I don't stray from English blends often, but I'm enjoying some Captain Black Red Sky today. One of the better cherry blends, in my humble opinion. Smoking in a refurbished Carey I use just for aros.
@KA9FFJ ~ That's a great looking pipe! I like the license plate, too!
Scotty's Trout Stream (Golden Cavendish w/Black Cavendish w/butterscotch casing or topping or some damn thing). in my freehand bent EA Carey. A pleasant enough smoke, but it has not captivated me as have RLP-6, BCA, and VBC recently.
Drinking with it "Cameron's Highlander Grog," a k-cup compatible coffee pod flavored with rum and butterscotch. It is NOTHING like good strong black coffee, but it goes great with Trout Stream, and I imagine it'll go well with any of my tobaccos: Barbados Plantation, BCA, RLP-6, VBC, and JOSN. I just order a bunch from Amazon. (Both the generous sample of Trout Stream and the Cameron's Highlander Grog were a gift from a TPL Brother. Thank you.)
Giving this Super Electra Zulu another try with some G.L.Pease “Stonehenge Flake”. The bowl is still smok’in hotter than a $2 pistol, but dang this tobacco is tasty.
@riobrusa. Just a thought. I know everyone has different taste buds, but I added about 30/40% toasted Cavendish to that blend (Taste of Summer), and it gave me a very different but pleasant experience IMHO... Just sayin'...
@KA9FFJ. Thank you for your opinion. I have some BCA and will try the mix that you suggested. I liked Taste of Summer but the blend is very light and sweet, at least for me, that usually smoke Balkan blends.
Thanks to everyone that read my most recent blog. In terms of numbers, I think it had the best debut of any of my updates. Don't worry, it won't be the last you'll hear from Sgt. MacBadger.
Celebrating with some C&D's Seadog in my Peterson 01. Not even a failed podcast recording session can ruin my mood tonight.
English Rum from Hayes Tobacco in Winchester. Today was payday and I ran around Winchester doing some shopping. I picked this up on my way out of town along with a new cob. I tried it in one of my broken in bent cobs so I didn't have to try tasting the new tobacco along with the break in products of the cob. I'm not sure yet how much I like it. The orientals seem a bit subdued and the rum casing only seems to last in the first half of the bowl. I think it is going to take a couple of bowls to figure this one out.
Angler's Dream in my Roma poker. I had tried a sample when it was first released, and was not won over. Realizing how my tastes have changed, I recently grabbed an ounce. I think it is probably gonna crack the rotation.
@KA9FFJ ~ That's a great looking pipe! I like the license plate, too!
Drinking with it "Cameron's Highlander Grog," a k-cup compatible coffee pod flavored with rum and butterscotch. It is NOTHING like good strong black coffee, but it goes great with Trout Stream, and I imagine it'll go well with any of my tobaccos: Barbados Plantation, BCA, RLP-6, VBC, and JOSN. I just order a bunch from Amazon.
(Both the generous sample of Trout Stream and the Cameron's Highlander Grog were a gift from a TPL Brother. Thank you.)
Loved “The 100% Factual Guide to Pipe Smoking”. I think I may be doing this all wrong🤔
I'm with @RockyMountainBriar... I enjoyed the latest blog post! Keep it up and keep posting the link so we can keep up with it!
Masterful addition to your blog; highly recommended
Mrs Hudson in this awesome little corn cob with wind cap. Both gifted to me by @Oddjob27. Thanks again brother!