I will say this, all of us faculty who care will certainly, and quickly, figure out who the shy students are (they usually sit up front believe it or not), and try to get them to ask questions and be more engaged in class, which by definition means the more vocal students are put on the back burner, but having it written in the syllabus and to base it on race is, well, simply racist. I thought we were supposed to be color blind...
This will make Putin pull out for sure; I swear to god that democrats and those who think like them (in other countries) live in a bubble...they are by far the most clueless, naïve bunch that has ever existed.
UN to vote on resolution condemning Russian attack on Ukraine, US official says
"A senior U.S. official says the U.N. Security Council is expected to vote Friday on a resolution condemning Russia in the strongest terms possible for attacking Ukraine and demanding the immediate withdrawal of all its forces" 🤣
The UN is like an impotent man hiring a prostitute...what's the point! 🤣 As Frank Burns famously said when teaching English to South Koreans "Get us out of the UN" !
I received a phone call from a friend who son is fairly high up in the goverment.
His son called him to say that due to some changes / issues regarding Bidum's new sanctions against the madman in Russia, the American banking system may be down for a while and suggested his dad get some cash out before it happens.
I don't usually pay a lot of attention to this sort of stuff, but considering all the cyber warfare currently going on and the paradigm shift thats occurred, I thought there's no harm in being prepared.
So take this however you want, just thought I would put it out there
That's what credit cards are for. I wouldn't get worked up about it, and right now, Russia had better worry because the hacking group Anonymous has just declared "war" on them (remember, these were the guys that took out the Colonial Pipeline software a couple of summers ago). Also, drawing money out of accounts all at once can cause our own banking system to collapse since the required reserve ratio is only about 10% (meaning that banks are only required to keep at most 10% of deposits in cash). To be honest, I've been buying up equities during this whole thing--panic does bring opportunities for those that don't panic.
I will be setting up a charitable asylum for the reclamation of displaced, widowed, wayward and unwed mothers currently seeking refuge from the calamitous unrest in the Ukraine. What can I say, I'm a giving kind of person. If any gents would care to make any cash contributions, they will aid in my tobacco stocks as well.
@PappyJoe I watched carefully when Putin and Trump shared the same stage during the Trump Presidency and Trump's comments following that and any communications between the two made public. It was clear to me that Trump envied Putin and was careful not to step on his feet. That was reinforced by the recent comment about Putin moving into Ukraine as a peacekeeper. I wonder if it was Putin's influence that lead Trump to turn hard line on NATO. Maybe it was all just his property ownership in Russia.
I don’t see that the USA will do much of anything concerning Russia and Ukraine. Russia has over 6,000 nuclear weapons, and the U.S. has about the same amount. There will almost certainly be no war against Russia because of the threat of nuclear annihilation - both the USA and Russia have second-strike capabilities, ensuring that we’ll both wind up as nuclear wastelands. In a non-nuclear war we could defeat Russia, but should China enter into such a war on Russia’s side, which there’s a fair chance that they would do just that, our chances of success diminishes greatly. It’s not impossible by any means, but not exactly likely with such ‘leadership’ as we currently have and a military that’s spent the past year enforcing as much Woke nonsense as they possibly can.
I’m in the uncomfortable position of not believing a single word that Mr. Biden, Ms. Harris, Ms. Pelosi, or any of the so-called Democrats in office; truly they are Marxists in all but name as true Democrats and true Classical Liberals no longer hold any elected offices. I also don’t trust Mr. Putin as far as I can throw him, so I can only assume that they are both full of crap. My heart hurts for the Ukrainian People, but I’m not willing to send our sons and daughters to go die for them in a costly war that could, potentially, possibly spark World War III.
For all of his many faults Mr. Trump had real leadership ability. I can state this because both Russia and China didn’t do a darn thing that could have invoked any sort of military or real economic response while he was in office. Putin cannot and will not back down to Mr. Biden, a man widely seen throughout the world as a senile old fool who doesn’t even know why he’s wearing pants half of the time. Putin would be a laughing stock if he were cowed by such a man, and Putin loves to pretend that he is a mighty man. It’s not completely incorrect to say that NATO, of which the USA pays about 75% of the bills, has been provoking Putin and Russia for about ten or so years now. It seems as if this is the outcome that NATO has wanted, though I’m not entirely sure why.
With over 7% of our oil coming from and through Russia, a staggering amount when you consider how many millions of barrels we consume a day here in the USA, we’re all going to feel even more pain at the pump here soon. It’s because of that seven or so percent that even economic sanctions against Russia would be little more than slightly bothersome.
My advice to you, my friends and brothers, is to withdraw as much cash as you can from your bank accounts and stash it in your homes for the next few months. Should Putin hit us with cyber attacks the likelihood that we’ll be able to use debit/credit cards, get money out of the ATM, or take money out of the bank after said cyber attacks when there is a run on the banks is slim-to-none. In such an event you will be beyond screwed if you don’t have cash on hand. And if nothing happens you can always deposit it back into your accounts in a month or two should you wish to do so. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
"As a moderate I find both extremes unpalatable." No shit? 🤣 I guess I have to update my definition of moderate for the modern day! 🤣
Here, this is what I am:
I'm a conservative moderate who moderately moderates moderation and leans toward moderate conservative modernity! 🤣 (And I have absolutely no idea what the hell that means! 🤣)
I have a colleague that calls himself an independent, yet has never voted for a republican in his entire life.
Out of curiosity- what do you all think should happen? Should we send troops to Ukraine? Should NATO declare war on Russia on behalf of a non-NATO member nation? What should ‘economic sanctions’ look like? Should we send weapons to Ukraine? Is Putin justified in his invasion? Is he doing this because he believes that the USA, currently pretty much the only true Superpower in the world (though China is almost there itself) does not have strong leadership? Is NATO encroaching upon Russian territory with malicious intent?
I’m not trying to point anyone into any particular position; I’m just curious as to what other people think about what is occurring and what we should do, if anything. I don’t believe CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, ABC, NBC, the New York Times, the Atlantic, the Wall Street Journal, or any American media unfortunately. I think it’s virtually all propaganda for one side or the other. I’m a Christian Constitutional Conservative, meaning that I vote on the side of Christian morality when it comes to things like abortion, but for the most part I want the federal and state governments to leave me alone. Keep your hands off of my firearms, keep out of my church, keep your Wokeness to yourselves, abolish the IRS, the FDA, and ATF. If you’re a man that wants to get married to a man - I don’t understand why a man would be sexually attracted to another man, but you go right ahead. It doesn’t affect or effect my life so I don’t really care.
Lord, I ramble. I know, it’s pretty ridiculous. But so is the crap that we’re seeing throughout the world, especially here in the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia- it’s insane. We had that horrifically unfunny guy that has a late night talk show, whose whiter than Casper the Friendly Ghost, announce with glee during his opening monologue that the number of white people in the USA has went down. What sort of nonsense is that? I’m so, so, so tired of all of the ‘race’ crap that’s going on now. I’m only 43, so I wasn’t around during the era of Civil Rights and all, but I never saw such hatred of white people by black people and insane Marxist white kids before the Obama Administration. Yeah I knew racism still existed, but in my lifetime it was never like it is now. I hate it. Whether you believe in creation or evolution here’s a simple fact - THERE IS ONLY ONE RACE. There are different ethnicities, obviously, but we’re still one race. There’s only about a 1% deviation in the DNA of myself and Michael Jordan. There’s even only one skin color, believe it or not - we all have different shades of the same skin color. If we were truly different races we probably couldn’t even procreate!
What has occurred in this nation is that people 30 and under, and 35 and under in Canada and the UK, have been indoctrinated into Marxism from kindergarten onward, and they’ve not even tried to hide it. Once they get to college they are full-on, flag-waving Marxists that believe Communism is somehow a wonderful thing even though it’s murdered somewhere between 200,000,000 - 400,000,000 men, women, and children in the little over one hundred years that’s it’s been a stain upon the world. Doesn’t matter that it’s failed in every nation it’s been forced upon, doesn’t matter that it could never work in a nation with as many people as we have, doesn’t matter that the kids that were screaming “Kill Trump” and burning down cities would be outright executed if they tried that in a Communist nation, they want it here. There’s something extremely insane about people who protest for a system of government that would kill them for protesting. They all believe that they would be powerful Party Members when the truth is that none of them would be; they’d all be standing in the same three hour long lines for that loaf of stale bread and hunk of moldy cheese as everyone else would. The only people who would be powerful under a Communist system are the people who are already powerful now; they would become richer and more powerful and the rest of us would become the lowest of the low class.
We had people screaming and attacking others if they wouldn’t wear a face mask for a virus with a 99.8% survival rate for those 70 and younger. We had teachers refusing to go to work and teach children even though all of the evidence proved that children are extremely unlikely to catch and pass on the virus while we had nine and ten year old kids so depressed that they were committing suicide. AND THE TEACHERS DIDN’T CARE. Not every teacher of course, but a lot of them. We had government officials approving of BLM and Antifa criminals rioting, looting, burning down low-income, predominately black neighborhoods and businesses, murdering dozens of people, and committing possibly thousands of rapes - women, children, untold numbers were raped by Antifa. That Kyle Rittenhouse kid shot three Antifa members/rioters and all three of them had serious, hardcore criminal records. What are the odds of that? If I were to go smack three people upside their heads randomly the odds that all three of them would have serious criminal records would be astronomically low. And sorry, but I’ll never be upset when a pedophile is killed. If I ran the country every pedo would be executed on live TV.
Now we’re seeing people behaving worse than they have since we routinely grabbed our swords and went to battle against a clan or tribe a few miles down the road. They’re constantly screaming their heads off, and even attacking: doctors, nurses, ER staff, flight attendants, waitresses, hostesses, grocery store employees, and more over the dumbest crap imaginable. The entitlement is at an all-time high with no relief in sight. Honestly it’s getting to the point where I’m about to keep an extra plate carrier, with at least level 3 plates, in the trunk of my car. I live in the People’s Glorious Republic of Maryland where only cops, the rich, the influential, and criminals are permitted to carry firearms and the law-abiding citizens like me do not have a snowflake’s chance in Hell of getting a concealed carry permit, but I’m not far from just taking the chance and carrying a handgun when I leave the house. If I were caught with my legally-purchased .45 I’d become a felon and lose my right to own firearms, because the government believes that they somehow have the right to eliminate my rights, but it’s not far from being dangerous to leave the house without a firearm.
What we are seeing in the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, and other ‘first-world’ nations is not going to get any better. It’s not. It’s only going to get worse.
As a pre-Trib Baptist I believe that all of this is occurring because it is how it is supposed to occur, so I have no fear. I get that some of you do not believe as I do, and that’s okay. I’m not here to convert you, although I would obviously like to. I just like to think, should Russia, China, and North Korea feel froggy enough to invade the US I’ll throw on my plate carrier, grab my AR, and do my best to die bravely. Sounds silly, I know, but I don’t ever want to die as a coward. I hope that the Rapture occurs before then so I won’t have to worry about it in the first place!
No matter what, I will always smile when I recall a small garrison of Ukrainian troops responding to a Russian warship with the pithy response of “Russian warship, go f**k yourself”. They died to a man, but they died with honor and testicles of pure titanium.
If you actually read all of this mostly incoherent rambling I’m so sorry. I wish that I could give you your few minutes back along with the sanity that you just lost due to this small novel. Even sadder is that I could go on and on for another few hours. There is no hope for our society - nothing lasts forever and we are watching, in real time, the collapse of civilization.
@vtgrad2003 I never said I trusted her! I've voted against more Presidential candidates than I voted for and in alot of the others wrote in the best candidate, Mickey Mouse. Most of my ballots end up 50-50 or a bit to one side or the other depending on the issues.
BTW you tend to make extremist right posts and I can't remember any left of center!
I wish this constant singling out by race (or whatever) would stop. How about everybody is truly equal🤔.
Here, here 👍
Um, I mean we are all equal in the human sense. But still boys are boys and girls are girls. That's the only difference and you can't change that.
UN to vote on resolution condemning Russian attack on Ukraine, US official says
"A senior U.S. official says the U.N. Security Council is expected to vote Friday on a resolution condemning Russia in the strongest terms possible for attacking Ukraine and demanding the immediate withdrawal of all its forces" 🤣
I believe a resolution is the only weapon in the UN arsenal! In all cases it's non-deadly and ineffective.
The UN is like an impotent man hiring a prostitute...what's the point! 🤣
As Frank Burns famously said when teaching English to South Koreans "Get us out of the UN" !
That's what credit cards are for. I wouldn't get worked up about it, and right now, Russia had better worry because the hacking group Anonymous has just declared "war" on them (remember, these were the guys that took out the Colonial Pipeline software a couple of summers ago). Also, drawing money out of accounts all at once can cause our own banking system to collapse since the required reserve ratio is only about 10% (meaning that banks are only required to keep at most 10% of deposits in cash). To be honest, I've been buying up equities during this whole thing--panic does bring opportunities for those that don't panic.
"charitable asylum for the reclamation of displaced, widowed, wayward and unwed mothers"
sounds like a Monty Python skit 🤣
"62 percent of voters say Putin wouldn't have invaded Ukraine if Trump were president: poll"
Speaks volumes about Trump voters!
LOL, aren't that many of us...this poll is being driven by independents!
Is that supposed to be an insult?
This thread wouldn't be nearly as entertaining if @Balisong and I didn't throw insults at each other every week! 🤣
More an observation of Trump rally attendees.
So, believing that a different President would have prevented the invasion of the Ukraine is a bad thing?
Considering that most left wing socialist democrats view conservatives as "war-mongers" I find your comments ironic.
I watched carefully when Putin and Trump shared the same stage during the Trump Presidency and Trump's comments following that and any communications between the two made public. It was clear to me that Trump envied Putin and was careful not to step on his feet. That was reinforced by the recent comment about Putin moving into Ukraine as a peacekeeper. I wonder if it was Putin's influence that lead Trump to turn hard line on NATO. Maybe it was all just his property ownership in Russia.
Belief has no effect on action.
As a moderate I find both extremes unpalatable.
Yes, but I "watched this carefully", did you?
Oh yeah, and what about this?
Here, this is what I am:
I'm a conservative moderate who moderately moderates moderation and leans toward moderate conservative modernity! 🤣
(And I have absolutely no idea what the hell that means! 🤣)
I have a colleague that calls himself an independent, yet has never voted for a republican in his entire life.
I’m not trying to point anyone into any particular position; I’m just curious as to what other people think about what is occurring and what we should do, if anything. I don’t believe CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, ABC, NBC, the New York Times, the Atlantic, the Wall Street Journal, or any American media unfortunately. I think it’s virtually all propaganda for one side or the other. I’m a Christian Constitutional Conservative, meaning that I vote on the side of Christian morality when it comes to things like abortion, but for the most part I want the federal and state governments to leave me alone. Keep your hands off of my firearms, keep out of my church, keep your Wokeness to yourselves, abolish the IRS, the FDA, and ATF. If you’re a man that wants to get married to a man - I don’t understand why a man would be sexually attracted to another man, but you go right ahead. It doesn’t affect or effect my life so I don’t really care.
As a pre-Trib Baptist I believe that all of this is occurring because it is how it is supposed to occur, so I have no fear. I get that some of you do not believe as I do, and that’s okay. I’m not here to convert you, although I would obviously like to. I just like to think, should Russia, China, and North Korea feel froggy enough to invade the US I’ll throw on my plate carrier, grab my AR, and do my best to die bravely. Sounds silly, I know, but I don’t ever want to die as a coward. I hope that the Rapture occurs before then so I won’t have to worry about it in the first place!
No matter what, I will always smile when I recall a small garrison of Ukrainian troops responding to a Russian warship with the pithy response of “Russian warship, go f**k yourself”. They died to a man, but they died with honor and testicles of pure titanium.
I never said I trusted her! I've voted against more Presidential candidates than I voted for and in alot of the others wrote in the best candidate, Mickey Mouse. Most of my ballots end up 50-50 or a bit to one side or the other depending on the issues.
BTW you tend to make extremist right posts and I can't remember any left of center!