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What are you guys smoking right Now?



  • @KA9FFJ;
    That really is a nice looking pipe and a great Tobac selection for a maiden voyage. Must be very satisfying to build it and then smoke it.
  • @KA9FFJ;
    I have a Spano and I love it. So much so that I seldom smoke it. It's kind of dumb, but I don't want to spoil the cork. You are right they are great smokers.
  • edited August 2023
    That’s exactly the kind of wine glass my dad used….when he ran out of beer (or maybe money for beer?) late night.  He drank Mogen David Grape or his homemade chokecherry wine, chilled.
    Funny story….He had a full “wine glass” (or the exact water glass you pictured) on his table by his chair one evening, then he went to the “pisser”…… In that time I slugged the whole glass, went to the fridge and refilled it with the homemade chokecherry wine, returned it to his table before his return, him none the wiser.  Our house was not huge, so crapper was just one coat closet down the hall from the living room .  I remember being pretty wild and jumping on the furniture, etc.
    I was 12, and it was the first time I was drunk, or even had alcohol except for a few sips of dad’s beer occasionally (I thought it was nasty by the way, the sweet wine was better🙂).  I probably had some nips of Mr. Boston’s “Blackberry Brandy” at times as well when dad had some…which was not very often…he was definitely a beer guy.  Lucky Lager in the stubby bottles to be exact…..and he drank his fair share, actually more than his fair share truth be told.  Sometimes he would drink Oly or Rainer.
  • @RockyMountainBriar
    Sounds like a fun family night! How's the Sun Bear, I bought 2 tins and decided to give them a couple of months to age.
  • Last night's thunderstorms moved offshore and left us with a beautiful morning! I'm starting the day with GLP Abingdon in a Rob Roy along with a cup of coffee. 
  • Burned a bowl of "Casey Jones Hero's Blend" in me old The Pipe bent. Spent yesterday cleaning the gutters on the smoking shed after removing the screens I installed years ago. There was compacted compost half filling the gutters. I hadn't checked them in years thinking they would do the job. They didn't. It was around 85-90 degrees and all ladder work. By the end of the day I was sweaty tired and my back was killing me, so I treated myself to a couple of bowls and turned on the shed AC for the first time this year. I slept good last night.

  • Trying out the “Santee” today in the Falcon with meer bowl…I didn’t put a pipe cleaner “soaker upper ring” in it this time, and I loaded straight from the tin/jar.  The sump had some moisture at midpoint I had to dump, but all’s good.  The “Santee” has a very slight touch of apple, but not quite as much as I had hoped for, still tasty.

  • @Balisong
    The “Sun Bear-Tupelo” is ok, but last years “Sun Bear-Mountain Flower” is much better.  I’d trade the “Tupelo” for “Mountain Flower” any day.  The “Tupelo” is about the same as the “Original” from Jeremy’s hives and the “Black Locust” from previous years.  The “Mountain Flower” honey is really the standout in the different iterations.
    I have been entertaining the thought of getting my friend with a few bees/hives in touch with Jeremy at C&D to try a “Montana” honey in a blend.  I don’t know if he produces enough honey for a “Sun Bear” run though.
  • @RockyMountainBriar
    Thanks for the review, I think I'll definitely age my tins for a while! I've yet to come across a to die for C&D produced Virginia. 
  • The ribs were delicious! For dessert I'm having GLP Abingdon in a Pride to continue the smokey goodness and a glass of Moscato. 
  • Smoking the Barling loaded with some MacBarren “Golden Brown Burley-London Blend” from 2021.  I got a new “Czech Tool” a few weeks ago.  A Mikov Predator with saw and horn scales, made in Czechoslovakia.
  • I finished an after dinner Roy Rob filled with GLP Abingdon and now I'm smoking a  Rob Roy filled with GLP Westminster.  Both paired with Moscato wine! 
  • @Londy3;
    I had some LL7 in a Savinelli and sipped a little Teeling Irish Whiskey in my Smoking Shed watching it rain. Life is good.
  • I just finished noon chores, our pullets are getting in the egg laying groove! Taking a break with GLP Abingdon in a Let Freedom Ring Rob Roy along with a cup of French Press Columbian coffee. 
  • On my fourth pipe today, this time it's GLP géométrie in a bent Pride along with a hard cider. I've been enjoying Virginia, Latakia and Oriental combinations by Pease under his brand and Drucquer, which at this point is his second brand!
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