My Opinion: I do believe that those jamokes that participated in the shenanigans at the capital should be charged and given sentences in line with their crimes whatever they are, break-in, trespassing, assault, etc. However, I have a hard time equating what happened to be an insurrection. An insurrection to me would be everybody was armed and intent on completely bringing down the standing government. THAT people is when the SHTF. I hope I never see it in my lifetime, or what’s left of my lifetime, at least. Was the crap at the capital on 1/6 wrong…you bet, but it has been played up into something it was not to drive a wedge deeper into the divide between the people of this great nation.
Very interesting article and idea. We all know about geothermal heating whereby water wells are used to heat/cool homes/businesses, etc., to the temperature of the ground water (and standard equipment make up the difference in temperature if needed), but coal mine water has always been known to be warmer that regular aquifer water, and this study exploits that. Not that this sort of thing can be used everywhere as it would only work where there are coal-enriched voids, but interesting nevertheless
Okay, so a question for all of those that are environmentally conscious individuals...and even those that aren't, LOL...don't veggies make you fart more not less? I mean, it seems to me that reducing meat consumption might reduce a herd by a head or two, but then you are left with a bunch of humans farting even more than they did!
Veggie Only! UK School Bans Meat from Lunches Over Climate Fears
I'm not sure I see the connection; when I lived in Lubbock, which is surrounded by cattle and feed lots, children were already planting trees as part of their class science projects and such. Why not just promote tree planting.
Cows fed corn are in constant gastric distress. Mounds of waste and sludge lagoons emit gases. Grazing animals eat the diet they evolved on and spread their waste which improves the soil. The handful of trees that school kids in Lubbock plant aren't likely to turn into Amazon or Congo carbon sinks.
Interesting, I know quite a bit about cows from my time in Lubbock talking to farmers about water conservation strategies, my family on my mother's side that own one of the largest dairy farms in Wisconsin, and most of my wife's family in western VA that have milk and cattle operations, and I know more than most about horses (having helped my wife run a horse breeding operation), and I've never heard that before...must be something climate people made up. Passing gas is one thing, being in "constant gastric distress" I think carries it a little too far.
Anyway, let me ask you the obvious but stupid question...if cows are eating natural vegetable products, including corn, aren't those supposed to be "carbon neutral" farts then? I mean, that's the same reason we use corn ethanol infused gasoline isn't it? To be "carbon neutral? Their farts should then be carbon neutral farts as well, right? Just sayin'...
And by the way, planting trees in Lubbock is exactly the same and has exactly the same environmental effect as planting the same number of trees anywhere else...remember, it takes a village! (By the way, please don't get me started on the Amazon, I've done a ton of research in that area...)
@vtgrad2003 Did your Mom keep all the cows on a quarter acre with feed buckets and water troughs, or, did she let them graze in a field after milking time? As a kid the mounted police would work in Boston and the surrounding beaches and would attract lots of children, not a horse fart to be smelled and the road apples were highly fibrous and smelt like grass. Are the feed lots like that? I only know two farms that raise ruminants and both use pasture when the weather is conducive and hay otherwise.
It was my mom's relatives actually, but they had over a thousand head, and even though they had a ton of acreage, they usually used it for corn to make corn grain and silage, so very little pasture was used for feed, although the cows were free to pretty much roam where they wanted outside of the cornfields, but with that many cattle, it's hard to rotate fields enough to keep a decent patch of grass going. Our horses were all high priced sport horses (German warmbloods mostly) that had a hay, alfalfa and wheat grain with molasses diet mostly. This diet for them reduced the likelihood of colic. The feed lots in West Texas usually used a mix of corn, mash and some sort of hay or haylage if available.
This is actually a very good reflection on society today (at least in my opinion); and no, it's not some macho man thing even though the title suggests it, it's actually written by an academic and written pretty well I might add.
I once interviewed for a chair position at SUNY Binghamton...when I was there, I was frankly shocked by the liberal activism--and this is coming from someone that did their undergraduate at Chapel Hill. I know the liberal of all liberal universities is down the road from Binghamton (Cornell) but I didn't think it was that bad there. I was offered the job but turned it down exactly because of it (as you have seen, I'm not the most politically correct person around). Anyway, maybe they are changing their ways? I don't know.
Binghamton University slaps down professor's 'progressive stacking' section of syllabus for 'non-white folks'
@vtgrad2003 Yeah. The changed her syllabus but have they changed her actions? I bet she still does it but just doesn't tell anyone that she is doing it.
You speak the truth, Brother!
I do believe that those jamokes that participated in the shenanigans at the capital should be charged and given sentences in line with their crimes whatever they are, break-in, trespassing, assault, etc. However, I have a hard time equating what happened to be an insurrection. An insurrection to me would be everybody was armed and intent on completely bringing down the standing government. THAT people is when the SHTF. I hope I never see it in my lifetime, or what’s left of my lifetime, at least. Was the crap at the capital on 1/6 wrong…you bet, but it has been played up into something it was not to drive a wedge deeper into the divide between the people of this great nation.
Nice to see you voice your opinion! I knew you had an opinion somewhere, I just couldn't find it! 🤣
Veggie Only! UK School Bans Meat from Lunches Over Climate Fears, let me ask you the obvious but stupid question...if cows are eating natural vegetable products, including corn, aren't those supposed to be "carbon neutral" farts then? I mean, that's the same reason we use corn ethanol infused gasoline isn't it? To be "carbon neutral? Their farts should then be carbon neutral farts as well, right? Just sayin'...
And by the way, planting trees in Lubbock is exactly the same and has exactly the same environmental effect as planting the same number of trees anywhere else...remember, it takes a village!
Yep, screw Russia, Iran, and the Taliban! School kids going vegan to reduce cow fart gas is far more important! 🤣
Just ask Greta Thuuuuunnnnberg 🤣
Did your Mom keep all the cows on a quarter acre with feed buckets and water troughs, or, did she let them graze in a field after milking time? As a kid the mounted police would work in Boston and the surrounding beaches and would attract lots of children, not a horse fart to be smelled and the road apples were highly fibrous and smelt like grass. Are the feed lots like that? I only know two farms that raise ruminants and both use pasture when the weather is conducive and hay otherwise.
59% of U.S. Voters Support Canadian Truckers in ‘Freedom Convoy’ Protest Death of Muscular American Social Life University slaps down professor's 'progressive stacking' section of syllabus for 'non-white folks'
Yeah. The changed her syllabus but have they changed her actions?
I bet she still does it but just doesn't tell anyone that she is doing it.