Bought a new bottle.A straight bourbon whiskey finished in port barrels produced by the A. Smith Bowman Distillery in Fredericksburg, VA. I'll let you know if it was worth the $41 I paid. Supposed to be similar to Angel's Envy.
@Londy3 I have made Limoncello in the past but was never satisfied with the result; this iteration was made with commercially made product.
I would note that when I make this cocktail though it usually contains the juice of one whole lemon in addition to the Limoncello, to offset the increase in sourness I add blue agave nectar, works very nicely and I get my vitamin C
I was watching youtube and saw it mentioned and then did a search and watched several reviews. Not all the reviewers liked it because of the strong port finish but otherwise the remarks were good enough to make me consider it. It was compared to Angel's Envy.
Then when I went to Total Wines, they had three bottles on the shelf, so I bought it.
I definitely get a strong port on the nose and I can see where some of the reviewers said the port seems to overwhelm the nose but I also got the caramel/vanilla notes of a good bourbon. I tasted the port on the first sip but it soon gave way to a smooth whiskey taste at the back. I found it to be a smooth, flavorful sipping whiskey. I double checked the bottle to make sure it was 92 proof because it was smoother than some 90 proof whiskeys I have drank.
To be honest, I actually like it better than the Blanton's I was given as a Christmas present.
I'm Roman Catholic, we drink alcohol at mass. Moderation to my old man and my mom was 3 martini's every evening. The only measuring device they had was pouring in gin until it "covers the ice", then vermouth on top. Both lived into their late 80's.
I'll let you know if it was worth the $41 I paid. Supposed to be similar to Angel's Envy.
Love that. Did you make it? We make our own and it's great. 🍋
Looks interesting. I'm curious to see how it was.
That whiskey looks like a good one.
I was watching youtube and saw it mentioned and then did a search and watched several reviews. Not all the reviewers liked it because of the strong port finish but otherwise the remarks were good enough to make me consider it. It was compared to Angel's Envy.
Then when I went to Total Wines, they had three bottles on the shelf, so I bought it.
I definitely get a strong port on the nose and I can see where some of the reviewers said the port seems to overwhelm the nose but I also got the caramel/vanilla notes of a good bourbon. I tasted the port on the first sip but it soon gave way to a smooth whiskey taste at the back. I found it to be a smooth, flavorful sipping whiskey. I double checked the bottle to make sure it was 92 proof because it was smoother than some 90 proof whiskeys I have drank.
To be honest, I actually like it better than the Blanton's I was given as a Christmas present.
Thank you for the review. Blanton's is very overrated. To me, it's actually boring.
I don’t know I’d say over rated as much as overpriced.
Happy Birthday Sir…..when ever it actually creeps up on you, if it hasn’t already🙂
Thank you! My birthday is actually next week on a PA holiday, Groundhog Day!
Happy Birthday! Many more to come with good tobac and good health.
Thank you Sir!
According to the video, I may live forever!
Moderation is the key.
Absolutely. Two fingers of Irish right after supper. Have for years.
An excellent choice sir! One of my favorites!