Home from church, had some lunch, now it's Stokkebye 24 Nougat time in my 55 year old Knute freehand... Picking up the grandkids this afternoon for an all-nighter and all day tomorrow, so no pipe til Tuesday...
Tomorrow is International Pipe smoking Day. In honor of the occasion I plan to break training/healing/rehab and smoke a bowl or two. I plan to try the "Barking Dog" I talked about in the "Profiles in Pipes-Sherlock Holmes" Discussion on February 10. If you recall I tried to describe how bad the aroma was from the 16 oz. bag. I haven't decided which of my pipes to use, but I'll let you Brothers know how it smokes tomorrow.
Well, Brothers I smoked my first bowl since December in my Savinelli Cricket 127. I tried the "Barking Dog". All of the feedback on Pipes&Cigars.com were 5 of 5's. The "Trial by Fire" review Highly recommended it. Described it as a cubed Bright Burley, Latakia and some Bright Virginia. My assessment is as follows; No bite, smokes to a fine ash, no aftertaste. I didn't detect any flavor at all. It would be a great all day smoke and a good tobac for a beginner. I can't say it is bad or good in terms of taste. As far as meself, I doubt I will buy anymore.
Just got back from dropping the grandkids off. Looks as if I WILL be able to honor IPSD! Doing some RLP-6 in a repaired and reworked noname meer. Had to cut half the shank off from previous owner damage, add a shank extension and fit a new stem since the other one was bitten through beyond repair... It's ugly, but it's a good smoking meer, and I have the satisfaction of knowing I saved another pipe...🙂
I decided to break-in another new pipe I have had for a few years, a Peterson Short Natural 268. I loaded it with some 4th Generation “Peaty Kentucky” this evening for IPSD. Mmmm, tasty, I wish it was less expensive though.
@Londy3; That photo is a couple of summers ago. It's the only one I have of me Sav. Cricket. PBR Coffee is OK, haven't bought anymore, remember I'm a "Cheap Old Bastard".
Here's a blend you don't hear much about and I don't know why. Sutliff 245-ZBC in a reworked Tinderbox billiard. This blend is steamed dark fired Kentucky and topped with caramel, creme and vanilla. It's actually quite good IMHO...
Since it was going to be snowy and cold as…well…not hell, I took a few “snow days”. I’m enjoying a nice warm house while smoking the first bowl in an old WDC I refurbished years ago. My tobacco of choice, you guessed it, C&D “Espresso”. BTW, There was enough room in the stem to use a Savinelli 6mm balsa “soaker-upper”, cut down by 1/8”. I’m not sure the pipe needed it since it is drilled with a well in the mortise, but I thought I would experiment. It’s smoking beautifully👍🏻.
I loaded this RATOS with some 10 year old+ Sutliff “Moulin Rouge”. It’s finally dry enough to smoke straight from the jar. Dang, I need a haircut, what a bum.
Did some Lorie Valley in a MM Maddox. This blend is dark fired Kentucky with hints of raspberries and mangoes... Stupid me posted this (with pics) in the PIPE REFINISHING thread.🤪 It's probably a hint of what I have to look forward to in the near future...😬
I was right, I received my “Certified Pete Geek” CPG Zippo in the mail today. I’m going to use my butane Z-Pipe insert and touch off a bowl of 10+ year old Villiger Stokkebye “Luxury Twist Flake” in the RATOS this evening. I’m paring it with a nice strong hot black Lipton tea with an added “touch” of “Yellowstone” 93 proof bourbon. Notice the color of the tobacco flakes after 10 years….they use to be a light tan, nearly the same shade as my tabletop. When I first started this journey, this was one of the first 10 or so tobaccos I purchased….I hated it, and I also had my one and only burnout in a brand new, first bowl, small Peterson Calabash (oops, two burnouts. I forgot about the burnout in my first homemade pipe from a pre-drilled block. I knew it was too thin. The pre-drilled block was drilled atrociously when I got it). I did send the Pete Calabash back to Peterson of Ireland and they did cover it under warranty and sent me another….which I still have. I didn’t cover my own under warranty😬. I will say, this tobacco with a few years of age on it is monumentally better, and it has a slight vinegar note. Also, not sure if it’s the real function, but those weird cuts in the RATOS bowl make this an easy pipe to pack with the “air pocket” method.
Taking "El Monstro" a recently self assembled pipe for a maiden voyage with some Lane 1Q. The stummel cost me 2.50 at the pipe show, the stem was in a shoe box from an estate sale, and the small piece of rod cost me next to nothing. All in all, I guesstimate my pipe cost me about 5 bucks...
Picking up the grandkids this afternoon for an all-nighter and all day tomorrow, so no pipe til Tuesday...
I tried the "Barking Dog". All of the feedback on Pipes&Cigars.com were 5 of 5's. The "Trial by Fire" review Highly recommended it. Described it as a cubed Bright Burley, Latakia and some Bright Virginia. My assessment is as follows; No bite, smokes to a fine ash, no aftertaste. I didn't detect any flavor at all. It would be a great all day smoke and a good tobac for a beginner. I can't say it is bad or good in terms of taste. As far as meself, I doubt I will buy anymore.
I actually like that pbr coffee. 😋
Looks as if I WILL be able to honor IPSD!
Doing some RLP-6 in a repaired and reworked noname meer. Had to cut half the shank off from previous owner damage, add a shank extension and fit a new stem since the other one was bitten through beyond repair...
It's ugly, but it's a good smoking meer, and I have the satisfaction of knowing I saved another pipe...🙂
I would say you transformed that Meer. Always workin the magic!
That photo is a couple of summers ago. It's the only one I have of me Sav. Cricket. PBR Coffee is OK, haven't bought anymore, remember I'm a "Cheap Old Bastard".
I didn’t know anything was cheaper than PBR ‘coffee’.
I guess I have seen some in all white cans lettered in black.🤔
Sutliff 245-ZBC in a reworked Tinderbox billiard.
This blend is steamed dark fired Kentucky and topped with caramel, creme and vanilla.
It's actually quite good IMHO...
BTW, There was enough room in the stem to use a Savinelli 6mm balsa “soaker-upper”, cut down by 1/8”. I’m not sure the pipe needed it since it is drilled with a well in the mortise, but I thought I would experiment. It’s smoking beautifully👍🏻.
Beautiful 75 degrees today
What a great looking group! You lucky dog
That does sound really good. Stupid name but sounds 😊
A briar would be unwise.
This blend is dark fired Kentucky with hints of raspberries and mangoes...
Stupid me posted this (with pics) in the PIPE REFINISHING thread.🤪
It's probably a hint of what I have to look forward to in the near future...😬
How old a codger are you?
I’m 76.
My favorite thing is walking into a room and thinking, “Why did I come in here?”
We're close. 75 here, which is great considering the alternative...😏
Also when we screw up, we can always fall back on the "age card"...😁
Notice the color of the tobacco flakes after 10 years….they use to be a light tan, nearly the same shade as my tabletop. When I first started this journey, this was one of the first 10 or so tobaccos I purchased….I hated it, and I also had my one and only burnout in a brand new, first bowl, small Peterson Calabash (oops, two burnouts. I forgot about the burnout in my first homemade pipe from a pre-drilled block. I knew it was too thin. The pre-drilled block was drilled atrociously when I got it). I did send the Pete Calabash back to Peterson of Ireland and they did cover it under warranty and sent me another….which I still have. I didn’t cover my own under warranty😬. I will say, this tobacco with a few years of age on it is monumentally better, and it has a slight vinegar note. Also, not sure if it’s the real function, but those weird cuts in the RATOS bowl make this an easy pipe to pack with the “air pocket” method.
The stummel cost me 2.50 at the pipe show, the stem was in a shoe box from an estate sale, and the small piece of rod cost me next to nothing.
All in all, I guesstimate my pipe cost me about 5 bucks...