What is your latest Tobacco Discovery?

in Tobacco Talk
I know there are some who just smoke the same old pipe tobacco day in and day out and never consider trying something new - whether it's a brand new blend or an old blend that's been around for decade.
I am constantly exploring new blends myself and have recently tried several of the Seattle Pipe Club's offerings. So far I've smoked Mississippi River, Deception Pass, Seattle Evening and Plum Pudding. I actually like Deception Pass and Seattle Evening the most so far.
What about you? What new discoveries in pipe tobacco have you made.
In the last 6 months I have made a pretty dramatic shift from English to Virginias, I have no idea why that happened, I got a wild hair to finally try some McClelland stuff, my local shop had #24 & #27 Matured Virginia in stock, I bought both cans, opened the 27 first and smoked the entire can in pretty short order. it was all I smoke for 2 weeks! I am hooked; smooth, subtle, layered, creamy, beautiful stuff. Since then I have been trying all kinds of Va & Va/Per blends. Orlick Golden Sliced, Luxury Navy Flake, Bullseye Flake, McClelland 2015, Newminster 400 all have been great smokes. I am a changed man.
C&D Bijou is a new favorite. if your a Virginia/Vaper fan, give it a try, it may not be around much longer
Most recent hmmm.. I would say there are a few . John Cotton's entire line is very nice (Exception: I have not tried John Cotton's Sweet English) From number 1 Virginia forward English to Smyrna more stout English etc. the new John Cotton blends are nice reintroduced blends by Russ.