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What are you guys smoking right Now?



  • @motie2, I don't have very many pokers, but this one has a conical bowl, and I do enjoy smoking her occasionally. I can remember back when his pipes sold out within minutes of being listed each week, but he actually has a few available right now on his website.
  • "PappyJoe

    You should have been on the front porch, smoking a cob and cleaning your shotgun"

    Ha, yer probably right.  :)

    Her boyfriend is actually a good kid with good parents.

    When her first started dating our daughter he had the "privilege" of meeting both of her older brothers and having a "sit down" with me.

    I effectively communicated the acceptable attitude and behavior I would expect and that if need be I'd be more than glad to show him all the rifles, shotguns and handguns I'd accumulated over my 1/2 century on this here earth, not to mention the "Thousands" of rounds I'd amassed for each.

    I think I made my point.  The next time I saw his dad he was quick to tell me what an impression my son's and I had made on him and that he had absolutely no desire to ever be witness to my modest arsenal.  :)

    On a followup note, my wife had been in communication with his step mom and had both agreed that curfew that night should be no later than 1am.  He walked her to the door @ 12:30.

    It was a bitter sweet night.  Sweet in the fact that our last youngin had a great evening @ her Sr. Prom with all of her friends.  Bitter in the sad realization that before you know it my blond and I will be empty nesters.
  • McCranie's Highland in a GBD alpha sitter.
  • motie2motie2 Master
    @Woodsman -- That's one sweet pipe.
  • Just stepped in from the company lounge, enjoyed a nice bowl of SP Black Cavendish in the Bent Brandy.

    Sippin Arnold Palmer & bergs.

  • DixonHillDixonHill Newcomer
    Not a darn thing! I smoke outside and it's cold and damp here in southern Maine. Too uncomfortable to sit outside for a smoke. Looking forward to tomorrow's promised warmer, drier weather.
  • motie2motie2 Master
    @DixonHill -- Oh, how I sympathize with ya. Northern New Jersey has been having a cool, rainy springtime. SWMBO won't let me smoke indoors, and  I really don't want to sit bundled up in the rain.
  • DixonHillDixonHill Newcomer
    @motie2...Yep, I've never been a "lurk in the doorway" smoker. When I smoke a pipe, I want to be comfortable and relaxed. 
  • That sux fellas.  We had to turn on the A/C last week, temp climbing up into the 90's a couple of days.

    Looks like the highs are 79 & 80 for the next few and then down into the mid 60's for a couple of days.

    Looking forward to sleeping with the windows open and the A/C off
  • DixonHillDixonHill Newcomer
    Hmm, I think I'd rather have our cooler temps than the ones you're describing @Boananzadriver. A/C already, and it's not even summer yet! 
  • Rattray's Exotic Orange in a Savinelli Giubileo d'Oro bulldog
  • DarmonDarmon Master
    Boswell's Countryside in a MM Bent Diplomat
  • Just finished a bowl of Sutliff Maple Street. Smoked it in one of my old reliable work pipes. I was rummaging through my closet looking for something when I happened upon a paper sack that contained a bunch of papers, an old Franklin Planner, and some assorted photographs and personal effects that once decorated my desk at work. I immediately realized this was the bag I pilled my personal belonging into the day I retired from the Steel Mill. And there rattling around at the bottom of the bag were several battle scarred pipes I smoked when I was working in the office. Pulled one out, wiped away the dust, stuck it between my teeth and it fit like a glove, then headed off to the garage to give it a smoke.  
  • It's always good to come upon an old favorite thought lost, kind of renewing an  old friendship.

    Balkan I in a Peterson 314 Meerschaum.

  • Rofo6672Rofo6672 Newcomer
    Father the Flame by C&D
  • Sittin up in the mancave with the windows open, enjoyin the cool breeze and listening to the rain.

    Spent the evening reviving an estate Author 320 KS I picked up on eBay. (see My Latest Before and After)

    I think I lost count of what all I've smoked this evening but here's a few...

    Autumn Evening
    English Hooplah
    London Mixture
    Raccon's Accent
    MM 965
    Frog Morton
    Vermont Maple Cavendish
    Carter Hall
    BB 1938

    And the last smoke of the night...

    Margate in the Bent Bulldog.

    Sippin Glenrothes Neat.

  • So, with a day like today...

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    So, I did what any self respectin pipefeller would do and stepped out to the company lounge...

    imagephoto image_zpsozfdsh1s.jpeg">

    Sippin Arnold Palmer w/bergs
  • motie2motie2 Master
    <envious> and now it's gusty winds.
  • DixonHillDixonHill Newcomer
    So, we're finally getting some sun and warmth (54 degrees). I've made my way to the porch with a no name freehand estate filled with MacBaren VA #1 and a mug of Earl Grey.
  • blake1827blake1827 Newcomer
    Ryback Gold today, a nice Va/DFK blend.  Just got a shipment of MacBaren Modern VA, and VA No. 1 
  • Watchmaker61Watchmaker61 Enthusiast
    Unfortunately not a thing got a bad cold so I'm done for the duration!!!
  • YohananYohanan Master
    LJ Heart Burley in a Falcon International.
  • MacB HH VS in my Brandt apple, with Coltrane & Hartman in the background.
  • Smoking some SPC Pike's Place right now. Here's part of my line up for my lazy off day:

    flakes drying 2

    McClelland Brindle Flake, Dunhill Flake and PS Bullseye Flake. 
  • motie2motie2 Master
    Creme Brulee in a Verdammt billiard, if you catch my drift. I'll report back.
  • After dinner and a game of triomino's with The Blonde and my son Nick, he and I made our way up to the mancave.

    I set out a flake of Germain's Rich Dark Flake that I had received as a gift from @mgtarheel, to let it dry out a bit.

    I then started the evenings medley with some of the Lane's I'd picked up at the TAPS show last month.

    was a bowl of Crown Achievement in the Square Panel Savanelli Billiard.
    Man this stuff sings to me and that little smoker is a great briar.

    Nick started with Raccoon's Accent.

    Then we both had a bowl of London Dock, Nick's favorite. I too quite enjoy it.

    Then I moved onto Rimboche S.J. A very bright smoke, for me anyway. Very good

    The English Hooplah finally got a go in one of my Bent Billiars. I really enjoy this tobacco.

    I decided to sweeten things up with some good ol Cap'n Black Cherry in the Dunhill pot. Guilty pleasure

    After a bowl of Lanes HG 2000 in the ol Bent Dublin it was time to give the RDF a try.

    I folded up most of it but rubbed out some of it to put on top.

    It was still a bit moist, necessitating a few re-lights, but I gotta tell ya, this is one fine smoke.

    What was I smoking it in you might ask?

    Why, the Savinelli Oscar 320 KS I just refurbed, of course.

    like this, with a sweet glass of one of my favorite Scotch's...
    Glenrothes accompanying the pipe, makes one feel as if all is right with
    the world.

  • Starting the morning with a simple bowl of Lane RR in a Mark Twain.
  • motie2motie2 Master
    "The curse has been lifted." Thanks to all who contributed to the exorcism of that lovely Carey billiard.
  • CharlesCharles Master
    @ghostsofpompeii  Not a fan of Mixture 79.  Bought three pouches from Pipes & Cigars about a year ago.  First, it came in a plastic pouch instead of the aluminum and box packaging of the past and of which Prince Albert is still packed.  Second, I noticed that Mixture 79 did not taste the same as I remembered it from the 1970s but what really does taste the same?

    I used a brand new pipe that had never been smoked so there was no chance of ghost flavors in the pipe.  This has to be the worst tobacco I have smoked ever. Smoked about less then half of the pouch and could not tolerate it anymore.  Now, I have a brand  with a ghost flavor that just wont leave and about two and a half pouches of Mixture 79.  The positive is that I am not stuck with a 12oz tin (which I almost purchases) and I learned that either the tobacco changed or I really did not like it back in the 70s and forgot. To me, the taste was like smoking moldy perfumed flowers.  In fact, I was so convinced, I even dumped the pouch on a some parchment paper and examined the tobacco under a bright light with a magnifying glass to examine for mold spores.  There we none.  Just crappy tobacco. As for my new Savinelli pipe, I will break out the dremel and sand out the inside and maybe soak it with whiskey and dry it out then build cake with some Prince Albert or Sir Walter Raleigh.

  • motie2motie2 Master
    @Charles -- the ads claim the flavoring of Mixture 79 is licorice. Even back in the day it was.... less than enjoyable. Even Brindley's Mixture or John Rolfe were better smokes. I don't know about today.

    Raining heavily. Drat. 
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