I love my savinelli, but I also have two basket pipes from a no name Italian pipe maker that smoke just as good as the expensive ones. I grabbed them for I think $15 each (bought 5 in different shapes-2 smoke great and 3 didn't work for my taste) those basket pipes have been in my daily rotation for over a year now and I still love them. I do hope to get a Peterson some day but I'm waiting for a Christmas style that calls out to me.
In just about every war, governments have regarded tobacco for those in uniform important for morale. At least as far back as the mid-1800s, one particular keepsake of war has become a desirable collectible: the tobacco pipe. Three, chronologically, come to mind: the soldier-carved wood pipes of the American Civil War, the German porcelain Reservistenpfeife of the Franco-Prussian War, and the popular Oom Paul briar of the Second Boer War. Was there a particular pipe associated with World War I? The International Academy of the Pipe recently addressed that question. To reflect on the start on the Great War 101 years earlier, at its 30th annual convention at Ypres and Wervik, Belgium, in October 2015, the sole topic was soldiers of that era and their smokes, “Pipes in War and Peace.” In conjunction with this meeting, the Nationaal Tabaksmuseum in Wervik organized a five-year (2014–2018) exhibition, “No Smoke, No Soldiers,” Herdenking 100 Jaar Groote Oorlog (Commemoration of 100 Years of the Great War).
Government screws up literally EVERYTHING it touches. They would hire thousands of "tobacco police" to enforce their mandate. This would cause a tremendous increase in the price of even the oldest "OTC" blends. It will just grow federal government well beyond the bloated monster it has already become.
But, I suspect an even more nefarious and backroom plan. They threaten us with the "deeming rules" to a point where we get totally frustrated. At the last minute they announce the "people" have spoken, so instead of mandating the removal of those products, we will simply tax the crap out of the targeted tobaccos so we can warn all of the kids that, are you ready for this, smoke pipes and cigars. As we know there are certainly millions of those running around.
After all they are driven by increasing the national budget, not protecting the citizens health. (Think GMO's, think "Roundup", oh and don't forget good old "Agent Orange".
I am sorry for being so cynical and for raising an issue that could be construed as "political", but I am just so frustrated by what goes on today at all levels of government. I apologize if I am off base here, or have offended anyone.
@motie2 Did you look at the sign? Hitler was a vehement anti-smoker. He started by removing the rights of the citizenry and stifling the press. He artfully blamed all the ills of the people on minorities backed up by his fanatic thugs. Oppression is oppression.
@pwkarch Cigs in NYC are $16 a pack last I heard. If all the smokers in NYC quit they'd have a hard time finding revenue to replace it. If they start charging Pipe Tobacco by weight it would be at least $24 a pouch. Anytime we order tobacco on line the suppliers notify us that the State of Washington bans tobacco to be shipped there. How soon do you think before NY, NJ, PA, MA to name a few start doing the same thing? Of interest is the fact that WA and MA are recreational Weed states (So's DC). Can I send an ounce of "Wonder Wacky Weed" to my friends in Seattle legally?
@Woodsman Just noticed the Hitler picture. I have the feeling he took such a strong stance against pipe smoking because he probably had tried the first German prototype nose warmer and singed the ends of his handlebar mustache, leaving him with that little fur patch above his upper lip..
I think that the over reaching efforts of a three letter organization in our country, such as the FDA and their "Deeming" position is completely unacceptable and unconstitutional.
This is not a political statement and I am not espousing my political ideology.
It is a factual statement.
Drawing an obvious correlation between their despotic actions and that of an infamous despot is sadly spot on.
I for one did not serve in the military in order to ensure that non elected bureaucrats could "impose" their will upon me, my family or my fellow American citizens.
Again, not a political statement, just a factual one.
I have a pipe that was at the bottom of a shoe box full of estate pipes. I've never seen a set-up like this before. At a glance it looks normal enough, except the stem fits INSIDE the shank band, and I can't make out what is going on inside the shank and the stem. It is stamped Millard (not Willard). Question: is this something you've seen before or do I have two separate pipe parts? It may be common, but I have never run across this set-up before... Here's a few pics...
Wehrmacht tobacco pipes
In just about every war, governments
have regarded tobacco for those in uniform
important for morale. At least as
far back as the mid-1800s, one particular
keepsake of war has become a desirable
collectible: the tobacco pipe. Three,
chronologically, come to mind: the
soldier-carved wood pipes of the American
Civil War, the German porcelain
Reservistenpfeife of the Franco-Prussian
War, and the popular Oom Paul briar of
the Second Boer War. Was there a particular
pipe associated with World War I?
The International Academy of the Pipe
recently addressed that question. To
reflect on the start on the Great War
101 years earlier, at its 30th annual convention
at Ypres and Wervik, Belgium,
in October 2015, the sole topic was soldiers
of that era and their smokes, “Pipes
in War and Peace.” In conjunction with
this meeting, the Nationaal Tabaksmuseum
in Wervik organized a five-year
(2014–2018) exhibition, “No Smoke, No
Soldiers,” Herdenking 100 Jaar Groote
Oorlog (Commemoration of 100 Years
of the Great War).
Comparing the FDA to Hitler is somewhat puerile, doncha think?
(From my iPad)
Government screws up literally EVERYTHING it touches. They would hire thousands of "tobacco police" to enforce their mandate. This would cause a tremendous increase in the price of even the oldest "OTC" blends. It will just grow federal government well beyond the bloated monster it has already become.
But, I suspect an even more nefarious and backroom plan. They threaten us with the "deeming rules" to a point where we get totally frustrated. At the last minute they announce the "people" have spoken, so instead of mandating the removal of those products, we will simply tax the crap out of the targeted tobaccos so we can warn all of the kids that, are you ready for this, smoke pipes and cigars. As we know there are certainly millions of those running around.
After all they are driven by increasing the national budget, not protecting the citizens health. (Think GMO's, think "Roundup", oh and don't forget good old "Agent Orange".
I am sorry for being so cynical and for raising an issue that could be construed as "political", but I am just so frustrated by what goes on today at all levels of government. I apologize if I am off base here, or have offended anyone.
(From my iPad)
Oppression is oppression.
Of interest is the fact that WA and MA are recreational Weed states (So's DC). Can I send an ounce of "Wonder Wacky Weed" to my friends in Seattle legally?
(From my iPad)
Yes.....interesting article
I think that the over reaching efforts of a three letter organization in our country, such as the FDA and their "Deeming" position is completely unacceptable and unconstitutional.
This is not a political statement and I am not espousing my political ideology.
It is a factual statement.
Drawing an obvious correlation between their despotic actions and that of an infamous despot is sadly spot on.
I for one did not serve in the military in order to ensure that non elected bureaucrats could "impose" their will upon me, my family or my fellow American citizens.
Again, not a political statement, just a factual one.
Question: is this something you've seen before or do I have two separate pipe parts?
It may be common, but I have never run across this set-up before...
Here's a few pics...