@KABUL07 Wonder what they had in mind when contemplating a flavor for a Thanksgiving blend ... turkey, dressing, pumpkin pie, candied yams? Christmas blends tend to have a variety of spiced flavors like a fruitcake in a bowl. But just what particular flavor encapsulates the essence of Thanksgiving?
@KA9FFJ Ah, if I had known you were close by, I definitely would’ve let you know. The trip was a bit last minute, too, but it would’ve been fun to meet up, chat, and smoke a pipe. If I get to come back, I’ll be sure to tell you.
White Christmas and Captain Black. I'm winding down from another Saturday of retail. There is something about the aroma of Captain Black classic that speaks to holiday baking. If it feels too rarely for White Christmas remember this is a buddy movie about two vets helping out their retired division commander.
The pipe is an estate pipe I picked up at King Street Emporium a while back. The maker's name is done with an electric engraving tool and these old eyes can't read it. It smokes like a dream though and that is what is important.
@jfreedyJust tried the C&D Carolina Red Flake and wasn't impressed until I got half way through the bowl, then the flavor really came on quite nicely. Good stuff.
Picking up my grandkids for an overnight stay in about an hour, so I loaded up some Sutliff Caramello J2 in a Hilson 201 with an extended stem. Just right for a 35 - 45 minute smoke...
@mfresa - I agree with your review. And, I think with a some more age it will be amazing. I picked up 2 more tins to cellar for a few years. TobaccoPipes still has some Carolina Red Flake in stock.
Brr, it's a cold one today. I considered taking the evening off indoors, but since I just got back from Missouri yesterday and haven't had a pipe in a few days, I decided to brave the weather for a bit. Smoking SPC's Plum Pudding in my Peterson Dublin Castle pipe.
@PappyJoe What pipe are you smoking there brother? That is one good looking pipe! By the way, I love that hat you're wearing, but I can't quite make out the insignia. Fill me in please...
Love that VBC.
@pipeman83 Happy Birthday!
I'm winding down from another Saturday of retail. There is something about the aroma of Captain Black classic that speaks to holiday baking. If it feels too rarely for White Christmas remember this is a buddy movie about two vets helping out their retired division commander.
The pipe is an estate pipe I picked up at King Street Emporium a while back. The maker's name is done with an electric engraving tool and these old eyes can't read it. It smokes like a dream though and that is what is important.
Most of us know VC.
But what’s Black Vanilla all about? Mini review please?
Smoking some trout stream from King Street Emporium in a Missouri Meerschaum.
Man, it's cold here today. What happened to Fall? 🤔
By the way, I love that hat you're wearing, but I can't quite make out the insignia. Fill me in please...