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  • @PappyJoe
    I was not sure how to annotate that last one…HaHa, or Awesome…I went with awesome.  Thank you for your service.   I would say that I helped pay your way, but It was probably before I had a job and the taxes that go along with it🙂
  • @PappyJoe, how did you like McMurdo?  My boss threatened to send me there at one time.
  • PappyJoePappyJoe Master
    edited April 2022
    Admittedly, it was back in January 1974 when I was there so things have probably changed considerably since then. Our mission was to break a channel in the ice to McMurdo and escort two supply ships (one cargo, one tanker) to the station.

    It is also where the theory of "It's not the temperature, it's the humidity" was reinforced. We were there during a heat wave and the high temperature climbed all the way up to 20f if I remember correctly. When working on a fuel transfer, most of us on deck were comfortable in long sleeve shirts or light jackets instead of the normal arctic weather gear we normally wore. 

    The interesting things were the lectures given by the onboard scientists doing research and included film of penguins and leopard seals. Did you know that leopard seals will grab a penguin by its feet, fling it high into the air and the swallow the penguin headfirst as it comes back down? The scientist on this trip were studying the smaller sealife to discover how they survived being frozen in the ice. 

    There were three different "clubs" at McMurdo back then. One for officers only, one for senior enlisted (E7 and above) and one for everyone else. 
    Where most bars have coolers to keep the beer cold, these bars kept the beer in heated rooms to keep the beer from freezing. Rumor had it that the beer sent to Antartica contained a small amount of formaldehyde to also prevent the freezing. If it did, I didn't notice a difference but it was Budweiser or Australian beer so who could tell.

    There was also a package store where people at the station were allowed on bottle of hard liquor and one bottle of wine per week. At the time, it was $5 a bottle for the hard stuff and $3 bottle for wine. It was always easy to find a wine drinker who would trade a bottle of whiskey for a bottle of wine. The problem was smuggling the booze back aboard ship. (Not a problem when you had a good working relationship to your engineering officers.) That's where I learned drinking 3/4 of a bottle of Wild Turkey in one night wasn't good for you.

    Seriously though, seeing hundreds of penguins in the wild, watching tons of ice shear off an iceberg and being able to see the sun set and then travel around the horizon before it started rising, were all fascinating.  There had been a planned expedition to see Shackleton's Hut but those plans fell through when one of the vessels we were escorting had a rudder malfunction and we had to assist in making repairs. 

  • Those are hilarious! I especially like these:
    Sometimes the Universe puts you in the same situation again to see if you’re still a dumbass.
    She says I keep pushing her buttons.  If that were true, I would have found mute by now.
    I haven't gotten anything done today. I've been in the Produce Department trying to open this stupid plastic bag.
    My tolerance for idiots is extremely low these days. I used to have some immunity built up, but obviously there's a new strain out there. 

  • @opipeman

    I knew a guy when I was in high school who you go into a grocery store and buy cases of cantaloupes, green bell peppers and onions. 
    He would then sell them at a roadside fruit and vegetable stand. 
  • @PappyJoe;
    Sounds like an early entrepreneur.
  • @PappyJoe
    He probably claimed they were “locally grown” too. Every once in a while my wife and I go to the local “farmers market “ and it’s always amazed me that the city pinheads from Greensboro can’t tell the difference between a store tomato and a garden tomato. 
  • PappyJoePappyJoe Master
    edited April 2022
    Yeah. He got caught and the cops tried to shut him down until the found out they couldn't.

    He just switched to buying from a produce wholesaler and then couldn't stop him.

    His sign just said "Fresh Produce" and didn't make any claim about being locally grown. Here in Louisiana there are a number of produce stands and none of that I know of makes a claim of "Locally" grown except for specific items. Louisiana Grown strawberries and satsumas get their own signs inside the markets. And, yes, they are better than Florida, California or Mexico grown strawberries simply because they are picked ripe and not green for shipping. 
  • @PappyJoe
    I had to use the google to find out what the heck a satsuma was.  You learn something everyday👍🏻
  • @RockyMountainBriar
    There are big orchards of them downriver from New Orleans. They are similar to a Mandarin Orange and a tangerine. 
    They have spread across the Gulf Coast because people put them in their yards and I know some deer hunters who planted satsumas trees on their deer lease years ago because the deer love to eat them. The satsumas usually start ripening in October so they are plentiful during deer season. 
  • Londy3Londy3 Master
    Better late than never.. I just now saw that picture you posted that looks nothing like me 😂🤣
  • What a great idea, but with my aversion to dog doo it'll never happen
  • vtgrad2003vtgrad2003 Master
    edited May 2022
    That post is spot on. My wife sometimes gets pissed when she asks me "what are you thinking" and I respond "nothing"...but I'm not lying, I'm actually not thinking of anything at all  :D

  • @Zouave;
    Such are the times we live in!
  • ZouaveZouave Master
    @vtgrad2003 well said sir. I didn't even see what the signs said I was laughing so hard at the names when I drove past them. 
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