Happy Veterans Day to all my Brothers and Sisters in Arms. And welcome home to all of my Brothers and Sisters who served in the 60's and early 70's, we did not her that when we got home. But thank God we got home.
@KA9FFJ Wow, great refurb. skills. You stripped and refinished that pipe while driving from place to place to place. I’d have a heck of a time trying to find and extension cord long enough to plug in my buffer 😀. Pretty sure I would spill the stain in my lap also😂. Nice job on the refurb👍🏻
Chilling out with an owl, buring some LL hazelnut in my Molina bent and a cool beer. Great way to chill out the day. Close up of my buddy Steve. Cheers y'all
Your buddy Steve is a beaut....I live right on the bay and creek, and we get those guys a lot. Usually they make a racket at night, hooting and hollering back and forth.
We had a Bald Eagle over on the next street that was feasting on the ducks.
@Londy3 Yeah, I had a pretty late night yesterday working on a side project. Thankfully, I was able to wrap it up, so it was worth the sacrifice. Plus, I'm trying to get some good garage time in before the truly bitter cold creeps in. Love your pictures, btw.
@RockyMountainBriar Yea, I guess I could have worded that post a little clearer... If you look real close, you'll see a hint of the old stain I left around the shank. The finish was terrible... Even had 2 drip marks on the bowl... When I stripped it, I saw beautiful grain being hidden by their poor stain job, so I 2-toned it to show it off... Came out OK I think... Sorry about being off-topic...
@KA9FFJ Just razzing you a little...the pipe looks great🙂
I smoked some Seattle Pipe Club “Deception Pass” in one of my home made cobs tonight. It was not as I expected. Not very tasty as far as flavor...more like smoking a pipe full of chemicals. The room note was not bad, but overall a letdown for me. Bit me some for such a short smoke. I will have to try it in a briar and see what happens.
A 60 / 40 blend respectively of Bengal Slices and John Cottons Smyrna, love this stuff, reminiscent of Balkan Sobranie White from days of yore. in a S/N Pipes rusticated bent poker
Getting ready to load up some Villiger Jamaican Export in my Savinelli Nonpariel 9423. I watched a sister pipe go on eBay yesterday for $100! Bought mine 4 yrs ago a the St. Louis pipe show for $18... 😳
"The Refinisher"
Sutliff 507 Virginia Slices in my Upshall Tilshead. Taking a quick pipe break during Bedlam (OSU/OU) half time.
Go Pokes!!
Wow, great refurb. skills. You stripped and refinished that pipe while driving from place to place to place. I’d have a heck of a time trying to find and extension cord long enough to plug in my buffer 😀. Pretty sure I would spill the stain in my lap also😂. Nice job on the refurb👍🏻
Close up of my buddy Steve.
Cheers y'all
Your buddy Steve is a beaut....I live right on the bay and creek, and we get those guys a lot. Usually they make a racket at night, hooting and hollering back and forth.
We had a Bald Eagle over on the next street that was feasting on the ducks.
Thank you for the photo.......
If you look real close, you'll see a hint of the old stain I left around the shank. The finish was terrible... Even had 2 drip marks on the bowl... When I stripped it, I saw beautiful grain being hidden by their poor stain job, so I 2-toned it to show it off... Came out OK I think...
Sorry about being off-topic...
Just razzing you a little...the pipe looks great🙂
I smoked some Seattle Pipe Club “Deception Pass” in one of my home made cobs tonight. It was not as I expected. Not very tasty as far as flavor...more like smoking a pipe full of chemicals. The room note was not bad, but overall a letdown for me. Bit me some for such a short smoke. I will have to try it in a briar and see what happens.