On a farm/ranch I worked on back when I was about 18-19 the owner told me that onetime one of his sows went for his young child. He was a big guy...he said he cracked it over the head with a fence post, I can't remember what exactly happened to the hog? While I was working for him four or five sheep jumped into a fiberglass water trough and drowned. He proceeded to cuss them as he grabbed each one by one leg with one hand, picked them out of the water and tossed them about 15-20 feet away. Sheep are dumb, they "follow the leader", strange to see such behavior. I'm sure the whole flock would jump off a cliff if one happened to fall over.....dumb. The also got into the fresh alfalfa field....they ate so much quite a few bloated and died. I remember him saying to me at that time. Sheep are so dumb, that if a plane would fly over, a bunch would just drop over dead. I'm pretty sure he was exaggerating though?
My apologies for straying off topic. A happy and hardy "WELCOME" to all newcomers. It is such a warm and inviting community to be a part of. You are sure to feel welcome and will learn much if you take advantage of the opportunities.
@kellyg53 I’m in Northeast Kansas. Came here 14 years ago for what I thought was a short stint, ended up marrying a Kansas girl and have planted my roots here.
@Kmhartle, I went to school at K-State a lifetime ago. Our son and his family live in Overland Park. My first round of pipe smoking started in Manhattan.
@kellyg53 Indeed, welcome to our pipe smoking discussions. We look forward to your contributions. Also, avail yourself of the FREE PIPE SMOKING LIBRARY folder. Post there what you want and I'll put it up for downloading.....
@kellyg53 - Ole'Pops? That's me! White County...that would be the Sparta area. That's around Center Hill Lake. Lots of country music celebrities live up that way these days. The area is absolutely phenomenal. Awesome fishing! Wonderful farmland. Great hunting! At any rate, welcome aboard! Enjoy your stay! (I feel like a Realtor)
Hello just wanted to say hi and introduce myself. My name is Jason I live on the east coast been smoking a pipe for quite a few years now went through the expensive tinned era and have settled in on mostly bulk aromatics, Virginias and vapers and occasionally a mild English. Kinda of a briar snob like nice classic shaped pipes. Well hello everyone hope to get to know some of you better.
@croyleje - Welcome to the forum. We have all types of snobs here - briar snobs, cob snobs, English snobs, Aromatic Snobs, hat snobs and even bearded snobs. But the one thing this forum is, is all inclusive as long as you don't talk politics and pick fights.
New member here from the Galveston area. I started smoking a pipe about 5 years ago when my son in law introduced me to this relaxing hobby. Started out with a real inexpensive pipe and have since added to my collection. Never thought I would enjoy it as I hated cigarettes but got hooked on pipe smoking. I find it relaxing, especially on days off where I start my morning off with a nice smoke and coffee on the back porch. So much to learn!
Uhcoogsfan -- Welcome to our pipe smoking karass. We're a friendly bunch and if you have any questions, someone will step forward to help. Would you declare yourself a member of the English/Latakia, VaPer (Virginia/Perique), or Aromatic grandfalloon? (Seems I'm in a Vonnegut state of mind this morning!!!)
Aromatic, although that may change as I continue on this journey! So much to learn. When I first started I only smoked occasionally and really only started smoking on a consistent basis this past year. Any suggestions on which to try next?
@Uhcoogsfan ~ Welcome to you! You've found a gold mine, here! If you're looking for lot's to learn this is where you can find it. There's so many friendly people here to help. As far as what to try? Try it ALL! You'll have to, cause half of it you won't like. Sooner or later you'll figure out there's only a few you won't be able to live without, but the journey along the way will be to kill for.
No apologies necessary
I’m from SW Kansas, born and raised. Too stupid to leave when I was young and then grew to appreciate it. It is home.
My mothers ancestral home is White County, TN, beautiful country.
Indeed, welcome to our pipe smoking discussions. We look forward to your contributions. Also, avail yourself of the FREE PIPE SMOKING LIBRARY folder. Post there what you want and I'll put it up for downloading.....
We're a friendly bunch and if you have any questions, someone will step forward to help.
Would you declare yourself a member of the English/Latakia, VaPer (Virginia/Perique), or Aromatic grandfalloon?
(Seems I'm in a Vonnegut state of mind this morning!!!)
I agree with @OlePops. Try EVERYTHING! Cellar what you don't like. It may turn out to be one of your favorites several years down the road.