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What are you guys smoking right Now?



  • Nic is making me shake.  I had a hard time controlling my finger to type in my TPL password😳. I do enjoy this tobacco in small doses though🙂
  • @RockyMountainBriar
    Well, well, well.... So much to comment on from last night.
    1. That is a sexy 3D printed container. Does he sell them or no?  Love the copper color.
    2. So how was that moist burn last night?
    Everything you expected?
    3. How do you like that Brier cigar thingy? I never used by one. Do they work good or is it just a novelty?
  • @RockyMountainBriar
    I ask the same question as Londy. Does he sale the containers and how much tobacco do they hold?

  • @Londy3, @PappyJoe
    No, he does not sell the containers.  I’m not sure about some patent infringement?  The first I saw were from www.thepipery.com (they say they patented them?).  I’m not sure how that works, it’s just a generic container?  I was going to use some of them for airgun pellets, are they still patented if they are “pellet tins” instead of tobacco tins?  

    Originally I bought one from Missouri Meerschaum (I believe they are made by The Pipery for them?).  I think the tobacco amounts are listed on their websites?  The small one I pictured will hold a couple medium size bowlfuls at a guess, unless it’s the “Black XX” then several small bowlfuls for me.  The “single height” wide mouth probably holds 2 oz.?  The “double height” twice that…ns capt. obvious🙂
  • edited August 2022
    The tobacco had dried out, it was still moist, not crispy.  I have let “Black XX” dry more in the past, and it loses a lot of the nuances.  The Briar Cigar is kinda tough to keep lit, but it does work.  It might be my packing technique, or lack thereof.  I’m still a newb.  I think the fine shag cut through the Teck 1 helped the burn though.  The “cigar” smoked better than it ever has this time.  As always, the SG tobacco burned to fine ash.
     I’ll mention that the Briar Cigar does have a calabash chamber.  I would also call the “Briar Cigar” a fun novelty, something different.  I bought mine as an estate.  It would be tough to drop the cash for a new one.  I’d would buy one of the new Briar Cigar “Stogies” if I  find an estate reasonably priced though.  I’m a collector and silly that way🤪
  • @RockyMountainBriar
    Interesting as they are basically the same as the Wunup Baccyflaps. I've been searching antique shops for one of those forever.

  • edited August 2022
    Yep, me too 🙂

    Interestingly, in case you did not know, Morgan pipes (designer of the “Briar Cigar”) has some aluminum “baccy flaps” on his site.  They are really cool, and really “spendy”. 

    I opted to have my buddy print these instead.  The wide mouth single thick version is very close in size to a 50 gram round tobacco tin.  If you have a small mouth and/or wide mouth canning jar lid, turn it over and fill it up, that is how much tobacco each size can hold plus a bit more.
    I took some of the very wet C&D “Espresso” and jammed it in my MM small mouth pocket jar.  I took my wood clamp and a round block of 2x4 that I cut to just fit inside and pressed it, added more and pressed, so on and so forth.  I bet I have 3-4 ounces of tobacco jammed in it now, quite the puck.  I just use my tamper and loosen some tobacco off of the top, fluff it up and stuff it in my pipe.  It works great, especially if you don’t mind fussing with flake/plug/crumble cake tobacco.  It’s basically a crumble cake.  I got a lot more tobacco in that little container🙂
  • 👍 sounds like you worked your tail off @KA9FFJ
  • Krumble Cake Red Virginia in a bent egg.

  • The name on this one has been buffed out. It holds a lot of Tobac. I think @pipeman83 would like this one.
  • I received a tin of "C&D Jolly Old St. Nick 2022 edition" yesterday and smoked my bowl. Keep in mind that I have only smoked one bowl, but my first impression is that I don't really care for it. When I was in sixth grade my parents bought me an Alto Saxophone and I took lessons for a few years. I still have it some 67 years later and store it in a bedroom closet. Occasionally I will open it up and try to play something. When I open the case it emits an odor that tastes like this tobacco. I don't know how to describe it any other way. I'll try a few more bowls and see if it gets any better.
  • edited August 2022
    Interesting, I have an alto sax that I did not play.  I sat first chair in band with my clarinet, but I could not play the sax…it would always squeak on the low notes.  I thought it was me until I brought it to a very good saxophonist, fellow high school student, he couldn’t play it either.  Apparently, when my parents bought it and had it repaired/refurbished at the music store, the “mechanic” left some of the bottom keys bent and they were not closing tightly😠.  I never did play it.  One of my nieces played it after it was correctly refurbished/repaired for several years in school.  It has been returned to me now.  It too is in a closet, and I know exactly the smell you speak of.  I think it’s the metallic brass “off-gas”?  Also, I have some tins of “Jolly Old St. Nick” from previous years, and I too think it sucks.  Needless to say, but I have not bough any since.
  • Oak Alley barrel aged
    In my blue Molina 

  • Burley Flake #2 in a Sav bent apple.
  • C&D “Espresso” in a 4th Gen. poker.
  • I haven't had a pipe since Thursday because of a cold or my sinuses clogged up. I woke up this morning and everything has cleared up, I can breathe and I'm not coughing. I can even taste and smell things.

    So. My plans for today is to do a side by side comparison of C&D two versions of Jolly Old St. Nicholas. I'm going to pop open a tin from the 2018 batch and a tin of the 2022 batch I just received. 

    Stay tuned for results...
  • Barely got in 18 and made it back to the unit before a deluge hit. 
    Relaxing now on the balcony doing some RLP-6 in a MM cob...

  • I’m taking a “bullet” for you guys. Doing a bowl by bowl comparison of Jolly Old St. Nicholas 2018 & 2022 releases. 

    The 2018 is actually a little darker than the 2022, and the tin note is more subtle. Both needed to dry out about 15 minute before lighting. On a prelight draw, the orange and ginger were more pronounced in the 2022. 

    2022 on left, 2018 on right. 
  • Smoking the 2018 in a clay pipe. The orange is there but the ginger is noticeable also. The pinch of perique is almost not there but the Virginia and Black Cavendish are the main taste components. In my opinion, this is a good blend for someone looking for a light aromatic without an overbearing fruity after taste.

    I smoked the 2022 in a clay also with a similar experience. The flavoring were slightly more prominent to my taste but the tobaccos were still more dominant. 
  • RkeeneRkeene Newcomer
    1Q. At my local shop it is called Lazy Edna.
  • edited August 2022
    Who is Nazgul, and why do you care if he/she whatever pronoun they use (how about  it?….probably not PC either?) approves?
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