It's the house brand acrylics from Hobby Lobby. I used to paint in oils but the turpentine gave me blinding headaches. This stuff is as safe as your kid's crayons (same standard) and they are cheap. I get so many cuts and scrapes at work that working with heavy metal pigments just isn't an option. On the up side you can paint on almost anything. Now all I need is a quart of inspiration. I did get the background roughed in.
Having some Dublin Black River Red with some Haunted Bookshop in a Missouri Meerschaum bent. This wine is a blend of muscadine and Catawba grapes. If you like your wine dry this is not for you. It is nearly too sweet. It worked well with the cheese and crackers I had earlier. It's working well with the Haunted Bookshop in smoking now. It's made in Rose Hill, NC. This was a surprise find at the local Food Lion . I didn't know that there were vineyards in NC.
Tonight I'm drinking Almost Heaven Amber Ale with a bowl of Almost Heaven from King Street Emporium. It doesn't feel like the last full week of September. I'm sitting out back in a T-shirt about to break a sweat.
Let me do a brief description of Almost Heaven Amber Ale. Whole everyone else is doing an IPA Almost Heaven is a lightly hopped ale. It reminds me of Balentine ale from years ago. It is light refreshing and drinkable and you won't taste hops for the next two days. It also pairs well with the Virginia, burley, Cavendish and latakia blend that I'm smoking now. (221B Baker Street)
@Ron191 I got that same small bottle of Absente as you for a Christmas gift - to replace the larger bottle I eventually emptied. Never did experience any hallucinations or mind expanding experiences - but I did have a flashback to a Greek wedding I attended where we all had a shot of Ouzo. Taste pretty much the same.
Went to dinner at a local restaurant and lounge that has been here since the forties called Mack's Golden Pheasant ( American & Bohemian food) great menu and food.
Anyway the have Spaten Oktoberfest on draft and it's fantastic, lost count after five.
Ok, @Londy3, this may be a stupid question, but do you put the shot of bourbon in the wine? It is something I might do, as I am not a wine connoisseur and might enjoy the increased alcohol and smoky vanilla sweetness of the bourbon addition (wine abuse maybe?).
@RockyMountainBriar yes sir! I pour and swirl it dirctly in the glass so they are mixed well. This will make an inexpensive wine taste like a $50 bottle. Think of it, both beverages are stored in oak barrels so the compliment is amazing. You can adjust the amount of bourbon to your liking. Start off with a little then add more if needed. Also, do try a splash of smoke in the glass from your favorite tobacco!
@Londy3 I'm even more obsessive with my alcohol than I had been about my tobacco. Until I fell in with you guys, I basically smoked Barbados Plantation. I drink one kind of beer and one kind of liquor.... rum. But your wine experiments interest me. Perhaps I could go for a small bottle of bourbon. What is a good, not very expensive, bourbon. The only one I really know about is Jack Daniels(?).
@motie2...thats gonna be tough. See if you find one of these... Henry McKenna bottled in bond around $24 Larceny around $25 I never had it but Old Grand Dad Lastly Benchmark
I like Evan Williams Black Label. Makers Mark of course, but it is a step up. Early Times is a pretty good inexpensive bourbon, it is what is served in the Mint Juleps at the Kentucky Derby. It is basically a “well” bourbon.
It really depends on what you like... But yes, age does matter. Good bourbon does not have to be expensive to be good. However cheap bourbon will make you hate bourbon.
(Yes, I'm an overrefined beer snob
It's the house brand acrylics from Hobby Lobby. I used to paint in oils but the turpentine gave me blinding headaches. This stuff is as safe as your kid's crayons (same standard) and they are cheap. I get so many cuts and scrapes at work that working with heavy metal pigments just isn't an option. On the up side you can paint on almost anything. Now all I need is a quart of inspiration.
Thanks for the info.
Having some Dublin Black River Red with some Haunted Bookshop in a Missouri Meerschaum bent. This wine is a blend of muscadine and Catawba grapes. If you like your wine dry this is not for you. It is nearly too sweet. It worked well with the cheese and crackers I had earlier. It's working well with the Haunted Bookshop in smoking now. It's made in Rose Hill, NC. This was a surprise find at the local Food Lion . I didn't know that there were vineyards in NC.
Tonight I'm drinking Almost Heaven Amber Ale with a bowl of Almost Heaven from King Street Emporium. It doesn't feel like the last full week of September. I'm sitting out back in a T-shirt about to break a sweat.
Let me do a brief description of Almost Heaven Amber Ale. Whole everyone else is doing an IPA Almost Heaven is a lightly hopped ale. It reminds me of Balentine ale from years ago. It is light refreshing and drinkable and you won't taste hops for the next two days. It also pairs well with the Virginia, burley, Cavendish and latakia blend that I'm smoking now. (221B Baker Street)
Full bodied red wine. Shot of bourbon. Blow tobacco smoke in glass, cover. Wait 4 min then serve!
Let me know what you think.
I'm even more obsessive with my alcohol than I had been about my tobacco. Until I fell in with you guys, I basically smoked Barbados Plantation. I drink one kind of beer and one kind of liquor.... rum. But your wine experiments interest me. Perhaps I could go for a small bottle of bourbon. What is a good, not very expensive, bourbon. The only one I really know about is Jack Daniels(?).
Henry McKenna bottled in bond around $24
Larceny around $25
I never had it but Old Grand Dad
Lastly Benchmark
Thanks. We’ll see what happens.
You can't go wrong with Eagle Rare at $33 that's a 10 yo bourbon! Good deal on that I think, I always have that on hand.
Hey, welcome back and thanks for the info. Myself, I can really only smoke in the Spring/Summer/Fall because SWMBO says no indoor smoking.
SWMBO = Management