Kinda funny, especially for Chris Farley. I was never a fan, he was too over-the-top intense. Kinda like Bobcat Goldthwait…they both needed a swift kick in the huevos😖
I saw the C&D “Sunbear ‘22’ Mountain Flower” pop on pipes and cigars yesterday? I was regretting not buying a few more tins when I had the chance earlier. I lucked out and grabbed four more. I probably should have grabbed my limit, the stuff is tasty (for me), but that damn Baraccini “Jack” 320 Halloween pipe was haunting me and my P.A.D. beat out my T.A.D. this time. There’s only so many greenbacks in the treat bag.
So I received a shipment of C&D Carolina Red Flake today from a member of this forum who wishes to remain anonymous.
I wanted to say thank you to this person, but more so, I wanted to say that as a community of individuals who have never met one another (for the most part) but share a common interest, you guys and girls have had a restorative effect on my psyche.
With few exceptions pipe smokers are a salt of the earth crew who I am humbly proud to be associated with. thank you all.
You know, I wonder who in the hell at C&D comes up with these names "Mountain Flower", "Interlude", etc. They do know men smoke this shit, right? LOL I can't believe they have a gender fluid non-binary working there (in South Carolina near Myrtle Beach), but I guess it's possible! Even so, why not address the audience by naming crap Rambo, or Knife's Edge, or M16 or better yet, F150 or something
Product description:
"F150, a manly blend of Bright and Red Virginias, not made for those sissies that drive Chevy(s)"
@mapletop; First of all, I didn't send you the Tobac. Secondly, I totally agree with your assessment of TPL members and pipe smokers in general. If we can't restore your psyche, who can?
@vtgrad2003 Well there is a GMC Kodiak and Kodiak chewing tobacco/snus? Then there is F&K’s “Merde De Cheval”, you have to be pretty manly to smoke horse$#!+ tobacco, right? G.L. Pease “Jack Knife Plug”, kinda manly.
“Sunbear ‘Mountain Flower’” is kinda sissy-mary. It’s got tequila in it, so that should up it’s manliness some. Then there is the Elderflower…kinda takes it back to sissy-mary again🤔. I’m so confused, just like a gender fluid non-binary, just not about the same things😬.
F150? There you go thinking small again. You need to think manly like 3500HD 4x4 Z71 OffRoad….now that’s big and manly. I think that “Kodiak” (GMC) and “Topkick” (Chevy) might work as manly tobacco names. Although, “Raptor” (Ford) would be pretty bitch’in too.
Or how about “Stab in the Neck” tobacco? It’s one of my US Marine buddies’ favorite daily thoughts, mainly about stupid people (by his standards). He’s not real sociable.😬 ”Stab in the Neck” could be in a tobacco blend series with “Bayonet”, “Machete”, “Coup de Grâce”, “Switchblade” and “Stiletto”. Actually, scratch “Stiletto”, kinda girly.
@RockyMountainBriar, @opipeman, @vtgrad2003, If you haven't got a tin of "Give Me Liberty", you need to get one. It is a wonderful blend of red Virginias with a touch of stoved Virginias. I popped the tin today, and was not disappointed in the least. It is not a tangy as Red Virginia Krumble Kake, but it is close. You can definitely still taste the tang in there, but there is a mellow bottom to it from the stoved tobaccos. I tell you what, if you buy it and don't like it, get hold of me and I will buy it from you. I could stand to have a few more tins of this in my cabinet. Three thumbs up!!!
Got my loot today, four more tins to add to my first two😋 Remind me to never buy a pipe from Pipes and Cigars again. This “Jack” pipe is very shiny painted? orange, and the sandblast is the pattern I hate the most. It looks like a freaking cratered moon, not a Jack-O-Lantern. Yep, I need to see the pipe I’m buying. This buying of pipes sight unseen crap is for the birds🤢. As a side note, this pipe can use a 9mm filter, but the cheap bastards did not include even one. I will say, it has the overall Savinelli quality as far as fit and internals👍🏻
I take back the internal engineering comment. After I removed the stinking bowl coating, I found that the chamber has been bored too deeply. It’s probably the reason it’s a Baraccini and not a Savinelli.
With that kind of haul, I hope they had a shotgun guard.
If I keep buying pipes, I may end up living in me pickup down by the river.
Kinda like Bobcat Goldthwait…they both needed a swift kick in the huevos😖
I had been waiting on favorable exchange rates and It's a great time as the Euro is worth less than the dollar.
Should come as no surprise when your leaders force energy shortages on everyone
Let us know when you get your order and what you bought.
First of all, I didn't send you the Tobac. Secondly, I totally agree with your assessment of TPL members and pipe smokers in general. If we can't restore your psyche, who can?
Well there is a GMC Kodiak and Kodiak chewing tobacco/snus? Then there is F&K’s “Merde De Cheval”, you have to be pretty manly to smoke horse$#!+ tobacco, right? G.L. Pease “Jack Knife Plug”, kinda manly.
“Sunbear ‘Mountain Flower’” is kinda sissy-mary. It’s got tequila in it, so that should up it’s manliness some. Then there is the Elderflower…kinda takes it back to sissy-mary again🤔. I’m so confused, just like a gender fluid non-binary, just not about the same things😬.
F150? There you go thinking small again. You need to think manly like 3500HD 4x4 Z71 OffRoad….now that’s big and manly. I think that “Kodiak” (GMC) and “Topkick” (Chevy) might work as manly tobacco names. Although, “Raptor” (Ford) would be pretty bitch’in too.
”Stab in the Neck” could be in a tobacco blend series with “Bayonet”, “Machete”, “Coup de Grâce”, “Switchblade” and “Stiletto”. Actually, scratch “Stiletto”, kinda girly.
That guy cracks me up😂😂😂
What a hoot! For the record, old or new, a man needs a truck.
Let is know what you think of the “Give Me Liberty”.
If you haven't got a tin of "Give Me Liberty", you need to get one. It is a wonderful blend of red Virginias with a touch of stoved Virginias. I popped the tin today, and was not disappointed in the least. It is not a tangy as Red Virginia Krumble Kake, but it is close. You can definitely still taste the tang in there, but there is a mellow bottom to it from the stoved tobaccos. I tell you what, if you buy it and don't like it, get hold of me and I will buy it from you. I could stand to have a few more tins of this in my cabinet. Three thumbs up!!!
Remind me to never buy a pipe from Pipes and Cigars again. This “Jack” pipe is very shiny painted? orange, and the sandblast is the pattern I hate the most. It looks like a freaking cratered moon, not a Jack-O-Lantern. Yep, I need to see the pipe I’m buying. This buying of pipes sight unseen crap is for the birds🤢. As a side note, this pipe can use a 9mm filter, but the cheap bastards did not include even one. I will say, it has the overall Savinelli quality as far as fit and internals👍🏻
Not worth the hassle, my time…..and too late.🙂
That's a shame. You would expect that is it was made in China.