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What are you guys smoking right Now?



  • @RockyMountainBriar that Pete Squire is beautiful 
  • I turned 72 today.
    I got a new president - and I don't care whether you like him or not, he is our President. Keep your comments to yourself.

    I have also been given extremely cold weather for south Louisiana and we are expecting from 4 to 8-inches of snow starting later tonight. 
    The cold and snow doesn't bother me and as I have told people for the past two days, I lived for 12 years in states that had snow every year. I know how to drive in snow.
    I also know how to stay off the road when living in a state where the idiots can't even drive on a sunny, dry day. 

    Anyone, I have loaded my Ascorti 2013 Christmas pipe (261) with C&D Jolly Old St. Nicholas (Christmas pipe tobacco in a Christmas pipe on a night with white Christmas type weather. Temperature is 35° already.)

    Making a cup of coffee to pour two ounces of rum into.
  • I’m looking at 8F right now, this morning it was -5F when I left for work🥶.  The forecast says it’s supposed to be warming up overnight starting now👍🏻  It is a bit breezy, maybe a little “chinook” action🙂.  There was about 4”-6”inches of snow that fell last week, and another inch or two after that, but at least the roads are clear-ish.  Now there are only sneaky patches of solid black ice that can catch the uninitiated unawares😳.
  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    edited January 22
    Two days in a row I have awakened to 3°!
    Even my attached garage is only around 38°. 
    Supposed to be a little warmer tomorrow.  Might try a bowl then...
    By the way @RockyMountainBriar , You just reminded me that I did the last of my Half & Half a few weeks ago. Need to take care of that this week... Us "old codgers" should always try to keep a supply of that blend on hand... 😏
  • I fondly remember being 72……..
  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    edited January 22
    You're in your element... Santa...
    By the way, Happy Birthday brother. 
    Your at the age you can honestly say, "It's better to be seen than viewed". 😏
  • @motie2
    At least we can still remember being 72. That's saying something, isn't it?
  • @KA9FFJ
    The temperature in SE Louisiana this morning?

  • First pipe after 2 days of BITTER cold!
    Decided to do some Tinderbox After Dinner in a St. Claude made "The French Pipe" #6 I acquired while in Marseille. 
    Nice pipe, nice blend...

  • @PappyJoe
    I think we have had less snow than what you are sporting.  I’m wondering if Mother Nature is waiting to dump those big, heavy, wet, late winter/early spring snowflakes on us here🤔
  • I am home from a long day at the office. As is my practice, I come home and take a hand full of my evening heart medication so I can live another day. Then, I sit down in my recliner with my pipe and tobacco to find comfort and a peace that makes life worth living. It is the ritual of my pipe and prayers that makes the struggles of life just a little less important. 

  • Take it easy Dan.
    Sweet Pete Christmas SH Baskerville? or is it maybe a Watson?
  • @RockyMountainBriar
    Thank you. 
    Good eye. It is a Baskerville.
  • @motie2  
    Friendship is a precious commodity. It is nice to be part of TPL. I continue to remember you in my daily prayers. 

  • Ropp Cutty, Country Squire Figgy pudding 
  • edited January 24
    SG “Cannon Plug” in my own “Modified Bulldog”?

  • Tried out the new C&D small batch release of Fire Bird Flake in my trusty Peterson 314 system Pipe.
    I can highly recommend this blend to any one that likes a burley, oriental and virgina blend.

  • edited January 26
    Another old codger blend tonight, “Granger”, loaded in an old codger pipe, a WDC with red triangle stem logo.  It’s another pipe I refurbished years ago, this is the first time smoking it since the refurb.  I don’t see a line name, it’s been worn/buffed away, if it ever had one.  It does have the WDC triangle shank stamp and “Italian Briar” stamped on the shank, no shape number is discernible.  It has a unique stinger, it looks like a mini muzzle brake, it seems to be working fine👍🏻.  I have some hot black coffee and some lemon soda water to pair.  This “Granger” is one of the better “Old Codgers”, I am truly enjoying it.  I still need to add some “Carter Hall” to my cellar 🙂

  • Wife's brother passed. Here in Florida for the past 4 days. Earlier today was the first chance to enjoy a bowl.
    Mr. Brog Maestro doing some Frankenblend...

  • @KA9FFJ sorry for your loss. 
  • @KA9FFJ
    My condolences to you and your family.
  • edited January 31
    Smoking some C&D “Espresso” in my Pete Darwin (one of my most favored pipes🙂).  I have a tin of Stillhouse “Spiced Cherry Whiskey” on hand to keep my shot-glass full.
  • Cult BRM mixed 75/25 with Balkan Sasieni. 
    Strange bowlfellows, but interestingly compatible.
  • The story so far:
    In either September or October, I saw the 2024 Rattray's Yule Pipe on smoking Pipe EU (SPEU) and decided that I wanted one. I waited patiently for Smoking Pipes US (SPUS) to have one and I ordered one of the smooth finished as a Christmas present to myself. It arrived, I wrapped it and opened it on Christmas Day (I may have posted this elsewhere.). The first smoke was great except for a small bubble that formed on the bowl. Then I noticed the logo on the stem rubbed off. I smoked it a second time and more bubbles appeared. I sent it back to SPUS and customer service was great and within days I was given a full refund plus shipping.

    Since the SPUS was sold out, I checked SPEU and while they did have a couple of the smooth Yule pipes, I wasn't sure if I wanted to risk another defective finish. I ordered one of the sandblast pipes instead on Jan. 6. SPEU shipped it on Jan. 6 and said it could take on average 12 business days for it to be delivered. It made it from Ireland to the US in 5-days. On Jan. 14th, USPS tracking had it arriving in Dallas, Texas. The tracking on Jan. 15th said it was "In Transit" to next facility. When I contacted USPS on Jan. 20, I was told it was just scanned on the 20th and was "In Transit". I am assuming that when in Dallas the package was loaded on a wagon pulled by mountain goats and sent to New Orleans because it somehow took 14 days for it to appear at the USPS sorting facility about 45 miles from me. On Jan. 30 it arrived at my post office but wasn't put on the delivery vehicle until Friday, Jan. 31. 

    Since a signature was required, I sat around the house waiting. Imagine my surprise when I received a notification that the delivery attempt "failed" because no one was home. I retrieved the paper notice in the mailbox, noted that the noticed said delivery "failed" only six minutes earlier. I hoped in my car and drove around the neighborhood to locate the mail carrier. He gave me my package.

    While I had wanted the smooth finish, I am glad I ended up with the sandblast. I really like the green over black finish on the bowl.

    For my first break-in smoke, I loaded it with some Rattray's Winter Edition 2022 and drove to the Veteran's Cemetery. 

    Second smoke was a bowl of Kopp's Caribbean Blue Seegar while sitting by the front door.

  • Some Davidoff Danish in my knockoff Peterson.  Only 12° at the lake. Only made it through about 1/8th of the bowl🥶
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