@KA9FFJ Indeed, wishing you a very happy Birthday my friend, and to celebrate I'm going to have another double bourbon old fashion (much to my wife's chagrin) in your honor.
May you and your family and friends remain healthy and may all the additional tools you have been thinking of suddenly appear in front of your garage door.
Tnx guys for all the BD wishes yesterday. Much appreciated. Enjoying some Lane LL7 in a @Corey562 artisan pipe. A great blend in a well made pipe. A very cool smoke.
Had a bowl of C&D Old Court, a favorite, (Black Cavendish, Burley, Latakia, Perique, Virginia ) while at a customers doing some electrical control repairs on roto-molding equipment.
In a Brebbia Sun 834
Was too lazy to take a picture so I copied the image on Tobacco Pipes
Enjoying what I refer to as the Shelby Foote Mixture (2/3 Half & Half and 1/3 Edward G. Robinson) in my Savinelli Trevi and sipping a little Quiet Man Irish Whiskey.
Smoking a virginia/burley blend with a little oriental, perique & Latakia. Weird mix I created but actually is delicious. Smoking it in my Savinelli second poker.
Giving the olive wood “screen”/“bowl adjuster”? I made a trial run in my Peterson O2 with some RLP-6. The pipe has a bit of a ghost, not too funky, but the RLP-6 should exercise the old ghost and bring it back in line with the “spirit” of RLP-6.
Finished planting some sweet onions, tired of this friken cold weather here in northern Illinois it was 29 last night.
Anyway my lovely wife, out of the blue has decided to experiment with cocktails (all hail the corona virus) I mean this is so unexpected. but her first attempt was pretty good, it's a gimlet with gin but instead of sweet n sour she used lime juice with a honey based simple syrup. was very goood.
Followed by a my favorite 100 proof old Fitzgerald double bourbon old fashion and since she was making dinner, I got to sit outside and smoke a bowl oh MacBaren HH Bold Kentucky in my favorite flake pipe, a rusticated Peterson 303 system pipe, P lip,
I hope all my fellow TPL brother and sisters are faring well.
That sounds great @mapletop, I love bourbon and gin......not in the same glass though😬
Ok, speaking of “the same glass” here is something that my brother, myself and some others came up with one night with at a local watering hole called “The Office” (in case the wives or significant others ask, we are at the office😉.) drinking....and....drinking. The barmaid asked what drinks we wanted, my brother rattled off “what the F ever”. She proceeded to ask what that was. On the spot we collaborated and came up with two, generally polarizing, shots...in one shot. A 50/50 shot of gin and tequila, use well spirits, no need to use the good stuff, but you can if you want. I like it, my brother likes it...others no matter if they hate either gin or tequila...or both, most agree that it “doesn’t suck”, and some like it. Yep, it’s crazy, but they “help” each other in the blend.
Smoking near the olive wood now and I’m getting a bit of olive oil aroma and flavor in the smoke. I wonder if olive wood pipes get this during break-in, or if the olive wood for pipes has the oils/saps boiled out like briar? I don’t own an olive wood pipe.....yet😉
KA9FFJ; Never let good knockers go to waste! For that matter, never let anything from "Quite Man" go to waste! If like me you are a fan of knockers, check out my post on 3/31 in "Let's see your pipe storage".
Good Tobacco choice, and a good looking meer too👍🏻
Chilly and wet here today. All I've enjoyed was a morning bowl of Balkan Sasieni in a MM Washington.
Enjoying some Lane LL7 in a @Corey562 artisan pipe. A great blend in a well made pipe. A very cool smoke.
Doing some BCA in a meer Rhodesian...
Ok, speaking of “the same glass” here is something that my brother, myself and some others came up with one night with at a local watering hole called “The Office” (in case the wives or significant others ask, we are at the office😉.) drinking....and....drinking. The barmaid asked what drinks we wanted, my brother rattled off “what the F ever”. She proceeded to ask what that was. On the spot we collaborated and came up with two, generally polarizing, shots...in one shot. A 50/50 shot of gin and tequila, use well spirits, no need to use the good stuff, but you can if you want. I like it, my brother likes it...others no matter if they hate either gin or tequila...or both, most agree that it “doesn’t suck”, and some like it. Yep, it’s crazy, but they “help” each other in the blend.
I don’t own an olive wood pipe.....yet😉
Never let good knockers go to waste! For that matter, never let anything from "Quite Man"
Just wanted to wish all you ladies of the briar out there a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!