Political & Social Debate

in General
Hello Everyone,
In order to maintain civil discourse and keep thematically appropriate content in its rightful place on the forum, this thread has been created for all political & social debate.
Do note this is not a thread for attacking, provoking or otherwise inflammatory remarks towards one another. This thread will be locked if it is determined that conversations are breaking our Terms of Service or if it is seen as too hostile of a thread
We're a part of a (more or less) sophisticated society of pipe smokers, let's please (more or less) act like it.
In order to maintain civil discourse and keep thematically appropriate content in its rightful place on the forum, this thread has been created for all political & social debate.
Do note this is not a thread for attacking, provoking or otherwise inflammatory remarks towards one another. This thread will be locked if it is determined that conversations are breaking our Terms of Service or if it is seen as too hostile of a thread
We're a part of a (more or less) sophisticated society of pipe smokers, let's please (more or less) act like it.
No matter what side of the aisle we’re on in this, we’re all brothers of the briar. Brothers can fight and be mean to each other sometimes, but we’re bonded by our hobby and part of a brotherhood that unites us all.
Thank you for intervening. I consider them both brothers, and I can't pick a dog in this fight. They both have a lot to offer and I hope this settles it.
I'm not kissing him...no siree-bob!
That creates a mental image that is very disturbing!
Not all republicans are "pro-rape" as you term it, just as not all democrats are "pro-pedophiles" or "pro-sexual abusers."
I have never heard a politician actually say that.
Don't mean it's not true, just that I personally have not heard an elected politician say that.
On the other hand, you have...
Bill Clinton
Harvey Weinstein
Jeffrey Epstein
Mel Reynolds
Gary Condit
John Edwards
Anthony Weiner
Al Franken
Andrew Cuomo
Why this is interesting is that you can see that while the U.S. has gradually been becoming more secular over the years, it remains more individualistic. To me, this makes sense. For example, church attendance has been declining over the years (something of a proxy for more secularism), yet we continue to embrace individual freedoms such as gun rights. In fact, it appears as though individualism has been on the increase since the 2005 wave was conducted--although 3 data points don't make an empirical regularity, the trend is there all the same.
Continued on next post...
But it would be more interesting if you could explain what the numbers represent? Number of people interviewed? How much money was spent? Number of strands of tobacco in a 50 gram tin of ribbon cut?
I'll take your questions as points to be addressed:
Point 1: the cardinal value of the numbers themselves doesn't mean much, but ordinally they do, and as I mentioned earlier, whether they are negative or positive also has considerable meaning.
So, for instance, take the collectivist/individualistic numbers. They are all positive meaning that the country is individualistic-leaning and does not lean to the collectivist side; for example, a country with a 0.00 number in this column means the society is split in their sociological beliefs in that area--you could almost say they are indifferent whether they have collectivist/individualistic ideals or not. That said, 1.46 means the respondents (on average) are more individualistic in 2017 than they are in 2005 where the number is only 1.30, and this is where the ordinality of the numbers mean something.
Point 2: Here is a link to the description page of the data and you can navigate anywhere you want to in here to find whatever descriptive statistics you need. To answer your question directly, here is a quote from a different page on this site
"the number of completed interviews which are included into the national data-set in most of countries is 1200. Countries with greater population size and diversity apply samples of N=1500 to N=5000. Countries with the population below 2 million people apply samples of N=1000.
The main method of data collection in the WVS survey is face-to-face interview at respondent’s home / place of residence. Other interview modes employed in WVS-7 include postal survey, self-administered online survey, and telephone interview (in combination with other surveying techniques)."
Point 3: Not enough, I can promise you that!
Thanks for the explanation and the link. I was just curious as to how they arrived at the numbers and how they assigned the numbers.
Shortly after the war and at about the same period you mention, 1890's I believe or somewhere thereabout, we have the moniker 'yellow dog democrat' coined...i.e., someone that would vote for a 'yaller dog' than vote for a republican, which to a great extent is an outcome of the "moral fatigue" you mention. We see that now with increasingly 'entrenched' voters on the left and right, and with a waning and therefore increasingly important independent voter block.
(Side note: remember, back then, ideologies of the parties were reversed from what they are perceived to be now, particularly with regard to government (over)reach).
People tend to forget that the ideologies of the parties were polar opposite of what they are portrayed as now. Those on the left like to call the republicans as the party of the KKK when reality is it was southern democrats who basically founded and ran the KKK. While Politifact may try to whitewash the involvement of democrats in forming the KKK by pointing out that the KKK was started as a fraternal order by some former Confederate generals, the truth is that the majority of the south were democrats at the time and the organization had a lot of support from democratic politicians.
This discussion is taking me back to my Sophomore year in high school which was spent in Greenville, Ms. We had moved from SE Texas to Greenville because my father changed companies he worked for. In Texas, Civics/Social Studies were a sophomore level class, in Mississippi it was a senior level class so I was placed in the class with older students. It was an interesting experience as the teacher had the desks arranged in a circle in the room and he taught from a podium in the middle of the circle. He said students should look at each other and not the back of the heads.
Anyway. Two things he said that have stuck with me for some reason.
1. He said one of the differences between the North and South was how they viewed Blacks. He said that people in the South "loved" Black individuals but hated the Black race while people in the North "loved" the Black race but hated the individuals.
2. Cultural Society (I think that was what he called it.) is like a pendulum swinging back and forth. The attitudes of society is always swinging from one end of the political spectrum to the other. Events happen which push the pendulum so far to the right that it creates a backlash which propels it back to the left and vice versa. One example he liked to use was Prohibition in the United States as pushing the pendulum too far to the right and the backlash was the rise of illegal alcohol sales, speak easies and the rise of organized crime propelling the pendulum back leading to the repeal of prohibition in 1933.
And that KKK/democrat connection lasted well into the 20th century. If anyone remembers the Exalted Cyclops, Sen. Robert Byrd (Dem, WV), who once wrote
"I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds."
And that was in 1944.
All of your points above are very well taken and I couldn't have phrased them better myself.
And Byrd only served in the Senate for about 50 years until he died in 2010.
This is the way a political discussion should take place.
Critical Race Theory - A legitimate academic theory concerning racism or an extension of European Marxism?
I will add my thoughts later...
Demand term limits.
Demand term Limits.