Received a tin of Cornell & Diehl Sea Dog in my Christmas stocking. It contains dark burley, bright Virginias, black cavendish and Cyprian Latakia. It's been a good change of pace from all the aromatics I've been smoking since Thanksgiving.
Smoked almost the last of my 60-y/o Edgeworth tobacco in on of my Peterson billiards before heading to work. Have enough for another pipe or two this evening after work.
Orlik Golden Sliced. I believe this tin is from 2015. I’m using it to break in my Christmas gift. A couple angels I work with pulled their money together to surprise me with a Rossi Rubino billiard. I hate the restaurant industry, but I love the people I work with.
Seattle Pipe Clubs "Plum Pudding," in a wide bowled Rad Davis blasted devil anse. This tin was gifted to me, by an experienced benefactor, and my God this is one fantastic blend, that can definitely give Penzance a run for it's money.......
Just tried some Sutliff 245ZBC,one of the new ones,taste buds and sinuses are not up to par today so it is difficult to describe, but what I can taste is not bad.It is a dark Tobbaco and mellow,so that's a good thing.
NOTHING! It's just too damn cold to go outside! we are in a bit of a cold snap here in NC. Should be back to normal next week 40s-50s. Then in 2 weeks 50s-60s yay.
It's 14 degrees here in North Alabama, but I am having a pipe indoors. Solani aged burley flake, in a Grant Batson smooth chubby egg nosewarmer, weighing in at 47 grams.
Ugh, it looks so nice out too...clear Carolina blue sky, full sunshine but OMG, when the breeze blows it's freaking cold! Ok, I may pour a glass of bourbon and make an attempt before I start cooking.
Tonight's menu is: Eggrolls Fried rice Shrimp with Bock choy in a lemon butter sauce.
McClelland 2015 Virginia-Perique flake in a Savinelli Dolomiti Rusticated 320 KS while I draft sermons. The 320 KS has a huge bowl and really adds oomph to Va Per blends. It smokes for almost 2 hours easily.
@ghostsofpompeii, awe he looks so cute. I is very hard when we must part ways with our furry family. Sorry man. About two years ago I lost my first Beagle and it crushed me. Vinny, is one year old and is about 50lbs. Big for a Beagle but what a sweetheart. I love him.
It's just too damn cold to go outside!
Tonight's menu is:
Fried rice
Shrimp with Bock choy in a lemon butter sauce.