Taco Bell has always sucked (apologies to anyone offended by my taste buds opinion) and now besides tasting bad they look bad as well.
If you consider the percentage of the US population that identifies as LGBTQ E I E I O you can only conclude, business at the chain is not so good (spoken in the voice of Jackie Mason)
@mapletop Always gotta be careful what we say and how we say it for fear of offending anyone 😮
PS: joe biden is a bumbling basement dummy with pudding for a brain. To quote joe himself "we need to door because the toaster will make the bread fly out. And number three, we have to stop Trump the main reason is we have the best fraudulent voting system we ever created. I am very proud of these accomplishments." (Name not capitalized out of severe disrespect)
Well as I predicted, it happened this weekend. The PJM interconnection ( Pennsylvania, Jersey, Maryland grid operator) demanded we start our coal units on emergency dispatch Sunday. When this happens, they pay all our startup costs. We put the unit online for the “ heat wave”. Two days of heat and the power grid operators start to panic. Just wait. July, August, the shit will hit the fan.
July 1, Pennsylvania PUC approved electricity rate hikes anywhere from 6-45%. Well, bend my ass over the barrel again. So we have a situation brewing of not enough generating capacity to meet the requirements of the power grid, and an exponential rate increase to the ratepayers. It’s the perfect storm for people to lose their shit this summer when they are paying more for a commodity and maybe not getting it (rolling blackouts).
On a side note, my neighbors think I get my electricity for nothing because I work for the power company. What a life. Actually, I charge my bill to the Underhills.
I read in a magazine in one of my doctor's waiting room about a survey conducted in Washington DC. They surveyed 2100 women between the ages of 25 and 65. They asked them (even though he has aged), would you consider having sex with Bill Clinton? 97 percent answered no not again.
Perfect time for rolling black-outs ... at a time when people are stocking up on food before the prices go up even further ... then the electricity goes off for a few hours and spoils the food in the fridge and freezer. A Time Machine would sure come in pretty handy about now.
I put this here because if you listen to the lyrics of this song written in 1969, it is an allegory to what happens in this country today when someone dares to speak out against the "woke" society.
In the early / mid seventies that song was part of our (almost nightly) sing alongs around the fire ( while consuming way more beer than anybody should be allowed to have) in the woods (major forest preserve) behind our houses.
Those were great times, its a real shame the culture in this country has evolved to what we see today. Sigh............
There were a lot of good songs like that back in the sixties and seventies. I think that the people who wrote and performed many of the "protest" songs back then would be aghast at what this country has turned into. None of them would be able to sing their songs today.
— According to recent polling data, the Americans described by Jill
Biden as "breakfast tacos" are inexplicably switching to the Republican
Party in record numbers.
"We aren't sure why the Latinx, who are
as special and unique as a breakfast taco — or maybe a toasted cheddar
chalupa — are leaving the Democrats," said Dr. Jill Biden while
performing routine spinal surgery on one of her patients. "Don't they
know how much we Democrats care about their vote? Perhaps we need more
abortions and drag queen story hours."
breakfast taco Carlos Hernandez isn't convinced. "You know, I'm just
not sure the Democrats really care about me," he said as he entered
church on Sunday with his family.
Another local breakfast taco,
Valentina Gonzalez, agrees. "I'm just not sure Democrat values are my
values," she said as she fired her favorite AR-15 at the local gun
range. "Am I allowed to say that?"
At publishing time, several breakfast egg rolls were beginning to think the same thing.
1 - Eleven teens die each day because of texting while driving. Maybe it's time to raise the age of Smart Phone ownership to 21.
2 - If gun control laws actually worked, Chicago would be Mayberry, US.
3 - The Second Amendment makes more women equal than the entire feminist movement.
4 - Legal gun owners have 300 million guns and probably a trillion rounds of ammo. Seriously, folks, if we were the problem, you'd know it.
5 - When JFK was killed, nobody blamed the rifle.
6 - The NRA (National Rifle Association) murders 0 people and receives ($ - 0 - ) nothing in government funds. Planned Parenthood kills 350,000 babies every year and receives $500,000,000 in tax payer's dollars annually.
7 - I have no problem with vigorous background checks when it comes to firearms. So long as. we do the same when it comes to immigration, voter I.D., and candidates running for office.
8 - Folks keep talking about another Civil War. One side knows how to shoot and probably has a trillion rounds. The other side has crying closets and is confused about which bathroom to use. Now tell me, how do you think that would end?
wasnt sure what thread to post this in, this seems the appropriate place. Running through Gettysburg on the way to a wedding and stoped to catch some battlefield highlights. Had to make sure I visited the spot where Gen. Lewis Armistead was mortality wounded during Picketts charge. You can say what you want about the politics of that war, but you have to be impressed by the courage of what the men did during it on both sides. Not sure I would be able to look across that field and walk into that wall of artillery and rifles the way those men did.
Back then, I guess they figured that they "had to do what they had to do".
To me, that's characterized by the fact that less than 20% of those that fought on the Confederate side owned slaves...over 80% of them didn't--they were protecting their right's as states to make their own decisions, which sounds a lot like the fight that's still going on today.
It's tough. I sympathize with the southern men who fought to protect their homes, and I certainly don't believe all Confederates were evil, much like I don't believe all Union soldiers were good. Definitely, as I learn more about the war, I do think the North did things that were an overreach. However, even though not many of the soldiers owned slaves, I cannot agree with their cause at this time period. That's not to say I think the North were paragons of freeing slaves. I'm aware of the double standards the North did, thus making the war a complicated issue. I am still proud that my great X3 grandfather fought for the Union and admire the courage it took.
I do think that it was best that the Union remained intact for the coming years. With WW1&2 in the coming century and other conflicts, a unified US could better handle these crisis moments. Now as for the future, I think maybe a divorce might be a better option, lest something on the same scale happen to the country.
The academics and history revisionists today like to dispel the "states rights argument" for the reason the Civil War was fought as a myth. In doing so, they ignore the importance of that argument to the majority of the people who fought.
@Zouave; @vtgrad2003; @thebadgerpiper; @PappyJoe; You all have valid points and I hope our history doesn't get cancelled. I had a great-great uncle that was a captain in the Confederate Calvary. I had a great-great grandfather that died in a Union Prison Camp in Illinois. He was a civilian. I don't know what he did, but it must have really pissed them off. I have a fife that was played by another relative in the confederacy. None of them owned slaves. My great grand father had a brother named Jefferson Davis Reed. There was a small battle fought less than a mile from my grandfather's house(where I was born). My home town Bloomfield, Missouri changed hands several times and was were the first "Stars and Stripes" paper was published. I have always felt proud of my southern heritage even though we lost. Maybe that is why I am so proud to be an American.
OMG that is awesome and so true!
Always gotta be careful what we say and how we say it for fear of offending anyone 😮
PS: joe biden is a bumbling basement dummy with pudding for a brain. To quote joe himself "we need to door because the toaster will make the bread fly out. And number three, we have to stop Trump the main reason is we have the best fraudulent voting system we ever created. I am very proud of these accomplishments."
(Name not capitalized out of severe disrespect)
Things are about to get real.
It's all stacking up like they planned. By late summer early fall BOOM💥
....all by design
There were a lot of good songs like that back in the sixties and seventies. I think that the people who wrote and performed many of the "protest" songs back then would be aghast at what this country has turned into. None of them would be able to sing their songs today.
U.S. — According to recent polling data, the Americans described by Jill Biden as "breakfast tacos" are inexplicably switching to the Republican Party in record numbers.
"We aren't sure why the Latinx, who are as special and unique as a breakfast taco — or maybe a toasted cheddar chalupa — are leaving the Democrats," said Dr. Jill Biden while performing routine spinal surgery on one of her patients. "Don't they know how much we Democrats care about their vote? Perhaps we need more abortions and drag queen story hours."
Local breakfast taco Carlos Hernandez isn't convinced. "You know, I'm just not sure the Democrats really care about me," he said as he entered church on Sunday with his family.
Another local breakfast taco, Valentina Gonzalez, agrees. "I'm just not sure Democrat values are my values," she said as she fired her favorite AR-15 at the local gun range. "Am I allowed to say that?"
At publishing time, several breakfast egg rolls were beginning to think the same thing.
You're not wrong
That is beautiful! I had to wipe away tears. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for watching the video.
That was great!
I do think that it was best that the Union remained intact for the coming years. With WW1&2 in the coming century and other conflicts, a unified US could better handle these crisis moments. Now as for the future, I think maybe a divorce might be a better option, lest something on the same scale happen to the country.
You all have valid points and I hope our history doesn't get cancelled. I had a great-great uncle that was a captain in the Confederate Calvary. I had a great-great grandfather that died in a Union Prison Camp in Illinois. He was a civilian. I don't know what he did, but it must have really pissed them off. I have a fife that was played by another relative in the confederacy. None of them owned slaves. My great grand father had a brother named Jefferson Davis Reed. There was a small battle fought less than a mile from my grandfather's house(where I was born). My home town Bloomfield, Missouri changed hands several times and was were the first "Stars and Stripes" paper was published. I have always felt proud of my southern heritage even though we lost. Maybe that is why I am so proud to be an American.