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  • Wasn’t one of the big (supposed) hold-ups for vaccine skeptics that they were just really reluctant to get this totally brand new vaccine before it had full FDA approval? Isn’t that one of the reasons they’ve been eating horse paste? Well good news, Pfizer is approved for regular human use.
  • vtgrad2003vtgrad2003 Master
    edited August 2021
    @motie2 Actually, only some were...you have obviously been influenced by the group-think culture. There are many, many reasons why people are not getting vaccinated. Some simply don't trust pharmaceutical companies, regardless if it's a vaccine or regular medicine, some simply don't believe in synthetic medicines (like my wife). Others are simply sick and tired of people self-righteously and hypocritically imposing their views on others--for instance, it probably hasn't occurred to you that there seems to be hypocrisy among those that tend to "push" for vaccinations and those same people that vote for politicians who protect the "Our Body Our Choice" pro-abortion movement. Well, to them, if we truly want to embrace a mindset of our body our choice, then shouldn't it apply to everyone? So, again, there are many many reasons (not all listed here) why people don't want to get the vaccine, in fact, I'll bet only a very small minority didn't want it because of it's FDA approval status. 

    And by the way, only the self-righteous would call it "horse paste", most of us would simply call it a 'difference of opinion', and I don't think you are self-righteous...at least from my conversations with you--am I correct? 
  • Gentlemen,  choices have consequences. If a person chooses not to get vaccinated and a restaurant owner chooses to only serve vaccinated patrons and only hire vaccinated staff they both have the right to do so. The restaurant has to accept the small labor pool and potential loss of revenue while the individual has less choices for dining. My wife works in a rehab hospital that doesn't accept Covid positive patients, the next step will be a vaccination policy for employees. I wonder what would happen if insurance companies choose to deny Covid related claims of the non vaccinated or raised the premiums to cover the costs and gave a discount to vaccinated policyholders. 
  • BTW people have reportedly taken OTC veterinary medication intended to treat internal parasites in horses and cows to ward off or cure Covid. The same compound is used in a shampoo used to treat hair lice. 
  • edited August 2021
    When do I get my student loan money back?????  I should get reimbursed as well.  They need to add on the amount adjusted for inflation too. I had to pay ALL of my student loans back.  Sons-a-bitches
  • When is everyone going to stop rationalizing everything going on, either direction? The US government is deeply corrupt and doesn't serve the will of the people. They are elected to REPRESENT the people of this republic! They haven't for decades. This should be the outrage!  
  • @RockyMountainBriar To be honest, I didn't even know about this program until mid last year when I read about it in an article on a business news website and thought I'd apply for it. At this time last year, I was fully planning on cutting a check for the whole amount so I would have more cash flow every month...and I was sick of paying interest on it (I hate interest). But again, thank you for your hard work and dedication in paying your taxes on time  :D
  • vtgrad2003vtgrad2003 Master
    edited August 2021

    @Balisong You are correct, choices do have consequences; I tell my students every day that there is no such thing as a free lunch! But I also think that many people see the unvaccinated as Trump rubes or "eating horse paste", and that is simply not the case. I work at an HBCU and even though many of the students here are vaccinated, many of their parents/grandparents are not (vaccinating percentages among the black community is quite low relative to other races); to many, vaccinations bring back memories/history of the Tuskegee experiments and other experiments (reportedly) performed on blacks back then. Is their fear warranted? Probably not. But it is a legitimate fear whether you think it is or not.

    The unvaccinated infect the unvaccinated (for the most part) anyway, so why worry about it? I mean, do you really want someone's insurance, that they pay for every month, to decline coverage? Is that the type of person you are? What if insurance companies declined you coverage because you are one of the few smokers left who refuse to quit smoking?

    Many people not only believe we should live in a nanny state, they actually want to participate in it...on the nanny side of the state of course...they never want to be on the receiving end of their own actions.

    Let people do what they do...you're vaccinated, don't worry about it...take a chill pill  B)

  • @vtgrad2003,
    Isn't paying for the medical care of someone sick because they refused a free vaccine an extension of a nanny state? Insurance providers already refuse some coverage for pre existing conditions and charge known cigarette smokers higher premiums. Are the unvaccinated special?
  • @vtgrad2003

    Your statement, << And by the way, only the self-righteous would call it "horse paste", most of us would simply call it a 'difference of opinion', >>

    No, not the self-righteous. You thought  “horse paste” was the derogative for horse manure.

    No, as @Balisong referenced, the unvaccinated are taking horse paste. They don’t trust vaccines, but take horse paste.

  • Horse paste is a term commonly used by the older sport horse crowd..,my wife was a sport horse breeder and I commonly hear her older customers use that term for something that is hard to swallow; if you have ever tried to give a horse wormer, which I have, you’ll know why. 
  • vtgrad2003vtgrad2003 Master
    edited August 2021
    No, it’s called capitalism…private insurers spreading their risk. That said, issuing higher premiums, like we do for smokers, is certainly a valid option
  • By the way, my wife and I both use horse shampoo….it’s a lot better than regular shampoo…with all that hair you have, you should try it sometime  ;)
  • vtgrad2003vtgrad2003 Master
    edited August 2021
    By the way, preexisting conditions are far different than existing conditions under someone’s current insurance, I’m sure you would agree 
  • @vtgrad2003

    Hey, we use Mane and Tail hair conditioner.

    But we don’t drink it, and it is sold and approved for use by humans.

  • @motie2 I'm very glad you don't drink it, that would certainly be an odd thing to do, although you are free to do so if you want  :D
  • Thank you. I feel much better knowing I have your permission.

    And dumbasses have my permission to eat Ivermectin.
  • Interesting opinion piece...no need to respond, but if you must know how I personally feel about this topic, this is what I'm most concerned about--i.e., when does it ever end? Same question is asked here. It also speaks about something I said earlier about minorities. Please don't cherry pick parts of it...it is an opinion piece after all... :)  He is a well-known columnist, but just that, a columnist...no need to freak out over it. 

  • Wow, you do go on and on.🙂
  • And who was the one that posted the "vaccine skeptics" post yesterday? Out of the blue?  :D  I was talking about some damn insect invasion and you had to bring up vaccine skeptics!!! 
  • And by the way, I'm nowhere near as bad as my wife! If you want to hear someone go on and on and on and on....
  • …and on and on.
  • You always have to get in the last word, don't you...
  • …and on and on.
  • Charlie Watts died...a kickass drummer that didn't even get to perform on the Stones' latest 401k tour!
  • AceFourAceFour Master
    edited August 2021
    So what I got from the last few pages of posts is that I should tell my niece that is an epidemiologist that got her doctorate from John Hopkins that masks don't work and vaccine is dangerous and I should take cattle dewormer because it was posted on Facebook.

    Sad to see Charlie Watts go.   I have seen them several times including the last show in DC in July 2019.   I was amazed when I saw him in the late 80's he could play a 3 hour set.  Even more amazing he could still do it 30 years later.
  • Londy3Londy3 Master
    edited August 2021
    It will never end. It's a political tool. 
  • It's the way of the world to turn and change. Charlie Watts passes away and Alex Jones and others are finally distancing from  Trump. Winter's coming and no weather models have much of a clue as to what it'll be like...  We can be certain that there will be many more needless deaths from Covid-19.
  • @motie2 My god you go on and on and on...just let it rest, will you?  :D
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