@Londy3; I actually started the pipe before we were married, then there were periods of time when it was not convenient to smoke for various reasons. When we were first married I could smoke inside our apartment and at work, but at some point I found out who the boss really was and no more inside relaxation. So off and on, I would say around 56+ years.
Loading up and smoking my Grandpa’s Yello-Bole Imperial #3107 with some Velvet, most likely the same tobacco he smoked. He passed away just a few months before I was born. Unless my dad or his twin brother (the estate I acquired it from) smoked this pipe, this is the first fire it has seen in 55+ years. I never saw my dad or my uncle smoke a pipe that I remember, but I know they did because I have pictures and my uncle’s Medico pipe. One of my brothers has my fathers pipe, a rusticated Dr. Grabow or Medico? As best I can figure out, this Imperial was made between 1936-1939.
@RockyMountainBriar - I bet it’s lightweight and smoked dry. I love smoking really old briar. That’s a really cool way to connect with him even though you two never met.
@jfreedy It is light for it’s size, and it did smoke dry, no gurgles. I have to say that generally “stingers” suck, but the old Yello-Bole “narrow scoop” stingers do their job. I have several old Yello-Bole’s with that style of stinger and they all smoke well.
Had a bowl of McConnell Ripe Honeydew in my 1926 Dunhill 151 this morning. Loading my Ardor Venere with some Peterson Special Reserve 2016 for my next bowl.
Did some Sutliff 999-nine today also received my order of Russ- Falling Leaves. Sorry to say no-like, not much of an Aromatic taste or room note. Must have an ingredient I don’t care for, sorta peppery taste. One of these days I’m going to learn to investigate the properties that make up a blend and not assume the blend will taste like the name. Going to have to do a mix creation.
Just smoked a bowl of Borkum Riff Limited Edition "36 Degrees North" Mixture with California Wine.
Was never a Borkim Riff kind of guy ... my early go to was always Captain Black. Borkum Riff tended to burn my tongue. But I must say that this "36 Degrees North" wasn't bad at all. The Limited Edition blend was only around for a short time - and I actually forgot I had it. Smoked it a few times - didn't think much of it - and relegated it to the back shelf of the cellar for about two years. So maybe ageing did wonders for the blend. Don't know if my tastes have changed but I can't remember enjoying it as much when I first opened the tin as I did today. Guess I'll make a point of returning to it more often.
I know, I know... This is my 3rd day in a row to smoke this pipe (with in-between cleanings of course), but I can't help it. First, it is a great smoker. Second, after I first received this used pipe off Ebay, I thoroughly cleaned it inside and out. The result was a pipe that was almost as white as a sheet. After about 6 times, it has now changed to a creamy complexion and darkening around certain areas quite nicely. So much so that I find myself driven to continue the patina process! The phone auto adjusts the contrast, so the pipe is showing up a lot lighter than it really is. I'm doing some Sutliff Dulce de Leche, MAYBE one more bowl, then force myself to rack it for a week...
@KA9FFJ Have you waxed the outside of the bowl with beeswax yet? It really brings out the colors and keeps them coming. NOTE/Caution: It will darken the meerschaum markedly.
I actually started the pipe before we were married, then there were periods of time when it was not convenient to smoke for various reasons. When we were first married I could smoke inside our apartment and at work, but at some point I found out who the boss really was and no more inside relaxation. So off and on, I would say around 56+ years.
It is light for it’s size, and it did smoke dry, no gurgles. I have to say that generally “stingers” suck, but the old Yello-Bole “narrow scoop” stingers do their job. I have several old Yello-Bole’s with that style of stinger and they all smoke well.
Loading my Ardor Venere with some Peterson Special Reserve 2016 for my next bowl.
First, it is a great smoker.
Second, after I first received this used pipe off Ebay, I thoroughly cleaned it inside and out. The result was a pipe that was almost as white as a sheet. After about 6 times, it has now changed to a creamy complexion and darkening around certain areas quite nicely. So much so that I find myself driven to continue the patina process! The phone auto adjusts the contrast, so the pipe is showing up a lot lighter than it really is.
I'm doing some Sutliff Dulce de Leche, MAYBE one more bowl, then force myself to rack it for a week...
Have you waxed the outside of the bowl with beeswax yet? It really brings out the colors and keeps them coming. NOTE/Caution: It will darken the meerschaum markedly.