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What are you guys smoking right Now?



  • Taking a short break and enjoying some Sutliff Black Cherry in a small Hilson Viva 201 with an extended stem. Been a while, and almost forgot how nice this blend is...
  • Praider8Praider8 Professor
    edited January 2019
    Got to smoke half a bowl of Mrs. Hudson’s 221b Baker Street Blend by @ghostsofpompeii today in a Brittania Straight pipe. However, that got cut short when my snow blower took a crap and I had to work on it. 5 hours later and I’ve officially given up. Going to see if I can find a repair person soon. I’ll smoke the other half of that bowl tonight or reload tomorrow. 

    Great blend so far. Very sweet. Definitely satisfies that sweet tooth of mine. I can pick out every flavor quite easily in this but they come together very nicely. Tin note as well as room note are fantastic. This may be one of my new go-tos. Props are deserved @ghostsofpompeii very well done sir. 
  • @Praider8 Hate the snow blower news... Like the blend review...
  • Finishing my second bowl of Blend No 5 by Sutliff.
  • Sutliff Crumble Kake VaPer in my bent Lorenzo on today's walk home at lunchtime.
  • @motie2
    I have not tried to find Cancer “cold”, I have Starwalk 2 and “point” my iPad at the heavens.  I know Cancer is the faintest constellation in the Zodiac, and haven’t really looked for it much in the past, so I can’t pick it out in the picture....cool image of the sky though.
  • Smoking my Ben Wade Canadian with C&D's Bayou Morning on this chilly evening. Managed to edit and post my latest article on my pipe blog. The Case of the Leaky Pipe. I hope everyone is a bit warmer than I am at the moment.

  • Guys

    There are several free apps that you can put on your I pads (and I think phones) that show you the skies in detail. So long as you have a 'compass" app in your device, you simply hold the device to the sky and I ID's everything. There are settings for stars and planets, constellations, satellites, etc. Facing the ground it will even show you what the folks on the other side of the world are looking at. One of the most incredible aps I have ever seen along with air traffic and maritime traffic apps that boggle my little mind.

    My I Pad is upstairs, next time I go up I will bring it down and let you know the name of the "sky" app that I have.
  • Interesting article on the previously cited Straus Tobacconist in Cincinnati
  • SG Balkan Flake in a Comoy apple sitter.
  • Doing a stacked bowl this morning in a totally reworked and refurbed OOM Paul. 
    Top = Sutliff Caramello
    Middle = Sutliff Sutset Rum
    Bottom = C&D JOSN

  • C&D's Jamaican Rum in a Jobey Poker.
  • @Londy3 You hit the nail on the head.
  • 50/50 mixture of BSA and RLP-6 in my original mid to late '60's EA Carey apple.
  • Smoking a bowl of C&D Black Frigate in a large Mario Grandi bent dublin while driving very slowly, there's a coat of ice on everything today.
  • @mapletop -- Be safe on the road: a safe trip and a safe return.
  • @motie2 .How's that exhaust fan working for you? Still no complaints from you know who?
  • motie2motie2 Master
    edited January 2019
    We are both pleased with the arrangement. Employed the technique this morning, with a bowl of BCA and RLP-6 mixture :):):):)
  • Smoked Sutliff Spicy Vanilla so far today.
  • Did a bit of shoveling while smoking MacBaren's Burley Flake in my Country Gentleman Cob. It's a much warmer 30 degrees compared to the past few days. Sadly, it's only going to get worse.

  • About to load up my Joao Ries bent dublin with some Sutliffe Virginia Slices.
  • wbradkwbradk Apprentice
    Here is a related issue.  I tend to go on insane tobacco buying sprees with the result that I probably have enough put away to last the rest of my life.  That, however, is no deterrent to spending an hour or three rolling through TobaccoReviews.com and the various websites of my favorite suppliers for that next fabulous find.  Does anybody else engage in this behavior?  I suspect that most of us do, to one degree or another...
  • motie2motie2 Master
    edited January 2019
    @wbradk -- The condition you describe is called TAD (Tobacco Acquisition Disorder). It's related to PAD (Pipe Acqui......) .

    The only known cure is a relentless SWMBO and/or quit smoking a pipe (Heaven forbid!!!!). I gave up the pipe from the mid-1980's until late summer of 2016. That ended my first bout of TAD.  SWMBO suffers my buying a couple of blends, 1 to 1.75 ounces at a time. :p
  • @wbradk

    I share in your vice. I am SURE I have enough to last well beyond my demise. I now have 83 pint sized Mason Jars and unopened tins with various blends which are my "ready supplies" from which I take leaf out for everyday use. In my cellar (in my basement of all places) I have near 40 pounds of my favorites in quart Mason Jars and several unopened tins just resting, and again insuring supplies for the rest of my life, just IN CASE so to speak. If I "give up the ghost" soon, I have some great Pipe Tobacco, and several hundred top quality cigars to give away

    The truth of the matter is I KNOW I have enough until my departure from Earth, but I also have a list of around 70 blends that I have listed after reading about them, and cataloged for future possible purchase. So I suppose although I cannot spend nearly what I once did, with what I have in addition to much paired down future orders, I am/ will be in good supply.

    I don't say this to be boasting, but to admit that I have (or had) a significant Tobacco Acquisition Disorder. I have been smoking pipes over 54 years now. Also I believe it says something relative to my commitment to the hobby. I write significant notes and have reviewed many of them sharing them on this site in the past. In addition to my TAD, I am also OCD and too organized for my own good.

    I now realize that there many jars that I have not yet sampled in my collection. That gives me something for which to look forward with promise.

    I would be happy to share any of my comments that are not in prepared "review" form (comments and scores recorded), or I will again share any reviews that I have should anyone want an opinion (which as we all know: "Opinions are like AH's, everyone has one").
  • wbradkwbradk Apprentice
    Pwkarch, I am in awe.  
  • @wbradk, I would say. I have what would be considered I suppose a mini stash.If I didn't buy anymore blends as of right now, I would have enough to keep me in business for 3-6 months. Only have a couple of unopened tins put away. Seems like ever time I put in a order fromP&C ot TobaccoPipes they have some sale  two days later that's hard to walk away from. Pretty sure it's not by accident. Not complaining mind you, I have a choice. I usually don't go over twenty dollars an order. I guess it's like a lot of things that give a person pleasure, the more you have the more you want.
  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    edited January 2019
    Getting ready to load up some Peterson Irish Dew in a Peterson Emerald 606...
  • Lane's Ready Rubbed in my new Morgan Bones sitting barrel.

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