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What are you guys smoking right Now?



  • American Patriot in a Johs Giant Rustic Lumberman
  • That's great news motie2.

    CH in an Edward's Poker.

  • PhilipPhilip Enthusiast
    Closed out the evening with some War Horse Bar. A bit rougher than the cut, which I like, and it had a bit of a spice that I can't put my finger on. The downside is my tongue feels like a riding crop, which I guess is ironic.

    Going to work my way through the rest of the plug but will probably stick with the cut in the future.
  • @Charles I have one pouch of Mixture 79 that I've been working on now for about a year and not making much headway. Either that or the blend is self-replicating. I smoke it on the odd occasion I'm not in the mood for something sweet ... and think let's see if I can finally make a dent in that pouch of Mixture 79. If it taste like the licorice pouch note I'd be pleased - but the Lakeland floral aftertaste really makes it hard to get through the bowl. Feel like I'm smoking my wife's potpourri. And it seems to be the only aromatic blend that actually ghosts my pipe once I smoke a bowl. It doesn't last long ... maybe 1/4 way into the next bowl ... but I immediately detect that floral taste as early as the char light. .  
  • PhilosoPiperPhilosoPiper Connoisseur
    Caping off my night with some McClelland 5100 in my Natural Sandblasted Savinelli Nonpareil that I inherited, and doing a last minute once over of my sermon for the morning.
  • I'm putting on my red cap with the white fluffy tassel on top and celebrating Christmas in May with a three layered blend of Christmas pipe tobaccos ... C&D Corn Cob Pipe And Button Nose (bottom layer), Sutliff Christmas Spice (middle layer), and to top it off Boswell Christmas Cookie. I'll be smoking it in my big bowl Brebbia Calabash. I love stacking blends.
  • PhilipPhilip Enthusiast
    Professor Ghost not in the mood for something sweet? I don't believe it. that 79 should last you 112 years.
  • xDutchxxDutchx Master

    Old Dark Fired, in a Brighton James 4 Knuckle Bamboo Asymmetrical Cobra, weighing in at 32 grams.......



  • @Phillip Considering what I normally smoke, you're probably right. But when that odd occasion come I usually turn to Edgeworth Ready Rubbed (the MATCH blend), "Velvet, Carter Hall (my favorite among the three), Sutliff Coffee, or Mixture 79 (usually my last choice). So you're probably right about that 112 year figure. I think I'm make a special event post the day I finish the pouch.  

  • PhilipPhilip Enthusiast
    That would be great. Then I'll know what to get you for Christmas.
  • motie2motie2 Master
    Right now, I watching it rain...... again.
  • Lane RR in a Mark Twain to start my morning.Listening to a playlist comprising the songs I listed in the jazz playlist thread.
  • motie2motie2 Master
    This morning, there's this big ball of fire in the sky, it's very bright out, and it's not raining. On the otherhand, it's not warm out, but with temps in the low 60's, I'm gonna sit on my deck and smoke a bowl.  God is good!
  • "On the otherhand, it's not warm out, but with temps in the low 60's".
    Shoot, @motie2, that sounds perfectly fine to me - a nice Michigan spring day.

    Paul's Arrowhead in a my Chuck Sands saddle stem billiard.
  • motie2motie2 Master
    Today, I'll enjoy my third bowl of @ghostsofpompeii 's "Mrs. Hudson's 221B Bakery Blend." I actually smoked two bowls of it yesterday, and I seldom smoke two bowls in one day. But it's so good.
  • @motie2 So glad you liked it. It's my only experiment that didn't end in utter failure. Usually I end up ruining several perfectly wonderful blends by mixing them together. I guess what they say is right ..."Even a broken clock is right two times a day."
  • Since I have insomnia I'm normally a night person and seldom wake-up before 9:00, so I don't get many opportunities for an early morning smoke. But today my wife and I planned on a road trip to rub elbows with the Amish so I woke up around 5:30 so we could get on the road early and beat the morning traffic. But as fate would have it, the weather was cold, damp, and rainy - so we had to call off the road trip till another day. But it did give me the unique opportunity for an early morning smoke and a cup of coffee with the sunrise, so I selected one of the new blends from my Pipes & Cigars order - Sutliff Dulce de Leche which is absolutely superb. Love those Sutliff aromatics. I'll right a more detailed review later.
  • Just stepped in from the company lounge, temps startin to warm up nicely.  It's almost 70, been a little chili these last couple a days.

    Enjoyed my guilty pleasure....  Smokers Pride Black Cavendish.  This is a great smoke for the money.  Picked up the 12 oz bag a couple of months back when P&C had it on sale for $13 or so. 

    Has been a great addition to my Office Baccy Stash.  :)

  • Lane RR in my MM General.
  • Watchmaker61Watchmaker61 Enthusiast
    Head cold is gone to celebrate. Captain Black Dark in my 1904 Peterson!
  • PhilipPhilip Enthusiast
    1904 !!!  You wouldn't happen to have a photo handy?
  • motie2motie2 Master
    Creme Brulee / Molto Dolce blend in my oldest Carey Apple. 

    Saving Mrs. Hudson's 221B Bakery blend for special occasions..... (Tip o' the hat to @ghostsofpompeii)
  • Having a bowl of Bayou Morning in my Stanwell Lovat.
  • motie2motie2 Master
    Another almost nice day, with torrential rain predicted for the weekend, so I'm gonna visit with Mrs. Hudson's 221B Bakery blend (Thanks, @ghostsofpompeii) out on the deck this afternoon.
  • Hearth & Home Marquee Fleet Commander, the newest in this series, in a big bent Sabatini.
  • I've decided to concentrate on a tin of Comoy's Cask No. 5 - Bullet Rye Select. I bought last year. I'm down to about half of the 100g tin.
    Smoked a bowl yesterday in my Savinelli Church Warden. Plan on smoking it later this morning in a Savinelli Oom Paul. 
  • Nice and easy this morning - Lane RR in an MM Washington.
  • motie2motie2 Master
    Watching what is predicted to be a "monsoon like" rain in northern NJ.
  • Dedicated my afternoon outdoors smoke to a pair of old reliable OTC blends ... Captain Black Royal, followed immediately by a bowl of Carter Hall. I don't often smoke two bowls in a row, but it was such a nice afternoon I couldn't help myself. Even pulled out my carved pear wood pipe normally reserved for Friday the 13th and Halloween. It's borderline gaudy but I bought it anyway primarily to smoke on those eerie little occasions when there is evil in the air and creatures of the night are stirring in the shadows.


    spider spipe 2
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