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What are you guys smoking right Now?



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    Smoking some Vauen “Black Pepper” in a Savinelli Silver 804KS this fine evening.

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    Had a bowl of Parsons Blend in my Comoy traditions this morning. This is the 4th or 5th bowl of parson's blend in a row in as many pipes. I wanted to really get to know it and see which pipe it performs best in. So far my Dr. Grabow seems to produce the best smoke with it. I'll write a review about it soon in case anyone is interested.
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    Good morning!
    Starting the day with GLP Abingdon in an MM bent Apple Diplomat and a k-cup of Ethiopian Yirgacheffe coffee. I have some Ethiopian green beans coming in today or tomorrow so I can get back to the rich pour over brew I really enjoy!
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    This is the first smoke in this pipe since I refinished it 8-10 years ago.  I’m smoking an “appropriate” tobacco in it tonight, SWR Aromatic OTC “Codger”.  The pipe is an old Yello-Bole #2013B from 1933-1936.  Man this tobacco is good, and the pipe is behaving admirably😋.  Great room note.  I think it is my #1 favorite OTC “Codger” tobacco.
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    That Yello-Bole has an interesting airway drilling, I’m not sure if it was a correct drilling, or a mistake?  I would like to know if all #2013B’s were drilled this way?  It smoked perfectly, and the stinger did its job.  Of all of the stingers these Yello-Bole scoop style always work as intended for me, if installed correctly, i.e. scoop up, scallop/airway down, the smoke running over the scoop drops out the moisture and the scoop catches it.  I have never had stem gurgle with this type of stinger.  I was worried that moisture might collect in the bottom of the bowl in this pipe and cause a problem because of the uncommon way it is drilled.  No worries with that, but when I got to the bottom, it heated up the outside bottom of the bowl rapidly, and I noticed some “off flavor”…. briar burning perhaps?  I dumped out the bowl immediately.  I do see some charring of the airway on the stem side of the hole.  I will drill that char away to hopefully alleviate future briar burning.
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    @RockyMountainBriar how much difference do you find in Original SWR and the Aromatic? I've had the Aro and quite enjoyed it. Also HH Burley Flake in the restored Dr. Grabow Golden Duke Bulldog during this mornings commute. Have been really impressed by how it smokes. I've heard more people poopoo Kaywoodies, Yellowboles, and Dr. Grabows than compliment them but TPL has some fans it would seem. 
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    edited December 2023
    Personally, I enjoy the SWR Aromatic much more than the original, there is a marked difference between the two, along with the similarities.
         I have a few Kaywoodies, most are fine smokers, the Yello-Bole’s are Kaywoodie seconds, but 90 year old mass produced briars had higher standards.  I have many Yello-Bole, Kaywoodie, WDC pipes that do not have any fills, Dr. Grabows too, but I have more of those with fills.  I do not like the stingers in Dr. Grabows, they always gurgle for me.  Kaywoodies gurgle for me with stingers too, unless they have the Yello-Bole “Scoop” type I posted the pictures of.
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    Love the coloring you used on that pipe. Really dresses it up...

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    Good Morning!
    I'm about halfway through my first pipe of the day, GLP Abingdon in a Rob Roy along with a cup of coffee. I fed the Quaker Parrot the last of her feed so after feeding the rest of the animals I took my pipe and coffee and headed to the big box store choosing the scenic route over the agressive highway. While I was there I also picked up an 18 oz. tub of blueberries and a bottle of Moscato to enjoy with today's football games.
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    Been doing a bowl or 2 a day of various blends, all in my St. Nick meer. 
    Since I didn't want to bore you, I elected not to show the same pipe over and over. 
    It is a good smoker though and very happy with it.
    Starting to get a little tan, especially on the shank, so I thought I'd share a pic before I do some C&D We Three Kings...

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    Has anyone else suffered nicotine sickness from G.L. Pease's Fillmore?
    I almost never suffer from N poisoning (except that first time with a Bering cigar) but a newly popped tin of Fillmore put me on my tuchas.
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    Sorry, haven't had the opportunity to try that blend yet. Hate to say it, but as of yet, it's not even on my wish list... Wish I could give you some insight...
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    @KA9FFJ I really like that pipe a lot!
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    After a simple dinner, scrambled eggs and roasted cauliflower, I'm enjoying GLP Abingdon in a Rob Roy with a rum and cider. Looks like the wind and rain is over!
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    Man, a nice Cumberland stem can really make a pipe pop!
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    Good Morning!
    My wife did the chores and I took my time getting up and making a pour over pot of Columbian coffee. Starting off with GLP Westminster in an MM bent Apple Diplomat and a delicious cup of coffee before a trip for groceries.
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    I have not tried the Fillmore, but it has been in my list for a while.  Was is good…well…except for the N poisoning?🙂

    As far as Vitamin-N, I have had some SG “Black XX”, SG “Brown No.4” and the Peterson “Irish Flake” recently that I was apprehensive about since the first time I had tried them, the Vitamin-N “snuck up on me”.  My tolerance must have increased, because none of them made me drool like a St. Bernard with my last go-round with them.  
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    motie2motie2 Master
    edited December 2023

    Fillmore is a nicely crafted blend…. Except for the surprise nic hit. I had smoked Fillmore before, with no problem. This time, I had eaten and popped a new tin. I got taken down after less than five minutes. Nic heavy blends usually don’t bother me. Go figure. I recommend the blend’s taste, but watch out.
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    Relaxing with some We Three Kings in a @Corey562 squashed tomato...

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    Hey, Bradley on Youtube’s StuffandThings channel had the same experience with Fillmore. Must be a recent production weirdness.
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    Good Morning!
    We've reached the shortest days of the year and at this latitude have only 9 hours of daylight until we gain a minute on Christmas Day! I wasted the first hour and a half sleeping in while my wife fed the animals. Starting the day with GH Balkan Mixture in a Pride and a cup of Ethiopian Yirgacheffe coffee from the Thermos.
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