife brought me home some holiday whisky glasses so I had to take advantage and instead of making dinner at home I will be traveling to my lobbyist's for cocktails and appetizers.
    Which means a a bowl for the ride each way, this is turning out to be a great holiday. Also heard  Louis Armstrong on the radio read it was Twas Night Before Christmas , never heard it before, very cool.


  • An update on my bowl of Cross Eyed Cricket

    So I go to the 4:00 PM Christmas Mass earlier. This was several hours after my earlier smoke. As I am sitting in the pew, I could very distinctly detect the aroma of the Cross Eyed Cricket. It was wafting up from my beard. It was sort of like I was smoking again. That Latakia and Perique (and Oriental) sure produce a potent and lasting aroma. I do not ever recall the olfactory sense "after the fact" being that strong with any other tobacco. I enjoyed the aroma.
  • Starting the day with some 19 year old MacBaren Mixture in a MM Patriot.
  • I hope sanda brought me some fun pipe stuff. Still waiting for my daughter to wake up!!!
  • @jfreedy, wow really nice. Congrats on that one!
  • jim102864jim102864 Master
    edited December 2018
    Escudo Navy De Luxe in my Peterson Christmas pipe. Merry Christmas all!
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