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What are you guys smoking right Now?



  • JdukesJdukes Apprentice
    edited October 2018
    C&D Autumn Evening in a Neerup
    7 Seas White in a Bari Wiking
  • Billy Budd from 2011, in a Morgan Bones Graceful pot.
  • Fusilier's Ration in a Charles Towne Cobbler.
  • Took a break from garage work earlier today with some equal parts Paladin Black Cherry and VG Black Cavendish in a little refurbed 5" "work" pipe...
  • TCS Kingsfoil in a Brebbia bent billard

  • Jeff20Jeff20 Connoisseur
    Enjoying some Brigadier Black Bull Run, in my MM Hardwood with some smooth chicory this morning.
  • @Jeff20 - Seriously? Straight chicory; no coffee? Or a blend?
  • Straight up Captain Black White (Original) in a very nice restored Kaywoodie Briar......always a pleasurable combo. Trying to repair low voltage garden light wire runs that have been neglected here for awhile. It was 58 degrees with a little sun poking out occasionally. Then it hit me.......three to maybe four weeks or so until I have to deal with Christmas Lights. I am not sure I am going to be able to pull that off this year, but I will see.
  • @pwkarch -- We must make a mighty effort to not have our infirmities lessen our times of celebration and joy!
  • @motie2
    Christmas is my absolute favorite time of the year. I do however take it to the extreme when it comes to decorating. We do inside and outside, and it takes days to get it all done. We have plastic storage containers stacked up in he basement ready to come up and be emptied. It is a job for sure, but I love to sit and look at the decorations and listen to tons of Christmas music that I have collected.over the years. In fact, I have so much, it is a tradition to start listening to at least the Classical Christmas Music on November 1st. I have so much it takes that long just to hear them all.

    This year might be a little more subdued than normal due to some issues beyond my control. But I will sure try to enjoy the season, especially this year.

    And let me be the first to wish you and your SWMBO the most blessed and happy Christmas EVER (to hell with that Happy Holiday crap).
  • @pwkarch Nov 1st has to be a good date to start Christmas because that's when Silver Dollar City in Branson, MO turns all their lights on for Christmas...
  • Enjoying some Jamaica Export in a no-name reworked and refurbed little bent...
  • @KA9FFJ

    Semper fi brother......and let me be the first to wish you and yours a Merry and Blessed Christmas. Lights on Nov.1 would make me happy for sure. I have for years been the first on our road to be lit up, and even at Thanksgiving I can still claim that title. First the candles in the windows and the wreaths on the doors, and then from there string lights and garland on the porch rails, and I put hundreds of lights on a Colorado Blue Spruce that is now about 15' high or so. Then it is inside where it takes days to decorate a little at a time. 
  • Brebbia Balkan in a bent egg
  • Well, I am done with my smoking for today, but I have mixed up a favorite of mine for the AM. Sutliff Chocolate Mousse and Palladin Black Cherry 50/50. This is a once in awhile treat that tastes wonderful, like a chocolate covered cherry. The aroma is very similar, and I have been asked on a number of occasions if I was smoking a "chocolate covered cherry tobacco". Palladin by itself is not a favorite of mine whereas Lane Dark Red, or even Cult Blood Red Moon are favorites when the cherry idea hits me, but the Palladin does very well as a mixer (with a tarter taste) accompanying the chocolate.

    The first person to have commented on this "frankenblend" was one of my younger Grandsons who liked the aroma. He even made a comment about wanting to eat it.

    So I sit at my computer here with my mixing bowl on a pullout drawer below with maybe a half bowl or so worth of the mixed tobaccos left over, and a favorite Kaywoodie Briar loaded and drying out for tomorrow sitting in a single pipe rest (sort of an "on deck" situation just waiting to go into the game). The aroma is fantastic, very enticing, and promises a good smoke in the AM.
  • Blending in the garage with a little custom blend I’m trying to dial in. MM country gentleman 
  • @pwkarch - I also start listening to “only classical Christmas” music before the hard core stuff too. Typically, Handel’s Messiah is first on our list in November. 

    @KA9FFJ - We LOVE Silver Dollar City, and it’s especially magical at Christmas. Not huge fans of Branson, and we usually stay in Branson West to avoid all the traffic. Our family grew up going there each Summer and I’m keeping that tradition alive with mine. 
  • Had some Cult Blood Red Moon today.
  • HH Burley Flake in a Diplomat.
  • Today I pulled my pump, drained and stored all my hoses for winter, and mowed and trimmed my yard. That's enough for today... :) Now enjoying some VG Cherry Cavendish in a repaired and refurbed Royal Danish 955. Good blend, but you can't hurry with it or it will pay you back with tongue bite. A slow easy pace and it does fine...
  • C&D Star of the East Flake in a bent black brushed Stanwell 15

  • The Country Squire's White Rose, in a Stanwell Billiard
  • Owing to the fact that I cannot smoke in my home (decreed by SWMBO, thank you Motie), I sit here just finishing up some work with a briar pipe full of Suliff Christmas Spice. I love the Sutliff label as I find they have many of my favorite blends, and they are partially (no mostly) responsible for my TAD. I do spend some time in the evenings puffing on a loaded yet unlit pipe awaiting the next day, so if nothing else it should at least count as a "drying technique"? I do find this gives me a fourth advantage. We all speak of "tin" note", tobacco taste while burning, and "room note". I often detect tastes and aromas that are not necessarily found (at least by me) in the more formal and accepted three usual times of discovery and enjoyment. There is no doubt in my mind that this fourth experience allows for a more potent taste of the tobacco components, and any topping or casings that are in the product. I have smoked my pipes (and cigars) for just about 50 years, and I "think" I have a fairly developed "palette" at this point.

    I have to admit that as an almost exclusive aromatic pipe tobacco user, I have not yet tasted anything that has put me off. I think the 'cold" draw on the pipe allows for a more distinct identity of some of the tastes that meld together after being lit and tend to loose some of their more finite individual identities. I assume the action allows for the individual tastes to remain on their own which due to the process of burning (oxidation) get mixed together. The other issue is that I assume only tasting the blend without the smoke, as opposed to tasting the tobacco AND having the nose more directly involved might overpower our individual perceptions in favor of our collective experience.

    There are, according to my observations, distinctly different reactions that I take away from this "cold draw". I would LOVE to hear anyone else's opinion.

    And just for the record, I very well could just be nuts.
  • @pwkarch Never tried it. Let you know the results when the opportunity presents itself... Very interesting... 
  • @pwkarch
    I have had a few “cold draws” on various tobaccos while checking draw.  I love the taste of all except Latakia’s, as I really dislike the smell, very off putting for me.  I have tried a couple however, just to see what the fuss was about.  Nope, not for me😖
  • After a week away from my pipes due to a vacation in Vegas, I’m back with a bowl of MacBaren Navy Flake in my Mountbatten Billiard. Haven’t been able to enjoy my pipes that much in October, so hopefully I can find more time in November before the chill hits.

  • Enjoying a beautiful day here with some Sutliff Dulce de Leche in one of my favorite pipes, an Abb Brown ( @Corey562 ) Dino bent.egg...
  • @KA9FFJ

    How is that blend.....I keep looking at it but have yet to add it to my "to try" list.
  • @pwkarch For me, reminds me of a slightly lighter Sutliff Caramello J2, but this one is ribbon cut. Mild and enjoyable. Not too good at reviews, but hope that helps...
  • Smoking a sample of D&R Raccoon Accent. I picked up samples of Raccoon Accent, Raccoon Friend and Raccoon Delight earlier today. 
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