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What are you guys smoking right Now?



  • Sterling Double Eagle in a MM Diplomat.
  • @Balisong - it is that Pete 313. I didn’t modify the P-lip. I received it that way. It’s just a big bite mark from the previous owner. 
  • It's a nice cool quiet morning and I'm enjoying some G. L. Pease Charring Cross in an MM Let Freedom Ring Rob Roy. 
  • Simply Carter Hall, in a simple MM Diplomat.
  • I'm starting the day with G&H Balkan Mixture in an MM Diplomat. The coffee maker missed the cup, big mess plus waste for the worms! I cracked open a tin each of G. L. Pease Spark Plug and Gaslight to air a bit before starting a comparison later this afternoon.
  • I tried slicing a block of G. L. Pease Gaslight on a meat slicer and ended up with broken flake! Loaded up an MM Pride and it is one tasty tobacco, no worse for the wear.
  • @Balisong

    For Gaslight, I brought a single-edged razor blade to bear. Sliced the baccy paper thin. An interesting blend….
  • @motie2

    Interesting solution! I was planning on sharpening a fish filleting knife but decided to try the slicer first. I put a block of Sparkplug through the slicer on the food processor and finished it in an herb grinder. I find the two plugs to be the deepest flavored tobaccos on the market but haven't found a convenient way to prep them for a pipe.
  • I've have a large filppy jar full of Peter S. English Luxury sitting in my daily rotation selection for many years but have been distracted by other blends.
    The current contents are at least 4 years old; man did this blend improve with age, smoked a bowl this afternoon while mowing leaves to mulch over the garlic beds.
    It was so good that I checked my cellar to see if there was more (there wasn't) so I ordered a pound just to start the process again.
  • The plug cutters actually work very well on actual plugs, my homemade hand twisted rope tobacco is a little soft for crisply cut coins.
  • Captain Bob's Blend in a MM Charles Towne Cobbler.
  • Ok, so I noticed some reddish “buildup” on the face of the stem on the new Pete POY 2019.  After my first smoke I decided to give it a swab of Everclear…yep, it was stain, butt loads of it.  I then proceeded to swab out the shank with the Everclear…oh my.  I thought the stem/shank fit was a bit tight🤔. Well no wonder, it was loaded with stain.  The stem fits more like it should now.  I think it will get better when it dries out too.  Good news though, it smoked fine, no gurgles even before the shank de-staining.  By the way, after I removed the bowl coating earlier with Everclear, I also swabbed out the “no small amount” of stain that was in the bowl…ahem…covered by the bowl coating of course.  Did I mention, I hate mimes, clowns, and women that use heavy makeup?  It is covering up something “sketchy” and is deceptive, just like bowl coatings in pipes😖.  Do you think the pipe might smoke even better now?  I hope so.
  • Starting the day with Charring Cross in a Diplomat. 

    Thanks for the input! I don't buy ropes or plugs often. I used a plug cutter at a local tobacconist and somebody beat me to it when he was closing shop. On a different note how do you drill out the airway of a bent stem?

  • Update: I dumped it and grabbed a briar. The clay will be relegated to a Christmas decoration or something. 
  • I think @RockyMountainBriar
    Has every known tool to man. 
  • @beerandpipes
    Clays are a bit different. I just got one too and it gets HOT. It's a small bowl but I was able to smoke all of it. I'm not a huge fan but I did want to try it. 
  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    edited November 2021
    If my memory serves me correctly, which is a 50/50 chance, my very first pipe was a drug store (probably a Medico) pipe which was an apple.
    Although that pipe was broken YEARS ago, every time I see an apple, it takes me back to that time of my life. 
    So while doing some Lane LL7, it came as no surprise that nostalgia struck as I selected this refurbed Alligator...
    A safe and healthy Thanksgiving to all...

  • A little cinnamon spice tea to go with my MM cob with some Mark Twian 😎
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