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What are you guys smoking right Now?



  • Londy3;
    It's beautiful, Brother. I don't know which would worry me more. Wearing it away from my house or leaving it at home when I'm not there.
  • A quick little bit of dry time and some C&D Low Country “Santee” is going in this little Pete Short Natural 268.  I have a bit of O’ the Tullamore Irish with a cold rock and some hot Ethiopian coffee with cream this evening.
  • GLP Kensington in a Pride, hard cider, freshly roasted cashews, and, Pat's preseason game. The game was called after a serious injury in the early fourth quarter. 
  • I was a Chicago Bears Fan from 1959-2017. I was a rabid fan. I have lost friends that were packer fans. I have an extensive memorabilia collection and almost every fan hat, jacket, parka, you name it. I was a walking encyclopedia of Bear's history. Anyway, I was watching a preseason game played at Soldier Field in 2017, some members of the opposing team took a knee during the National Anthem. I don't think that any of the Bear's players took a knee, but they didn't run to the opposing sideline and beat the hell out of the opposing players that took a knee. Soldier Field is a sacred place dedicated to our fallen heroes and those few disciples of Colin Kaepernick defiled that hollowed place. I haven't watch a single NFL game since. I couldn't tell you the name of the coach or a single player on today's bears team.
  • I was put off by the politicisation also but pinned it to the individuals rather than the organizations. 

    I'm cooking dinner tonight and enjoying GLP Charring Cross in a Pride and coffee during the down times.
  • edited August 2023
    I’ll lead with…….football sucks, and always has!  There is way too much importance on a stupid game and it’s players…there, I said it.

    Smoking some C&D “Espresso” and enjoying a double espresso this morning.  I loaded another pipe I refurbished years ago and had not smoked yet.  It’s a Kaywoodie Filtronic with a paneled billiard bowl, a very light pipe. The base houses a replaceable ceramic? disc/barbell thingy “soaker upper” under the O-Ring sealed swap-able briar bowl.  I call them “soaker uppers” because they serve to suck out moisture from the smoke more so than actually filtering the smoke. The pipe tool is also Kaywoodie branded.
  • I always thought they should have two footballs. That  way teams wouldn’t have to fight over the ball during a game.
  • I was disgusted with professional athletes taking a knee instead of standing for the national anthem also.
    However, this is the United States and we do have things like constitutional amendments and laws which protect assholes who want to protest anything from alcohol to swatting flies. 
    I don't  blame the NFL but I do blame the news media which saw the protests as a way to make money through coverage. 
  • @PappyJoe; @Balisong;
    I agree with everything you both say. The NFL didn't stop them for fear of revenue loss. When I watch sports I do so to be entertained. I don't care what the team or players politics are, and I won't be influenced by grown-assed men/women/? who chase a ball for a living. I don't buy stuff just because some famous jock endorsed it. I don't drink beer very often and I don't drink Bud Light at all, because it tastes like watered down beer. I need to go to a different topic and let my blood pressure go down.
  • Yesterday was an incredible day. It has been in the 90's+ here for days. I spent the entire day in my air conditioned smoking shed. I have a list of tasks that I need to address, but my back issue won't allow it. I watched two Magnificent Seven movies, back to back. Both staring Yul Brynner on my antenna TV. I burned bowls of Lane LL-7, alternating between 2 Savinelli pipes (Eleganza KS and Delux Milano 804L). I smoked almost the whole time I was in the shed, I generally smoke 2 bowls a day tops. When I finally went into the house at 6 pm it was 94 degrees and the humidity was 70 something. It isn't often that I can enjoy a day without interruption such as that.
  • I played football in Jr High and High schools,  and loved the game. During my high-school years, the game became all about the money, as have ALL sports,, and I gave it all up. The entire sports world utterly disgusts me and it's only getting worse. 
  • @opipeman
    "The NFL didn't stop them for fear of revenue loss. "

    Exactly this. 
    The NFL found itself in a bad place. The could alienate conservatives who would stand up and say, "I'm not watching anymore." Or, they could alienate the non-conservatives who like to get on social media and make noise. It was the latter who the media backed because it meant more money. So it was the latter which the NFL chose to patronize. 

    There is also something a wise, old retired newsman said to me. "The conservatives calling for the boycott of the NFL are  in three camps. 1. They are the ones who never watch football of any kind. 2. They are ones who want to project the image of God fearing, USA Loving righteous in public but secretly hide behind locked doors to watch the games. And, 3. The "true believers" (his words, not mine) who were football fans who really did stop watching and supporting their teams because of this.  Number 3 is in the minority.
  • A bowl of C&D Warped Saint Espresso 2023 in my Savinelli Ginger’s Favorite. The 2023 is different than the 2022 blend. 
  • GLP Kensington in a Pride with a glass of Lambrusco. 
  • @PappyJoe;
    I know I'm in the minority.
  • This weekend I had the opportunity to try some 13-14 year old Orlick Golden Sliced. What a treat that was. I also bought of tin of nightcap so i'm anxious to see how that goes. Perhaps tonight for my first bowl.
  • No pipes for a while. Heat advisery all week with humidity so high it's like breathing water!
    Supposedly relief in sight this weekend... 🤞🏻
  • edited August 2023
    Smoking one of my Kiseru’s with some Tobac Manil La Brumeuse Pure Semois.  The stuff is a bit sharp, the small bowl is working well, I smoke a little, decide if I want more, load again.  This evening, my second bowl is some Seattle Pipe Club “Deception Pass”.  Note to self, and a tip from your “Uncle John”, the metal bowl gets hot as hell.
  • @PappyJoe;
    Come to think of it, as a pipe smoker, I'm in the minority. That makes me the member of two minority groups. I think the government should grant me some sort of special status.
  • @KA9FFJ;
    I wish you had a smoking shed that has A/C. If anyone deserves one it is you, Brother.
  • jim102864jim102864 Master
    edited August 2023
    9:50 am in New England.  It's a glorious, sunny, dry day with no humidity which calls for Mac Baren HH Old Dark Fired on me deck. 
  • @KA9FFJ

    Welcome to my life for the past 23 days.
     Our high temps are forecast to be: 
    Today - 102
    Thursday - 99
    Friday - 98
    Saturday - 99
    Sunday - 102
    Monday - 103
    Tuesday - 97
    Wednesday - 96
    Thursday - 96

    It hasn't been dropping under 90 degrees until 8 pm. 

    At least tomorrow nigh I have a pipe club meeting...

  • Last night I had my first bowl of Peterson's Night Cap. What a blend. This is arguably the most robust blend i've had the joy of trying thus far. I suspect it is easily the most amount of latakia i've been exposed to. Interested to have a few more bowls and suspect it would be great with a coffee.
  • edited August 2023
    Dang @PappyJoe, that’s a stretch of warm.  It’s supposed to be in the mid to upper 80’s pushing 90 some days.  BUT, the humidity should be around 30% and it cools off to around 50-65 at night.
    I always thought that I would like to hang out with crazy cajuns and eat truck beds full of  tasty crawdads, but damn the humidity, bugs and snakes.
  • @RockyMountainBriar

    Well, the good thing is that crawfish season is pretty much from January through the April. That means cooler temperatures, lower humidity and fewer bugs. Snakes don't come around crawfish boils, they are too afraid of getting tossed into the pot. 
  • edited August 2023
    Sounds like the time to visit.  I’ll keep it in mind.
    Dang, now I want crawfish boil.
  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    edited August 2023
    Yesterday 99° real feel = 105°
    Thur 101° real feel = 113°
    Fri 104° real feel = 114°
    Possible relief in sight Sat.?🤞🏻
    Planning on downsizing sometime next year. Planning a 2 1/2 car garage with an enclosed space for my pipes. That will include:  airconditioning, heating and exhaust system. In the mean time, well... patience brother, I need to excercise patience...
  • edited August 2023
    Smoking my little Bluebird Dublin loaded with some Gawith, Hoggarth & Co. “Sweet Coconut Twist”.  This evening, I’ve paired it with a gin & tonic…..Is it still a gin & tonic if I just polished off the tonic down to the label and filled it back up with gin (Aviation)?  No lime either…..or ice…….What can I say, I’m efficient, after all, it’s just me.  This tobacco is at least 10 years old, still no coconut, but much better than I recall.  It’s not wanting to stay lit to well, I guess I should have dried it some, ropes are kinda moist.
  • @KA9FFJ;
    My weather and yours are the same, which stands to reason, we aren't that far apart. Your downsizing plan sounds like a winner. I should do the same, but my bride and I have too much junk and too many memories. We have lived here for 50 years (our first house). At any rate you have a well thought out plan, keep us posted. 
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