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    Making big guys into little guys. Have you tried the "Nub Dubs" (Drew Estate). Very short but nice and fat. I LOVE the Nub Dub Maduros. Shorter smoke but what a great smoke. They also come in other tobaccos all of which are good smokes. They are a good 20 to 30 minute smokes if you don't puff like a steam locamotive. Try a Maduro and you should be a happy guy. PLUS you won't need to cut your longer guys to fit in your "Humidors". Let me know what you think.
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    About to take a break from GLP Abingdon in a Rob Roy to go check on the turkeys and chickens, and, give the bunnies some hay to munch on.
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    Starting the day with GLP Westminster in a bent MM Apple Diplomat along with a cup of coffee. Rain is forecast for the next three days so I guess I'll follow that with mowing! 
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    It is a beauty, brother.
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    Love the stem on that pipe.  I too have a few, much liked, Radice pipes.
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    edited September 2023
    I have not tried the (Drew Estates) Nub Dubs.  I have tried the four kinds of Olivia Nubs though, they were the nastiest cigars, the cheap Bandidos beat them by a mile ( for me).  I’ll have to look into the Nub Dubs, unless the Olivia Nub’s are what you are suggesting?  For a 4” viola, I would go for Deadwood Cigars “Crazy Alice” pyramid, those are a tasty Drew Estates cigar.
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    Letting some Arango Cigar Co. “4th Generation Small Batch - Peaty Kentucky” coins dry a bit before enjoying them, smoldering, in my Brigham Canadian this afternoon.
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    Well, I didn’t get around to smoking yesterday’s loot, so I loaded the Brigham Canadian again.  This time with the Stokkebye “Night Slice”.  It’s similar to the “Peaty Kentucky”, but with much less Dark Fired Kentucky and some Black Cavendish.  I prefer the “Peaty Kentucky”,  maybe if the “Night Slice” had a more Cavendish, and a bit more Dark Fired?

    This Brigham Klondike Canadian smokes hotter than a $2 pistol, no matter what I have filled it with.  It does smoke dry without so much as a gurgle, so that’s a plus.  Today, I opened the shank airway to 4mm, taper drilled the “Rock Maple” inserts and chamfered the aluminum nub on the inserts.  It’s smoking a little cooler, but still what I consider hot.  Ultimately, I’m not sure if it’s the briar itself, or the heavy clear coat finish holding the heat in?

    I have another Brigham, it’s a Mountaineer and does not have the heavy clear finish.  I am going to have to drag it out.  I don’t recall it smoking hot.  If it smokes ok, I may go through with my previous threat and remove the finish on the Klondike….it’s just so pretty though.
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    Responded to a few of those. Fortunately, none were very serious.
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    edited September 2023
    That reminds me🤔
    I have not cleaned my dryer vent since I moved in, in 2005😳.   I only run a dryer load maybe once a month, probably less, but it’s probably about time.  My vent exits the house low to the ground.  I saw a furry little ass with a cotton puff on it sticking out of it one day.  It was a baby bunny, I don’t recall if it came out on it’s own or maybe I fired up the dryer?  Either way, I had to make a “rabbit-wire” guard around it after the bunny rabbit backed out.  I’m glad he didn’t go deeper and get stuck…whew.
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    You're cooler weather will be headed this way soon. I have mixed feelings about the prospect.
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    That looks like a pretty substantial pipe.
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    It absolutely is, Brother. It doesn't have KS marked on it, but it is as big as any of my Savs, maybe bigger. You got to have time to enjoy a bowl with this big boy.
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    That Darby looks like it has a crack in the bowl? Apparently, it doesn't  hamper it's smokability.
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    It has THREE cracks in the bowl. The cracks don't go all the way through...YET...
    After I did some work on it, I decided to give it a try. Been smoking it off and on now for almost 2 years, and I hate to say it, but it's one of my better smoker's.
    I usually keep it in the garage as a "workhorse" pipe.
    Just goes to show you, a pipe doesn't have to be perfect or pretty to allow you to enjoy a good blend...🙂
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    Storm, high winds, rain and hail moved through here yesterday evening.
    Found one of my shingles on my driveway this morning. 
    Fortunately no chance of leakage so I'm OK there.
    Adjuster coming out tomorrow. 
    In the mean time, enjoying some Half & Half in a Savinelli 9310...

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    They say "you can't judge a book by it"s cover". Or.... a pipe by it's cracked bowl.
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