Okay, what the fuck is that on that mug in your new picture? Looks like someone from San Francisco or something! I know they tried to make it look like an Indian...but I ain't never seen no Indian that looked like that before!
@Zouave1864 LOL, leave it to a bunch of Italians to draw American history! At first, I was thinking it might be Manteo or Wanchese--they were the Indians that went back to England with Sir Walter Raleigh from the Outer Banks area of North Carolina, but I couldn't find a painting of them even close to what's on the jug, so it must be some Italian perception of what an American Indian looked like--we should all be outraged at their cultural appropriation!
@Londy3 Early on in this administration I used to think 'how can anyone perform as badly as the Carter administration'? I mean, who could be that incompetent? This administration makes the Carter administration look like highly competent geniuses. It's amazing, actually.
Some do step up and push back, the problem is, there are way more people that like free stuff from the government. It seems this last election secured their position and I don’t think it can be changed. Unless voting booths are the only way to vote, (except for overseas military), then the bastards are too freaking lazy to put down the beer and chips, get off the couch and actually go vote. I think we may have reached the breaking point where we are outnumbered by the freeloaders. Soon nobody will care to support those lazy bastards, all will quit working and hence paying taxes, and it will all come tumbling down. It’s not just inching closer, it seems to be picking up momentum with the speed of light. Even I have been mulling over the whole F-IT mentality. Why not quit working and live off the government….it’s free….right….nobody has to come up with that money🤔. Oh yea, right now it’s me and some others working everyday, paying taxes to support slack-asses. Retirees are not included in the “slack-asses” if it was earned over a lifetime of working and paying taxes.
I don't get the hoop-la! Non reproductive sexual encounters have been a part of human societies and for that matter animal societies for millennia. You are what was between your legs when you were born, it's not your choice, how you express your sexuality is up to you. I was born male, been intimate with my share of females and rejected the advances of more than one male. I've been friends with and had relatives who made different choices, and respected their life style. Take the names off the restroom doors and put up a graphic, when someone goes to the restroom they can choose the door with the graphic of what's currently exists between their legs.
@Balisong Exactly. Everyone points to the 1960s as being the "sexual revolution" but the world was more accepting about sexual proclivities even before the Egyptian, Greek and Roman empires.
First, well put, both of you--and the "non-reproductive sexual encounters" wording cracks me up...I've got to remember that one!
But second, the problem today is all the 'in your face' and 'child indoctrination' crap. Gay and lesbians tried that back in the 90's and it failed miserably, but once they started just doing their own things and not flaunting it (i.e., once they started acting like respectful members of society) they started gaining acceptance.
A good friend of mine who's gay (obviously so, by the way) will tell you that all this new crap is setting the gay and lesbian cause back decades...i.e., older people are starting to remember the 80's with all the gay parades and nakedness in the streets, and think we are reverting back to those times.
In general, Americans...even conservative Americans, don't really give a crap what anyone does as long as it's not in their face. Heterosexuals don't go around wagging their (fake) tits and dicks in public (outside of a nude beach or Phish concert or something lol), simply because of common decency and respect for others, why this cause thinks its okay speaks volumes about where their heads are in terms of degenerate moral behavior.
My wife and I are big sea turtle people...I thought I'd pass this along just cuz'
as today is world sea turtle day! Below is an email I got from the NC Aquariums that we're members of. If you'd like to donate, it's a great cause and the money goes toward it's objective unlike other charities.
It's World Sea Turtle Day!
There are seven species of sea turtles worldwide and five of them can be found off the coast of North Carolina.
Each year, the NC Aquariums rescue, rehabilitate, and release dozens of sick and injured sea turtles thanks to the generosity of donors like you.
Since the start of 2023, the NC Aquariums have rehabilitated and released over 200 turtles.
Caring for sea turtles is expensive. It costs around $50 per day to feed a single recovering loggerhead sea turtle.
@vtgrad2003 The biggest problem for the Kemp Ridley sea turtles has primarily been humans. Since over 90 percent of their natural nesting ground is on the coastline of Mexico, the problem is in the harvesting and consumption of the eggs by the Mexicans. Even thought the turtles are supposedly "protected" it still happens. After that, the problem is bycatch by commercial fishing and shrimping boats. In the late 1980s this prompted the regulations requiring turtle excluding devices to be installed in shrimp nets.
That led to numerous confrontations between shrimpers who claimed they were losing 60 to 70 percent of their catch and regulatory enforcement agencies like the Coast Guard. The claims were an over exaggeration of the actual loses when the devices were properly installed and maintained.
Fortunately, here in the southeast coast (NC, SC, GA, Northern FL), fucking with sea turtles is hugely frowned upon.
I was in Hatteras last year (I'll be there next week in fact) and was talking to a guy back at our campground in Frisco who was just at a part of the beach called Hatteras Bight; I was further up the beach north of the Point, so I didn't see what happened, but he said a drunk Yankee tourist in a truck from New Jersey ran over a clearly marked sea turtle nesting area. A group of about 20 southern rednecks in trucks went after him (rebel and Trump flags flying of course, lol), surrounded him, and beat the crap out of him and his girlfriend...the parks service intervened but didn't prosecute anyone. They took the jackass' beach pass, cited him for running over the nesting area, and banned him from the beach.
We take our nature shit pretty seriously around here, even the fisherman do.
@vtgrad2003 Yeah, that was a little extreme. If it happened on a Texas beach the results would may have been the same except the driver would also be facing jail time and a hefty fine.
"No officer, we witnessed the whole thing. Those injuries was caused by him falling out of his truck."
@vtgrad2003 I worked an incident a couple of years before I retired from the Coast Guard where a bunch of shrimpers decided to blockade a commercial navigable waterway in protest of the TED regulations. Where they made a mistake was blockading the channel where it was under Coast Guard jurisdiction. After several hours of negotiations, and a few water bottles thrown at one of the Coast Guard vessels, the decision was made to mount the fire fighting nozzles. A few shrimpers went swimming, was rescued by the Coast Guard and issued citations - for littering, blocking a navigable waterway and a few other federal violations.
They tried to claim the Coast Guard used excessive force but it didn't work.
Look, I'll be the first to admit that some regulations are counterproductive and harm the fishing industry. For instance, us private anglers are always having to pay the price for the commercial industry's over fishing for reds, flounder, trout, etc.--I'm sure you bitch about the same thing down there in Louisiana as we do here in North Carolina with reduced slots and even seasonal bans on certain species. On the other hand, the commercial industry faces a slew of arbitrary regulations such as when the official start of a season is, amount of catch per boat, etc. But the bottom line is that at some point you have to use common sense. We don't really know a lot about the ocean(s) and its ecosystem, so common sense stuff like reducing the percentage of bycatch makes practical sense...on land, if you're deer hunting you don't go shooting beavers, right?
Okay, what the fuck is that on that mug in your new picture? Looks like someone from San Francisco or something!
LOL, leave it to a bunch of Italians to draw American history!
At first, I was thinking it might be Manteo or Wanchese--they were the Indians that went back to England with Sir Walter Raleigh from the Outer Banks area of North Carolina, but I couldn't find a painting of them even close to what's on the jug, so it must be some Italian perception of what an American Indian looked like--we should all be outraged at their cultural appropriation!
Early on in this administration I used to think 'how can anyone perform as badly as the Carter administration'? I mean, who could be that incompetent? This administration makes the Carter administration look like highly competent geniuses. It's amazing, actually.
Why are you surprised?
The peanut farmer is also a democrat.
But I am surprised that The People have not stepped up and push back hard on all this government insanity!
I have zero trust in anything government touches or is involved with, ZERO.
For the first time in my life, I feel hopeless about the future of our country and I am afraid of the government.
You all are fucking depressing!
You know what you all need to do to cheer yourselves up?
Go out on your lawn right now and proudly wave your LGBTQQIP2SA flag!!!!! Yay!!!!
Everyone points to the 1960s as being the "sexual revolution" but the world was more accepting about sexual proclivities even before the Egyptian, Greek and Roman empires.
Your post did cheer me up. Thanks.
First, well put, both of you--and the "non-reproductive sexual encounters" wording cracks me up...I've got to remember that one!
But second, the problem today is all the 'in your face' and 'child indoctrination' crap. Gay and lesbians tried that back in the 90's and it failed miserably, but once they started just doing their own things and not flaunting it (i.e., once they started acting like respectful members of society) they started gaining acceptance.
A good friend of mine who's gay (obviously so, by the way) will tell you that all this new crap is setting the gay and lesbian cause back decades...i.e., older people are starting to remember the 80's with all the gay parades and nakedness in the streets, and think we are reverting back to those times.
In general, Americans...even conservative Americans, don't really give a crap what anyone does as long as it's not in their face. Heterosexuals don't go around wagging their (fake) tits and dicks in public (outside of a nude beach or Phish concert or something lol), simply because of common decency and respect for others, why this cause thinks its okay speaks volumes about where their heads are in terms of degenerate moral behavior.
It's World Sea Turtle Day!
There are seven species of sea turtles worldwide and five of them can be found off the coast of North Carolina.
Each year, the NC Aquariums rescue, rehabilitate, and release dozens of sick and injured sea turtles thanks to the generosity of donors like you.
Since the start of 2023, the NC Aquariums have rehabilitated and released over 200 turtles.
Caring for sea turtles is expensive. It costs around $50 per day to feed a single recovering loggerhead sea turtle.
Will you help us save one?
Enter code SEATURTLE
The biggest problem for the Kemp Ridley sea turtles has primarily been humans. Since over 90 percent of their natural nesting ground is on the coastline of Mexico, the problem is in the harvesting and consumption of the eggs by the Mexicans. Even thought the turtles are supposedly "protected" it still happens. After that, the problem is bycatch by commercial fishing and shrimping boats. In the late 1980s this prompted the regulations requiring turtle excluding devices to be installed in shrimp nets.
That led to numerous confrontations between shrimpers who claimed they were losing 60 to 70 percent of their catch and regulatory enforcement agencies like the Coast Guard. The claims were an over exaggeration of the actual loses when the devices were properly installed and maintained.
Fortunately, here in the southeast coast (NC, SC, GA, Northern FL), fucking with sea turtles is hugely frowned upon.
I was in Hatteras last year (I'll be there next week in fact) and was talking to a guy back at our campground in Frisco who was just at a part of the beach called Hatteras Bight; I was further up the beach north of the Point, so I didn't see what happened, but he said a drunk Yankee tourist in a truck from New Jersey ran over a clearly marked sea turtle nesting area. A group of about 20 southern rednecks in trucks went after him (rebel and Trump flags flying of course, lol), surrounded him, and beat the crap out of him and his girlfriend...the parks service intervened but didn't prosecute anyone. They took the jackass' beach pass, cited him for running over the nesting area, and banned him from the beach.
We take our nature shit pretty seriously around here, even the fisherman do.
Yeah, that was a little extreme. If it happened on a Texas beach the results would may have been the same except the driver would also be facing jail time and a hefty fine.
"No officer, we witnessed the whole thing. Those injuries was caused by him falling out of his truck."
I worked an incident a couple of years before I retired from the Coast Guard where a bunch of shrimpers decided to blockade a commercial navigable waterway in protest of the TED regulations. Where they made a mistake was blockading the channel where it was under Coast Guard jurisdiction. After several hours of negotiations, and a few water bottles thrown at one of the Coast Guard vessels, the decision was made to mount the fire fighting nozzles. A few shrimpers went swimming, was rescued by the Coast Guard and issued citations - for littering, blocking a navigable waterway and a few other federal violations.
They tried to claim the Coast Guard used excessive force but it didn't work.
Look, I'll be the first to admit that some regulations are counterproductive and harm the fishing industry. For instance, us private anglers are always having to pay the price for the commercial industry's over fishing for reds, flounder, trout, etc.--I'm sure you bitch about the same thing down there in Louisiana as we do here in North Carolina with reduced slots and even seasonal bans on certain species. On the other hand, the commercial industry faces a slew of arbitrary regulations such as when the official start of a season is, amount of catch per boat, etc. But the bottom line is that at some point you have to use common sense. We don't really know a lot about the ocean(s) and its ecosystem, so common sense stuff like reducing the percentage of bycatch makes practical sense...on land, if you're deer hunting you don't go shooting beavers, right?