Some catching up. Sunday the high was 49F but sunny so I built a fire and sat by it. First pipe was some Rattray's Winter Edition 2014 in a straight Apple Rinaldo. I followed that with a Meerschaum loaded with Mystic Blend. Monday afternoon it was a little warmer with the temperature around 58F. So I loaded my Maestro de Paja with some of my Gumbo blend (made from tobacco I don't particularly like and the left overs of tins.)
I will probably grab a pipe this afternoon but with the air temperature supposed to drop to the mid-30s by 5 pm with a windchill in the low 20s, don't know if I will be smoking more than that. Tomorrow our forecast high for SE Louisiana is 39F and I don't want to think about windchill. Would smoke in the garage but we are putting my oldest daughter's 2 dogs in our garage so they don't develop pawsicles.
I hear you @PappyJoe tomorrow the high here will be 29 so in the plant it will be about 20. Since I am through with shop work for today I think I will pack my wally frank bulldogg with a nice bowl of orlik honey dew.
I didn't know where to put this so I thought maybe here. has any of you tried or heard of Middleton's cherry tobacco?. I know they make the mini cherry cigars. I didn't mean to purchase it. I thought I was buying the mini cigars. it's actually not bad at all. it's fairly mild. you do get a hint of cherry but nothing over whelming.
I would recommend it. has anyone else tried it? what are you thoughts on it
@Pipefreak2383- I use to smoke Middleton's Cherry Blend in the 1970s and 80s. It was know as a drug store tobacco but was also sold in tobacco shops in my neighborhood. Those shops are long since gone now.
I rather enjoyed it but have not seen it anywhere since. I was fortunate enough to find a factory sealed 14-oz tin last month so I purchased it and added it to my stock. In my opinion, Middleton's Cherry Blend was the only cherry pipe tobacco I liked. Didn't care much for the cigars though. Not a fan of the machine made cigars.
Some of the other pipers in this forum can suggest other cherry blends they found more enjoyable then Middleton's Cherry. Glad to hear someone else also enjoys that blend. There are so many different tobaccos out there and so many choices. Smoke what you like and enjoy!
@Charles just as I said it was a mistake but I think a mistake well giving. I asked the wife last night darn should I return it? kinda happy she said try it :-) when I was young (16-18) it was new years and my cousin had the middleton's cherry cigars and I tried it and really enjoyed I was also smoking a cigarette at the time to lol nice nicotine buzz lol but ever since that time I tried to get my hands back on them and I was never able to find them I believe black & milded makes them but puts middletons name on them. I found them on they wanted 10 pack of 5 box for $50.00 or box of 25 for $22.25 little confusing the way they worded it. Thanks a lot Charles have a good day
Still smoking Carter Hall in my Ratray billiard. I like to smoke this blend every now and then. Reminds me of my younger days when I smoked it more frequently.
Bag End from The Country Squire in a large no name billiard.... in the garage with propane space heater. It was 6F about an hour ago. Now it's a balmy 14F.
Not smoking anything since I'm in my office but I have a new Morgan Bones pipe that I keep here as "decor" and to fidget with. It's weird, because sometime when I'm working on complex projects, holding it and clenching it helps me "focus". It might be one those cases where how you dress will influence the way you behave? Haha. Hope everyone is having a good one. Will be having a REAL smoke later today.
@buflosab Not too many stores out here. Mostly cigar only lounges. There is a tobacconist that offers pipe but they have been shifting more heavily towards cigars.
@Charles Thanks! My fiancee got it for me for my birthday last year haha.
@motie2 No clue... strange...haha a mystery? (pun intended)
I want to go outside but 25 Fahrenheit is too much for these old bones. Tomorrow will hit 50, so I will wait. Anybody going out below 32 for a pipe is a bigger man than I am :-)
@Oddjob27, looking good there sir. I like the mug as well. I don't know why, but I don't have a pipe related mug for my coffee. Hmmm, that needs to change.
After work smoke! C&D Nutty Irishman in my Peterson Killarney Bent Bulldog. I'm trying to stick with YouTube's Muttonchop Piper's 2018 Blend Club schedule.
Sunday the high was 49F but sunny so I built a fire and sat by it. First pipe was some Rattray's Winter Edition 2014 in a straight Apple Rinaldo.
I followed that with a Meerschaum loaded with Mystic Blend.
Monday afternoon it was a little warmer with the temperature around 58F. So I loaded my Maestro de Paja with some of my Gumbo blend (made from tobacco I don't particularly like and the left overs of tins.)
I will probably grab a pipe this afternoon but with the air temperature supposed to drop to the mid-30s by 5 pm with a windchill in the low 20s, don't know if I will be smoking more than that. Tomorrow our forecast high for SE Louisiana is 39F and I don't want to think about windchill. Would smoke in the garage but we are putting my oldest daughter's 2 dogs in our garage so they don't develop pawsicles.
Since I am through with shop work for today I think I will pack my wally frank bulldogg with a nice bowl of orlik honey dew.
I would recommend it. has anyone else tried it? what are you thoughts on it
I rather enjoyed it but have not seen it anywhere since. I was fortunate enough to find a factory sealed 14-oz tin last month so I purchased it and added it to my stock. In my opinion, Middleton's Cherry Blend was the only cherry pipe tobacco I liked. Didn't care much for the cigars though. Not a fan of the machine made cigars.
Some of the other pipers in this forum can suggest other cherry blends they found more enjoyable then Middleton's Cherry. Glad to hear someone else also enjoys that blend. There are so many different tobaccos out there and so many choices. Smoke what you like and enjoy!
just as I said it was a mistake but I think a mistake well giving. I asked the wife last night darn should I return it? kinda happy she said try it :-) when I was young (16-18) it was new years and my cousin had the middleton's cherry cigars and I tried it and really enjoyed I was also smoking a cigarette at the time to lol nice nicotine buzz lol but ever since that time I tried to get my hands back on them and I was never able to find them I believe black & milded makes them but puts middletons name on them. I found them on they wanted 10 pack of 5 box for $50.00 or box of 25 for $22.25 little confusing the way they worded it. Thanks a lot Charles have a good day
@Charles Thanks! My fiancee got it for me for my birthday last year haha.
@motie2 No clue... strange...haha a mystery? (pun intended)