This afternoon my wife and I took a very short walk. I smoked a bowl of Sutliff Christmas Spice in one of my Medico Varsity Briars which I thoroughly enjoyed. Great to have gotten some fresh air and some vitamin D.
At this very moment I'm lining up the blends I plan on smoking tomorrow. I haven't had tongue bite for a long time ... but I'm sure by the end of tomorrow night I will.
@pwkarch - Sorry for the delayed response concerning PS Nougat. (Just now catching up on reading these threads.) I really like it. It’s a mild aro and really does remind me of nougat. I first tried a bowl at Pipe World in Austin. A long time pipe smoker (in his late 70s now & started when he was 14) who smokes all kinds of blends said it was his current favorite. I don’t smoke aromatics as often as i used to, but when I get a sweet tooth it’s always on my short list.
The next sound you will hear is me getting up out of my seat, heading for my "active cellar" approx. 48" away, and pulling my ready jar of PS Nougat out to sit on my desk jnil the smow stops.....thanks.
@DavidR002, as stated above we all go thru this at one time or another. My solution is this, if I find a blend I don't like Iwill mix it with some other blend that I like rather than toss the unsavory tobacco out. Vanilla Custard, Vanilla Black Cavendish are great mixing blends.
Just flew in from Charlotte & FINALLY getting to smoke a bowl on this lovely IPSD!! Enjoying the good stuff today! My most treasured tobacco (2016 FM AcrossthePond) in one of my best pipes (1990s Peterson Sherlock Holmes ‘Baskerville’). Life is good!
@DavidR002 As far as tobacco I don’t like, I keep them around and let some age get on them. There have been several that are better now than the were new. Also, I keep them around because I figure others might like them. I have the room, so if people come over and want to try something, I say have at it🙂. They may like tobaccos I don’t.
Smoking some Gawith Hoggarth & Co. “American Peach” tonight on this auspicious occasion in a Peterson Deluxe #53. Nice aromatic smoke, great room note. I don’t really get Peach from it exactly, but it does have a creamy, fruity room note, not much flavor in the tobacco, just a subtle sweet creaminess. I wanted more Peach, but it is still a nice smoke. Much better than the Peter Stokkeby’s “Peaches & Cream” I have. This tobacco is burning dry right to the bottom. An enjoyable smoke for IPSD👍🏻
@jfreedy I have been looking to get a “Baskerville” or a “Watson” Pete. I envisioned the “Baskerville” larger, but that size is more what I like anyway👍🏻
Happy IPSD all! On a business trip, snuck in a smoke. Wind started picking up pretty bad so I had to cut it short about half way down the bowl. Oh well. Some Drexel VIII in my Savinelli 404 basket pipe.
@RockyMountainBriar - It's still a pretty large pipe. Here it is compared to my other Pete Systems. From left to right... XL315, Baskerville, 302 smooth, 302 rusticated, Meerschaum (no model #), & 313.
Why smoke something that you know - in advance - is gonna cause you tongue burn? Just askin' ........
The next sound you will hear is me getting up out of my seat, heading for my "active cellar" approx. 48" away, and pulling my ready jar of PS Nougat out to sit on my desk jnil the smow stops.....thanks.
As far as tobacco I don’t like, I keep them around and let some age get on them. There have been several that are better now than the were new. Also, I keep them around because I figure others might like them. I have the room, so if people come over and want to try something, I say have at it🙂. They may like tobaccos I don’t.
I have been looking to get a “Baskerville” or a “Watson” Pete. I envisioned the “Baskerville” larger, but that size is more what I like anyway👍🏻
From left to right... XL315, Baskerville, 302 smooth, 302 rusticated, Meerschaum (no model #), & 313.