OK, I'll admit it: I'm now smoking more than just a single blend. My big wire and gasket jar contains a mixture of Barbados Plantation, Sunset Rum, and Mrs. Hudson's. A smaller Mason jar contains straight Barbados Plantation.
Sutliff Private Stock | 15% Off at Smokingpipes.com
From now until February 15th, take 15% off all your favorite Sutliff tinned tobaccos — including best-sellers like Great Outdoors, Molto Dolce, Maple Street, and 1849. It's a great chance to stock up on quality tobacco from one of our most popular blending houses.
Not completely back yet guys, Health is really bad, getting more bad news every time I go to see the Doctors....thinking of not going to Doctors anymore...lol...but I will stop in every so often and try to catch up on reading. Still fighting disability as well, if I would have just went in there and told them I get the craps when I am around people I would have had it by now bu because I have issues with joints, bones and such along with diabetes it is not as important to them....... Crazy! My bones are thinning as I sit here typing, my Back is bad enough it is starting to push on my Spinal cord and my Neck is worse, hips are getting bad, knees are getting worse and feet kill me to walk but I am all good according to the SYSTEM.
Anyway working on getting back in here, trying to catch up, after I get semi caught up I will start posting a few reviews, some pipe cleaning tips and some fun stuff.
Wolf.....sorry to hear this news. I had asked you this question before, are you a Veteran? If you are they might be able to help you if they think you are at your wits end (so to speak).
I will add you to my prayer list. Stay strong as hard as that might be.
@Wolf41035 Yeah, the doctors fill your head with bad news. That leaves only you to fill your head with good stuff. Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - you think about such things... We all know you can't count on most people to lift your spirits. It's mostly "negative city" out there, but there are a few of us that will be thinking about you and have you on our daily lists... Hang in there...
I guess it has been February since my last post, I am still fighting for disability, health is worse, going to be starting on pain pills again, going to pain clinic next week, this week I have a few doctor and specialist appointments including getting hooked up to a heart monitor for a couple days which is least of worries. Anyway sad to see this forum on Pipe Tobacco Reviews is just about dead, wish it would pick up a little...
I will try to get back on next week and hopefully stay on for more than a day.
Shingles? You poor guy: Sciatica, power outages, and now shingles. I am very sorry to hear of you continued issues. Although I know all too well about sciatic pain (me and my wife have this going on), thank God I have not gotten involved with the shingles issue. We had gotten vaccine for that some years ago......you need to look into that when you return to good health again. I know several other folks who had it, and they told me what a horrible and painful experience it was. That is a result of Mumps as a child was told.
As far as sciatic pain is concerned, talk to your doctor about prescribing a "Tens Unit" which does afford some relief. I have a portable unit that I use when I am really down and out. I have had back surgeries and have not had a pain free day in over 25 years. My wife is just developing "sciatica" and I put the electrodes on her and she says it does work.....the electronic pulses "massage" the muscles allowing them to relax and take the pressure off of the nerves. I have (I think) 9 pairs of epidurals (bilaterally, lidocaine and steroids) and they don't really help me. I had looked briefly into a permanent spinal "insert" (for the want of a better description) which is a continuous pair of electrodes actually inserted in the back controlled by a hand held device. I THINK now they actually implant a battery much like those folks who have pacemakers. I have an friend who had it done and reports great results.
So, no matter what you do, keep smoking that pipe. I when I have a severe episode offer the pain up to God (it helps). And for whatever it is worth, I will pray for you, I already include Wolf in my prayer list. It sure can't hurt.
@pwkarch -- Thanks for the kind thoughts and encouraging words. Seeing the shingles doctor tomorrow at 11am. Took tje antiviral famciclovir for a week and the rash is 75% better, but I'm up to the toilet every half hour, day or night. No help from the doctors in terms of pain management. Bulging eyes and screaming and ER runs with the siren on get you naproxyn sodium. ("No painkiller for you! This is NJ.") Tried and failed to have MRI's three times because of the pain.
@Wolf41035, @motie2, @pwkarch — sounds like we need to lift all three of you up in prayer. “Lord, please relieve their daily pain and the pain of any other of our pipe-smoking brethren!” I’ll pray for you guys every time I smoke a bowl this week... I promise!
Thanks everyone and thanks @jfreedy @motie2 I guess I am lucky in couple ways, I can still piss a good stream and I have never had Shingles but I have also never had Chicken Pocks so I guess that could be bad if I get near a kid with them or an adult with Shingles. I have not smoked my pipe in over a month, I hate cold weather and our weather here has been all messed up! I did however have a few good days I smoked a few cigars....Pipe for me is a morning or evening thing and our mornings and evenings are still cold and now wet.
Just a word on the John Cotton blends, #1, 1&2, and Smyrna. In case you guys didn't already know, they lean heavily on the Oriental side. There is some latakia and virginia in the Smyrna, but the other two I could hardly taste anything except Oriental.
Daughters&Ryan “Rimboche Acadian Black” is wayyyyy better than the Acadian Perique. Latakia gives it a soft smoke. For the AP, I used that to compliment some of my home blends. Supplies are limited at PipesandCigars!
Also, they still have a tin and bulk of their St. James Perique. Which I am currently smoking in my Great Dane.
I recommend D&R Rimboche Acadian Black or the S.J.(St. James Perique)””
@ocpunk714 those blends are some of my favorites. I love black frigate, but my wife doesn't enjoy the latakia smell as much as I do. I have been a big fan of D&R blends, and encourage you to try the raccoon delight series. I got into contact with Mark Ryan through one of his growers. I got to meet the guy pictured on the SJ Rimboche, Dudley LeBlanc.
We got to tour Dudley's farm and see Jim strip the tobacco and get it in the barrels.this was on my honeymoon. The perique used in that blend is from his farm. Dudley told us that Mark Ryan wanted to use his perique in that blend and wanted a picture of Dudley to put it on the tin. So Dudley sent him a picture of him when he was 20. Dudley is in his 80s, he said he wanted a picture of him when he was a young stud to live on with the blend. My wife thought it was funny. I smoke this blend in my Savinelli 310 that she bought me as a Christmas gift since the blend has some special meaning to us
After a rather rainy weekend with no pipe smoking I took the opportunity to smoke a bowl this afternoon as I had to go out on an errand in my truck.
Yesterday I watched the "Holy Smokin Pipe Padre" (on You Tube) smoke some Boswells' Cherry Smash, and providing a very enthusiastic narrative. That got me to thinking of one of my favorite Cherry Tobaccos, Lanes' Dark Red. I just happen to have two pounds in my cellar, and a small quart jar in my office "daily supplies" just waiting to go in the game. This tobacco has been jarred for about fifteen months, and I probably have not touched it to smoke in over a year.
I chose one of my MM Mark Twain Cobs (always a good tool) and filled it. The dry aroma is every bit as fragrant as I remember it to be a year or so ago. The "pre smoke" draw was very pronounced cherry, but not what I see a lot of guys compare their cherry experiences as "coughdrop" like with other tobaccos. Not at all, this is a subtle cherry flavor that is very nice, it is not "in your face" like Pallidin Black Cherry, and is so much more cherry than Middletons' Cherry Blend. That is just about my only experience with cherry tobaccos other than a tin of Cult Blood Red Moon (1 bowl smoked), and a new tin of CB Red Sky which I still need to open and try. Pallidin is described by the manufacturer as being Burley and Virginia, I am not certain as to the Middleton product but I believe it is straight Burley. Both of these tobaccos have a history with me to cause significant "mouth burn" (note: not just tounge burn) although the Pallidin product to a lesser degree.
So off I go on my little truck diversion lighting my pipe with one of my trusty dusty zippos with the USN crest, that have served me so well for so long. I am immediately in a foglike cloud of very tasty smoke. This tobacco was just about perfect (in my opinion) in terms of moisture. The "combustion byproduct" (sorry about that, SMOKE, just trying to sound smarter than I really am) was very, very aromatic with the distinct aroma of a light cherry essence. The taste had a rather mild tobacco taste coming through. This being a Cavendish (in fact it is advertised as straight BCA with Cherry) it burned very well as I have almost always found.
The first half or so of the bowl was wonderful with the cherry aroma holding steady. The smoke was not even close to being harsh, the tobacco might rate a notch over mild and I fouind almost no nicotine. The pipe and tobacco team just kept wowing me. The first half highlighted the smoke aroma and I had to search for the taste component. I was enjoying the experience greatly and wondering why it has been so long since I smoked this blend.
The second half was slightly different only in that the cherry aroma smoke stepped aside in favor of introducing a much more prominent cherry taste, still with only a minor tobacco note. Again, the flavor was there, very enjoyable and subtle and started to involve a tiny vanilla note along with the cherry. The second half was SO good that I started to worry that it would come to an end soon. In fact the smoke lasted just over fifty minutes. The result of this experience was obvcious to me, I need to move this jar up front on the shelf so as to see it and smoke it more often.
In my tobacco spreadsheet (yes, I know I am OCD but still a nice guy) I had entered a rating of 10/10 after my first three bowls of this almost a year ago. I agree with that rating now. I don't rate many tobaccos 10+ but I am considering doing so with this blend. Maybe just a little more cherry taste and aroma would do it?
So if anyone is dying for a great Cherry Tobacco, this might be worth a try. I would suggest a Cob as opposed to a Briar pipe as they just seem to go together the same as almost all "fruit" influenced tobaccos seem to do for me at least. I would also suggest a very slow cadence with this blend to fully appreciate the inherent taste and aroma qualities without falsely introducing heat or harshness that comes with "steam engine" style of pipe smoking. Also don't try to smoke this any time soon after a stronger tobacco as the stronger tobacco will have muted the entire olfactory system.
pwkarch Your review was very informative and makes me want to try this Cherry delight very quickly. Like you said some cherry blends come across as cough drop taste which is no good for me. Thank you again for your review.
My big wire and gasket jar contains a mixture of Barbados Plantation, Sunset Rum, and Mrs. Hudson's.
A smaller Mason jar contains straight Barbados Plantation.
Sutliff Private Stock | 15% Off at Smokingpipes.com
From now until February 15th, take 15% off all your favorite Sutliff tinned tobaccos — including best-sellers like Great Outdoors, Molto Dolce, Maple Street, and 1849. It's a great chance to stock up on quality tobacco from one of our most popular blending houses.
Anyway working on getting back in here, trying to catch up, after I get semi caught up I will start posting a few reviews, some pipe cleaning tips and some fun stuff.
Thanks guys
Wolf.....sorry to hear this news. I had asked you this question before, are you a Veteran? If you are they might be able to help you if they think you are at your wits end (so to speak).
I will add you to my prayer list. Stay strong as hard as that might be.
Anyway sad to see this forum on Pipe Tobacco Reviews is just about dead, wish it would pick up a little...
I will try to get back on next week and hopefully stay on for more than a day.
Shingles? You poor guy: Sciatica, power outages, and now shingles. I am very sorry to hear of you continued issues. Although I know all too well about sciatic pain (me and my wife have this going on), thank God I have not gotten involved with the shingles issue. We had gotten vaccine for that some years ago......you need to look into that when you return to good health again. I know several other folks who had it, and they told me what a horrible and painful experience it was. That is a result of Mumps as a child was told.
As far as sciatic pain is concerned, talk to your doctor about prescribing a "Tens Unit" which does afford some relief. I have a portable unit that I use when I am really down and out. I have had back surgeries and have not had a pain free day in over 25 years. My wife is just developing "sciatica" and I put the electrodes on her and she says it does work.....the electronic pulses "massage" the muscles allowing them to relax and take the pressure off of the nerves. I have (I think) 9 pairs of epidurals (bilaterally, lidocaine and steroids) and they don't really help me. I had looked briefly into a permanent spinal "insert" (for the want of a better description) which is a continuous pair of electrodes actually inserted in the back controlled by a hand held device. I THINK now they actually implant a battery much like those folks who have pacemakers. I have an friend who had it done and reports great results.
So, no matter what you do, keep smoking that pipe. I when I have a severe episode offer the pain up to God (it helps). And for whatever it is worth, I will pray for you, I already include Wolf in my prayer list. It sure can't hurt.
What Motie said.......
@motie2 I guess I am lucky in couple ways, I can still piss a good stream and I have never had Shingles but I have also never had Chicken Pocks so I guess that could be bad if I get near a kid with them or an adult with Shingles.
I have not smoked my pipe in over a month, I hate cold weather and our weather here has been all messed up! I did however have a few good days I smoked a few cigars....Pipe for me is a morning or evening thing and our mornings and evenings are still cold and now wet.
Redoing my Black Frigate review video...the crows in the background were super annoying.
C&D Black Frigate, Daughters & Ryan Rimboche AP/English Hoopla
Also, they still have a tin and bulk of their St. James Perique. Which I am currently smoking in my Great Dane.
I recommend D&R Rimboche Acadian Black or the S.J.(St. James Perique)””
We got to tour Dudley's farm and see Jim strip the tobacco and get it in the barrels.this was on my honeymoon. The perique used in that blend is from his farm. Dudley told us that Mark Ryan wanted to use his perique in that blend and wanted a picture of Dudley to put it on the tin. So Dudley sent him a picture of him when he was 20. Dudley is in his 80s, he said he wanted a picture of him when he was a young stud to live on with the blend. My wife thought it was funny. I smoke this blend in my Savinelli 310 that she bought me as a Christmas gift since the blend has some special meaning to us
Yesterday I watched the "Holy Smokin Pipe Padre" (on You Tube) smoke some Boswells' Cherry Smash, and providing a very enthusiastic narrative. That got me to thinking of one of my favorite Cherry Tobaccos, Lanes' Dark Red. I just happen to have two pounds in my cellar, and a small quart jar in my office "daily supplies" just waiting to go in the game. This tobacco has been jarred for about fifteen months, and I probably have not touched it to smoke in over a year.
I chose one of my MM Mark Twain Cobs (always a good tool) and filled it. The dry aroma is every bit as fragrant as I remember it to be a year or so ago. The "pre smoke" draw was very pronounced cherry, but not what I see a lot of guys compare their cherry experiences as "coughdrop" like with other tobaccos. Not at all, this is a subtle cherry flavor that is very nice, it is not "in your face" like Pallidin Black Cherry, and is so much more cherry than Middletons' Cherry Blend. That is just about my only experience with cherry tobaccos other than a tin of Cult Blood Red Moon (1 bowl smoked), and a new tin of CB Red Sky which I still need to open and try. Pallidin is described by the manufacturer as being Burley and Virginia, I am not certain as to the Middleton product but I believe it is straight Burley. Both of these tobaccos have a history with me to cause significant "mouth burn" (note: not just tounge burn) although the Pallidin product to a lesser degree.
So off I go on my little truck diversion lighting my pipe with one of my trusty dusty zippos with the USN crest, that have served me so well for so long. I am immediately in a foglike cloud of very tasty smoke. This tobacco was just about perfect (in my opinion) in terms of moisture. The "combustion byproduct" (sorry about that, SMOKE, just trying to sound smarter than I really am) was very, very aromatic with the distinct aroma of a light cherry essence. The taste had a rather mild tobacco taste coming through. This being a Cavendish (in fact it is advertised as straight BCA with Cherry) it burned very well as I have almost always found.
The first half or so of the bowl was wonderful with the cherry aroma holding steady. The smoke was not even close to being harsh, the tobacco might rate a notch over mild and I fouind almost no nicotine. The pipe and tobacco team just kept wowing me. The first half highlighted the smoke aroma and I had to search for the taste component. I was enjoying the experience greatly and wondering why it has been so long since I smoked this blend.
The second half was slightly different only in that the cherry aroma smoke stepped aside in favor of introducing a much more prominent cherry taste, still with only a minor tobacco note. Again, the flavor was there, very enjoyable and subtle and started to involve a tiny vanilla note along with the cherry. The second half was SO good that I started to worry that it would come to an end soon. In fact the smoke lasted just over fifty minutes. The result of this experience was obvcious to me, I need to move this jar up front on the shelf so as to see it and smoke it more often.
In my tobacco spreadsheet (yes, I know I am OCD but still a nice guy) I had entered a rating of 10/10 after my first three bowls of this almost a year ago. I agree with that rating now. I don't rate many tobaccos 10+ but I am considering doing so with this blend. Maybe just a little more cherry taste and aroma would do it?
So if anyone is dying for a great Cherry Tobacco, this might be worth a try. I would suggest a Cob as opposed to a Briar pipe as they just seem to go together the same as almost all "fruit" influenced tobaccos seem to do for me at least. I would also suggest a very slow cadence with this blend to fully appreciate the inherent taste and aroma qualities without falsely introducing heat or harshness that comes with "steam engine" style of pipe smoking. Also don't try to smoke this any time soon after a stronger tobacco as the stronger tobacco will have muted the entire olfactory system.