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What are you guys smoking right Now?



  • Finally getting my sinus problem cleared up.
    Got to enjoy a bowl of Vauen Tradition No. 2 in my Peterson Sherlock Holmes original followed by a bowl of Meistermischung #66 (their tropical aromatic).
  • @PappyJoe Glad to hear you're back on the mend. I HATE sinus infections! Used to get 2 or 3 major ones per year.
    Then a friend turned me on to the "Sinugator". Started using it every morning and, for the last 11 years, I've only had 1 infection barely worth mentioning. 
    Of course, what works for one may not work for another, but if you haven't  tried it, you might consider giving it a try...

  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    edited March 2023
    Nothing exciting here. Reload, relight, resmoke...
    At least it counts as another day with a meer...😉
    I'm counting on someone else to give us something to think about. How about stacking? Been a while since anyone here has posted a double or triple combo bowl...
  • MontecristoMontecristo Master
    edited March 2023

    I had chronic sinus infections, literally for decades, until my adult son bought me a neti pot. Have not had an infection or a sinus headache since I started neti-ing regularly. Neti pots are fairly inexpensive. You should try one.
  • edited March 2023
    I think I picked an excellent pipe to enjoy the “Les Bouchons”, it’s an old WDC “Smokarol”.   It’s one of the first pipes I fit a stem to.  I wish I had some of the original “rolls” to smoke…actually, just to have a tube of them for my collection would be awesome.  I think the “rolls” were “Velvet” tobacco.  I have seen a picture/add of the “tube of rolls”, but I can’t find it now🙁. This pipe already had a darkened rim, somebody in the past smoked the hell out of it, so no worries there, if it’s even an issue?  It must have been a good pipe and “system” for whomever enjoyed it ~100 years ago.  I will say, it’s working and smoking these Belgium Semois plugs fine.  I have another WDC “Smokarol” with the original button bit stem, but it was made without a sterling silver band.  It’s in better shape all around.  Whomever companioned it somewhere in the past must not have had as good a smoking experience as the guy that worked this one over.  Yep, I like this tobacco.  I was not as impressed with the “La Brumeuse” rough cut pipe tobacco when I have tried it, but I may have to give it another go in one of my reverse calabash’s, or my big meer/gourd calabash🤔. These are tasty, but kind of expensive, it’s like smoking a cigar I guess, so, for special occasions?  Interestingly, I’m about 1/8” from the rim of the pipe now, and none of the vitamin-n hit I was expecting from the reviews I read.  Maybe I’m not such a pipe newb anymore🤔. It’s kind of nice not needing to tamp or relight, so far anyway.  I have been turning the plug to get it to burn evenly like is done with cigars, it is working in this pipe that way.  Maybe if I was using a “normal” pipe, it would burn more evenly🤔. Buy the way, these came as dry as a popcorn fart, and were meant to be smoked this way, working as intended👍🏻

  • Not exactly coloring like i wished it was. It is March, so I dug me Meer out.
  • Only time for a short smoke, so I pulled out a noname ebay find. This pipe had so many dents and scratches I had no alternative but to rusticate almost all of this pipe. He did, however, limit his pipe knocking to the sides of the bowl, allowing me to keep the rim area unrusticated.
    Enjoying some Seven Seas Royal Blend inspired by @opipeman above...

  • @Zouave
    I love my Charlestown...

  • edited March 2023
    I loaded this little old WDC with the “Birds of a Feather”-“Anomalous”.  This tobacco has a nice sweet raisin tin note.  In the smoke, it has a slightly sweet, sort of floral note, it must be the Katerina Perique.  It’s a nice mild tobacco, no discernible casing, just pure tobacco, albeit unique, by the addition of the special Katerini Perique.  This blend, “Anomalous”, is my favorite in the series so far…one blend left to go, “Paradoxical”.  It’s supposed to be available in May.
  • @KA9FFJ honestly I haven't been disappointed with any of my MM pipes.  Did I see they are not making that pipe anymore though?
  • Northwoods from 2012 in a MM Diplomat.
  • Love my Charlestown too
  • Just finished yardwork before the rains come through tonight. 
    Now relaxing with some Lane 1Q in a Rhodesian meer...

  • @jim102864;
    May it be all that you hope for.
  • @KA9FFJ;
    Your HO is spot on, IMHO.
  • edited March 2023
    Smoking this Chacom loaded with “The Beast” this evening.  Tasty stuff, glad I popped for a couple tins.
  • LL-7 in a KIKO prince meer:

  • @PappyJoe;
    You have more pipe smokers in NOPC than I personally know. You are fortunate, Brother.
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