The World We Live In

in The Lounge
The world we live thoughts for today
What's wrong is right
What's back is white
What's up is down
What's holding losely
Is holding tight
What is a boy or a girl
It's really how I feel
What's fake is real
What is yours
I can steal
What is a life
Is not for real
When we speak truth
They will twist the deal
What's near is far
What is peaceful
Is called war
What is freedom
Is a disgrace
What is honest and pure
Is a slap in the face
What is love for your country
Is unfair or unjust
Giving benefit of the doubt
Is viewed as distrust
We are all created equal
As long as it's for them
We have freedom of speech
But we have to reteach
Making America Great
Yet they want to Impeach
Defend your life and your land
They rise to make a stand
Protect the innocent
Then prove that you are
The system is rigged against the good
They lie and shout in the neighborhood
I work for what's mine
I'll take what is owed me
What lawyers make grey
Is a criminals new day
Politicians preach what's right
While working in darkness at the dead of night
Soon this shall pass
Said the Lord most high
They laugh, grin and spit in your eye
When He comes in the light
They'll be blinded at night
Hold fast to your faith as the end is near
As our opposition trembles in great fear
We've already won and so it is written
Pray to our Lord as our sins are forgiven

@Londy3 must be a genius.
I found that line in several historical fiction books about Marines in WWII written by W.E.B. Griffin.
Let’s play Monopoly with ten players.
One player already owns 90% of the real estate and can borrow money from the bank whenever he wants.
The other nine players have to share the remaining 10% of the real estate.
This is our economic system.
If you don’t like it, you are a dirty Communist and hate America.
You are both better and stronger than you think....... I think.....
Philippians 4:8
And in the famous words of Forrest Gump, "That's all I got to say about that".🙂 I mean, Amen!
Thanks. Sad but true.
Thank you for the insight and general outlook. The media can really bring you down. So, I've turned it off since January 2021. No more, not looking back.
Sometimes I wish I could as well but my research requires that I keep track of international affairs; after a while though (i.e., 20+years of doing it), you become somewhat immune to the antics of people and societies and focus solely on the economic impact of these events, and that's really my passion and what keeps me doing it every day.
The only problem with turning off the media is not being able to stay informed on what is going on in the world. While media bias is real, it can be overcome by not just listening to one side of the story. For the most part, I haven't watched television news for years, preferring to get my news from newspapers and news magazines. I also avoid internet media because I tend to find them the most biased.
”It happened, get over it, learn from those mistakes and move on”. If our history is destroyed, it will be forgotten and possibly the bad things will be repeated. We need to save our history, destroying the reminders, good or bad, does not “fix” what happened.
I'm a civil and revolutionary war history buff, especially NC and SC history. I find the current climate on history appalling. Once you forget history, you're doomed to repeat it.
What happens when you edit what is taught?
History is not taught.
Not taught, history is not learned.
Not learned?
Rinse and repeat………