In 1634, the Patriarch of Moscow, a rascal named Joasaphus, warned that both men and women who smoked would have their nostrils slit or would have the skin whipped off their backs. Dang, and I thought we had tough smoking laws!
@Danfriedman - I have small tasting clay pipes from MarKen. The New Orleans Pipe Club is getting a couple of briar pipes from MarKen for testing. We are considering having a Pipe of the Year made by MarKen by us.
While the name MarKen is only a couple of years old, the parent company is Old German Clay Pipes and the have been making clay pipes for about 150 years. They still use pipe molds that goes back to the beginning of the company. I spoke to the owner, Markus Fohr, and he said his grand-father started making briar pipes after World War II (if I remember correctly). The MarKen briar pipes sold today are produced by 10 pipe carvers in eastern European countries.
@AnantaAndroscoggin - When they shipped my package, I could track it until it arrived in the U.S. The USPS never showed any tracking information until it arrived at my mailbox. It took about 7 days from the time I received an email saying it shipped until I opened it.
It apparently went from Stamford to Springfield MA, the Southern ME distribution center, then to my Greene Post Office, supposedly to be in my hands by 8 p.m. today, though it looks like it didn't make it into the letter carrier's vehicle before they departed for their route.
Pipe Smoking Tip - A very important part of pipe smoking is making sure that you properly use a lighter or matches to get the best flavor from your tobacco. If you use a match, please make sure that you wait a few seconds after striking the match before putting the flame to the leaf. That way, you give the sulphur from the match head time to burn off. That's important because sulphur is a powerful little compound that will leave an unpleasant taste in the tobacco for quite some time after you've lit your pipe. And for those of you who use a lighter, make sure it is filled with a quality butane made especially for lighters rather than using lighter fluid, which also will leave an unpleasant chemical taste every time you relight.
Fun Fact Of The Day - Renaissance author Ben Jonson argued that smoking was the "devil’s fart." I don't know about all of you, but I've smoked pipe tobacco blends in the past that fit that descriptive!
From our friends at <<We haven't talked about this too much on here, since a large majority of people on this email list live a great distance from us, but we are getting close to our first pipe show inside the BriarWorks factory. In fact, it's two weeks from today, and we'd feel awful if you didn't know about it!
The MULETOWN PIPE SHOW is going to be so much fun. We currently have 28 vendors including handmade carvers, pipe and tobacco sellers, estate sellers, tobacco distributors, and more! We will have some very unique things going on at the show, like a tobacco blending demo with Jeremy Reeves (head blender of Cornell & Diehl Tobacco). There will also be a couple of new releases that are only available for the event.
We understand that many will not be able to make it this year due to distance or prior plans, but do us a favor, if you know anyone in or around Tennessee or someone that might want to come please share this with them to help spread the word!
It actually arrived with yesterday's mail. It came as Registered Mail.
The box was packed solid with "saw chips" and contained all 9 clay pipes, plus they packed in a tamper which the note says comes from the 1920s.
As to the set of 7 tasters, 3 of them are 8-1/4" long, and another 2 of them are 3-1/2" long.and the other 2 are 6" long. The freebie is also a 6" pipe, done in a black wash.
While the name MarKen is only a couple of years old, the parent company is Old German Clay Pipes and the have been making clay pipes for about 150 years. They still use pipe molds that goes back to the beginning of the company. I spoke to the owner, Markus Fohr, and he said his grand-father started making briar pipes after World War II (if I remember correctly). The MarKen briar pipes sold today are produced by 10 pipe carvers in eastern European countries.
Enjoy, my friend!!
<<We haven't talked about this too much on here, since a large majority of people on this email list live a great distance from us, but we are getting close to our first pipe show inside the BriarWorks factory. In fact, it's two weeks from today, and we'd feel awful if you didn't know about it!
10 Un-Finished Tobacco Pipes, Damaged, Mis-Cuts and D Quality
Lengthy missive; many photos and illustrations
Indeed I have 🙂
Nice looking fixed blade. My daily carry is a serrated blade folding Spyderco.