Had a bowl of VG Cherry Cavendish in an MM Cob while doing 18 this AM. Now I'm doing some Sutliff County Cork in a T. Cristiano Metamorfosi while setting my flags for Veteran's Day...
@mfresa - have you tried Luxury Twist flake stoved yet? I cooked up 2 oz and it’s delicious. I already really liked LTF before but now it’s a whole new level of deliciousness.
@jfreedy, no I haven't stoved any yet, as I thought the flavour was sweet enough. If you think it improves it, I'll give it a try. How long did you let it sit after stoving before you smoked some?
I'm taking this MM Diplomat on it's maiden voyage with G. L. Pease Charring Cross. It will be dedicated to Latakia blends manufactered by Cornell & Diehl.
The MM Diplomat had a smooth maiden voyage. I followed it up with a Peterson Deluxe Navy Roll in an MM Morgan and moved on to BriarWorks Pete's Beard in an MM Washington.
@mfresa - I did exactly what this guy did. Turned out great! However, it’s really hard to wait 2 weeks before trying it. I’m currently waiting on some Newminster Navy Flake that I stoved a few days ago. Regular (unstoved) Newminster has become one of my favorite bulk flakes. So I thought I’d try stoving it as well.
@jfreedy I'm interested in your Newminster stoving results. I have some aged but I've become bored with the casing, maybe stoving will mellow that a bit!
John Middleton's Kentucky Club Aromatic Mixture in a MM Diplomat. ( I bought a few tubs of Mild , Walnut, Continental, and Aromatic mixture about a year before Middleton stopped making these blends)
I'm relaxing with some L. J. Peretti Midnight in an MM Rob Roy after finishing morning chores. We're ending our run of frost free nights in a couple of days, time to bring the turkeys and chickens into the birdhouse for the winter and use artificial light to ramp up winter egg laying.
I finished cleaning out a stall for the laying flock, got the grunge off with a nice hot shower and enjoying Drucquer Levant in an MM Rob Roy while chicken dinner is roasting!
Morning chores are getting easier, this morning I watched the dog running around getting his chores done! Now I'm sitting down with a cup of Ethiopian Yirgacheffe coffee and the MM Diplomat I started breaking in filled with G. L. Pease Charring Cross.
After my morning pipe it was time for the wife and I to do our weekly shopping. I took an MM Pride and small tub of BriarWorks Pete's Beard along for the ride. One fill one refill before we got home! I followed that with a pipe full of G. L. Pease Charring Cross in an MM Let Freedom Ring Rob Roy. It's almost dinner time.
Doing some Sutliff Old Vienna in a full sized Zouave meer. This pipe is ranked as one of my top 5 for delivering an outstanding smoke. Stupid for not smoking it more often...
Yeah...it's relaxing. Chillin with my Savinelli Piazza di Spanga filled with Seattle pipe club plumb pudding bourbon barrel aged paired with this wine.
Enjoying a bowl of Golden Triangle “South Vacherie” in the “break-in” bowl of my Peterson POY 2016. Hmm, five years to get around to smoking it…..I may have too many pipes… or maybe just too limited in time to smoke more often🤔 I’m watching the 1945 Sherlock Holmes “The Woman in Green”, sitting here wondering when the Peterson 2021 POY will hit SPC. It’s suppose to be the 4AB shape that Basil Rathbone is smoking in this film…along with some of his other Sherlock Holmes films.
Doing a bowl of Frankenblend in an old reworked noname pipe that had been beaten half to death around the top half of the bowl and rim. I enjoy bringing this pipe out around fall because of the colors of the stem and stain I used, not to mention it's a decent smoking pipe...
Now I'm doing some Sutliff County Cork in a T. Cristiano Metamorfosi while setting my flags for Veteran's Day...
Thanks for your service, brother!
I'm interested in your Newminster stoving results. I have some aged but I've become bored with the casing, maybe stoving will mellow that a bit!
Has anyone (else) put tobacco in a microwave?
This pipe is ranked as one of my top 5 for delivering an outstanding smoke. Stupid for not smoking it more often...
Yeah...it's relaxing.
Chillin with my Savinelli Piazza di Spanga filled with Seattle pipe club plumb pudding bourbon barrel aged paired with this wine.
I’m watching the 1945 Sherlock Holmes “The Woman in Green”, sitting here wondering when the Peterson 2021 POY will hit SPC. It’s suppose to be the 4AB shape that Basil Rathbone is smoking in this film…along with some of his other Sherlock Holmes films.
I enjoy bringing this pipe out around fall because of the colors of the stem and stain I used, not to mention it's a decent smoking pipe...