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  • I like thinking out of the box being an independent.

    The box:
    Liberal democrat
    Republican conservative
    Conservative democrat
    Liberal republican 
  • CA sucks and its all because it has been run to the ground by career politician liberals.
  • Here is my two cents worth ... and my opinion is usually only worth about two cents.
    If the situation were reversed, and it was America finding themselves in the fight of their life, depending upon the patriotism of the public to take up arms and fight to the death to protect our Country the way the Ukrainian people are doing ...  we would lose hands down in a matter of days. In the past few years our Country has become so divided that patriotism and flag waving is now considered borderline racism is some circles. We have a generation who now believes 'we' are the bad guy in 'every' situation. Facts no longer matter ... just feelings. More scrutiny has been focused on re-interpreting and curtailing law enforcement policy, giving criminals the upper hand. When a crime is committed an investigation of police procedure seems to take precedence over processing and prosecuting the criminal. And as far as the mainstream media is concerned, "a person is innocent until proven guilty" ... unless you happen to be a police office.    
    We've lost every domestic war here at home.
    Consider California. Their solution to The War on Drugs was a total surrender, providing sterile needles for junkies and clinics where they could get their fix in a sterile environment under the watchful eye of a professional. California has fared no better on the War On Crime. Shoplifting is not enforced so long as you don't steal over $900.00 worth of merchandise. The 'No Bail' policy puts criminals back on the street fast enough to be arrested for a new crime by the same Cop before his shift is over.
    And if that's not enough to set your head spinning - when a full scale riot broke out and looters and arsonists began burning down entire blocks of  their own a city, the Vice-President was instrumental in putting a plan in effect to pay for the bail of the rioters. And let me remind you ... lives were lost.
    So do you think these young people tearing down statues of our historic past, or the highly paid athletes who knell in protest when the National Anthem is played at sporting events, or activist Hollywood celebrities, noted scholars, College Professors, our children's teachers, the mainstream media, and even our own politicians - who suggest a vast majority of the United States is a nation of racists, misogynists, homophobic, deplorable people - do you really think they would take up arms to protest this Country of ours? Without true patriotism or national pride you have no Country. And right now that Country is America. I hope we never find ourselves in a similar situation to the poor people of Ukraine, because our enemy would cut through us like a red hot knife through butter.                
  • vtgrad2003vtgrad2003 Master
    edited March 2022

    I agree with you 100% and very well put! 

    On the other hand, though, with all the guns @Londy3 @RockyMountainBriar and I have, we'd damn sure be able to take out some commie bastards before we go down! 🤣

    You are spot on though. We have a large portion of the country that lashes out at those who "identify" simply as men--you can't be a man anymore because you are homophobic, racist, sexist, and possibly even a misogynist, etc. We have a large portion of the country that lashes out at women who believe in family and religion and a good solid education for their kids. 

    Those people could never fight in a war to defend our country, they would simply "find" good things about the enemy and join them en masse.  
  • @ghostsofpompeii

    I also agree with most of what you said and there are definitely some states that would have the beaches lined with bands playing the national anthem of the invading country. That being said, there are also a number f states where the citizens would unlimber their hunting rifles or, as the liberal media would classify them, assault weapons and do what they can to make the invaders feel unwelcome.
  • @Zouave
    They are practicing ostrich politics, the favorite party of the oblivious! 
  • While having dinner  with my in-laws last night my mother in-law lamented an interaction with a close friends 16 year old daughter who is emotionally unstable as a result of global warming and Russia's war with Ukraine.
    I pointed out that her problems stem from poor parenting and the current culture; I cited her own experience during WWII and asked,"do you remember any of this type of behavior during the war" to which she replied NO.
    The problem with the left in this country is they are spinless while being control freaks; the effect of which is they have fostered a culture of wimps.
    God help us if the shit ever really hits the fan.
  • @mapletop
    Yep. Don't forget, both parties are worthless, spineless, self-serving, irrelevant career politicians. 
  • vtgrad2003vtgrad2003 Master
    edited March 2022
    I certainly can't imagine any of the democrats I know staying and fighting...and I know a ton of democrats. 


    As the world witnesses what is happening to Ukraine, Americans were asked what they would do if they were in the same position as Ukrainians are now: stay and fight or leave the country? A majority (55 percent) say they would stay and fight, while 38 percent say they would leave the country. Republicans say 68 - 25 percent and independents say 57 - 36 percent they would stay and fight, while Democrats say 52 - 40 percent they would leave the country.

    The Quinnipiac poll is here; you have to scroll a little ways down to find it


  • @vtgrad2003
    I know a few Southern Democrats who would be in the stay and fight militia. Of course, they are more conservative on many things than their liberal counter-parts. Why they still vote the democratic ticket every time, I don't know.  They are church-going, anti-immigration, multi-gun owners. 
  • vtgrad2003vtgrad2003 Master
    edited March 2022
    Sounds like old time southern yellow dog democrats. 
  • @vtgrad2003

    Yep. I asked a couple of them - at separate times - why they always voted Democrats and they both had the same answer. "Our family has always voted Democrat going back to the early 1900s."
    When I say they are Southern Democrats, I mean their great-grandfathers would ride around wearing white sheets.

    They hate pretty much everything the Democratic party stands for and think the last good president was LBJ. 
  • Get us out of the g-damn UN!

    "The United Nations has warned its staff against referring to Russia's incursion into Ukraine as an "invasion" or a "war," the Irish Times reported on Tuesday."

  • Ah, just a police action like the U.S. in Vietnam! 
  • @Balisong

    Wasn't that the Korean War? Anyway, your point is well taken!
  • @vtgrad2003
    Neither actions were declared wars. In both cases we were welcomed by the parties in power to assist them in defeating the communist regimes that were attacking them. In neither case were we attempting to possess the country as an American occupied territory.  The outcomes differed but in both cases it was an attempt to prevent the domino theory from becoming reality. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...
  • Londy3Londy3 Master
    edited March 2022
    Who's gonna help us defeat our anti-American Marxist regime? Certainly not the sleepy citizens. 
  • @Balisong @PappyJoe

    Thanks for the clarification. My modern American history is a little underdeveloped as you can see. 
  • Let me clarify my earlier statement.
    The Korean War or Police Action was actually authorized by the United Nations Security Council and paid for by the U.S. Congress. Since it was first authorized by the UN, it is considered to be a police action instead of a war for some reason. Since the Korean War, the UN has chosen to use the U.S. military as its main military arm. This allows the UN to send in US troops to be killed and when the leftist start crying about deaths the UN can blame it on the United States.

    The Vietnam War was a military "engagement" that was not a declared war but it was authorized by the Congressional Resolution in August 1964. Interestingly, the US first started sending "advisors" into Vietnam in the late 1950s by direction of President Eisenhower and escalated by President Kennedy. I have read numerous times that JFK "started" the Vietnam war but this is not factually correct. JFK continued a policy established by he predecessor and the military involvement beyond the CIA and advisors was not authorized by Congress until after Kennedy was assassinated. LBJ and the democratic politicians were ultimately responsible for the war lasting as long as it did, not the "war-mongering republicans."
  • For a short history of Vietnam starting with the French see;
    Obviously it's the American government's historical view. 
  • This administration is just so completely useless it's mind-boggling

    Kamala Harris awkwardly laughs when asked about Ukrainian refugees

  • @vtgrad2003;
    I haven't found a competent individual in this administration to date.
  • LOL, no shit! This is literally going to be the campaigns' rallying cry going into the midterms 🤣 

    "Vice President Kamala Harris rallied Democrats at their winter meeting Saturday and said the big task of the midterms is to remind voters that the Biden-Harris administration largely delivered on their campaign promises. 

    "Our task is to show people that, in many ways, they got what they ordered," Harris told the Democratic National Committee (DNC) meeting." 


  • I've been saying that since the first interview I saw him do in the Nineties, then he starred in that TV business show that he should have been an apprentice on!
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