@thebadgerpiper - Happy Birthday!! How funny, today (March 9) is actually my birthday! I’m celebrating with a bowl of LL ReadyRubbed in a Missouri Pride cob.
My pipe tobacco cellar is just over the 12 months mark. I got a few different personal blends I’ve been testing besides having a nice stogie today. Posted a picture of that here earlier because it’s all I had at the time while I was out enjoying myself.
thebadgerpiper "Today was my birthday, so I spent it cleaning up this estate Savinelli that I acquired from a good friend of mine. This one needed some heavy TLC, so it got a scrubbing with a wood cleaner, a deep interior clean, and a stem polishing. The work was worth it, as it came out nice, yet retaining a respectable, weathered look. I'm breaking it in with MacBaren's Burley Flake, and I can safely report that it's a keeper. Dent Dublins are great pipes.
Well we (CPCC) had a social smoke at Arlington Pipe an Cigar this afternoon and a few of our members were observing March meerschaum madness while they castigated those of us who weren't
Had several bowls and bought some more tobacco, tried for the first time some G L Please Jackknife plug in my Peterson 303, it has some cigar leaf in it, smoked well and I though it was pretty good, now I have to pull out the Billy Budd for comparison.
I guess the next one in this genre to try will be G L Please Key Largo
Recieved an order today, Lane RLP-6, PS Nougat, and Prince Albert Soft Vanilla. Haven't had any PA blend in decades, good to go back to some of the first blends I ever tried. The P.S.Nougat was not very impressive, just didn't have much of a taste. So I improved this blend by mixing it with Vanilla Black Cavendish. Maybe it's just me but as stated before really have not had much luck with P.S. aromatics. Ready to throw in the towel with P. S. aromatics.
Sat out back in a T-shirt and jeans and enjoyed a pipe of Broken Riff. A couple of days ago it was snowing. I've got a pipe full of Half and Half in a bent Missouri Meerschaum. It seems like the simpler blends work better in the warmer weather for me.
H&H Virginia Spice in my go to Dr.Grabows Omega. Side note: I've got a reasonable amount of pipes but find myself always returning to my two Grabows, they are just great smokers.
Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes. It truly means a lot to me.
@jfreedy I had no idea your birthday was after mine. I hope you had a great Birthday as well. Funnily enough, I'm smoking Lane Limited's Ready Rubbed in a cob as well, though it's the Marcus. I still don't know what to think of LLRR. I like it, but it's different from any codger blend I've had before.
Happy Birthday to
Bagerpiper and jfreedy
Smoking my newly repaired and refurbished Wally Frank Meer with some Dan Tobacco “Devil’s Holiday”.
H&H Virginia Spice in my go to Dr.Grabows Omega. Side note: I've got a reasonable amount of pipes but find myself always returning to my two Grabows, they are just great smokers.