Back to work and I haven't had a moment to spare. I'm enjoying some Mac Baren H H Old Dark Fired at the moment. It truly hits the target. I've got one flake of this left. I've blown through the tin pretty quickly.
Good blessed Friday, all! Another week slaving away at the monolithic, corporate mother ship is fast coming to a close! Starting the morning with some most tasty GL Pease Maltese Falcon. Mm-mm-mm, don't it hit the spot!
@jim102864 yes it is. It is their #311. It has the balsa wood filter system in it right now. Will change over to the filter less, which is an amazing option, because I don't want to have to keep buying them. It is light weight and smokes beautifully.
Had a bowl of Paladin Black Cherry in my Corey Pipe. It's been decades since I smoked a bowl of Paladin - probably very early on when I was still puffing like a locomotive. So back then it was hard to gage whether a blend burned my tongue because of the blend itself, or the way I was smoking it. Well I can safely say I've mastered the art of smoking, so the tongue burn I received from the blend wasn't as a result of me puffing away ... but the tobacco itself. The taste wasn't bad at all, and the first few puffs were pretty enjoyable. But a few minutes into the smoke I experienced some pretty harsh tongue burn so I really slowed down my cadence to a crawl. But the burn only intensified the longer I smoked. So Paladin is a blend I'll have to mix with something milder to get an enjoyable smoking experience. I won't toss something unless it tastes like a burnt washrag - but if the flavor is good - but like the Paladin is prone to tongue bite - I'll experiment and create a Frankenstein blend that tones down the burn.
I switched to Lane Dark Red for my Cherry fix. I will blend that with Sutliff Chocolate Mousse for a "frankenblend" tasting like a chocolate covered cherry. I think Cult Blood Red might equally suffice in lieu of the Dark Red, but I like my Lane Dark Red a lot, I smoke it often by its' lonesome. I agree with you on Paladin, smells GREAT in the pouch but soon becomes painful in the pipe. I hope all is well with you, and that you are enjoying your music.
@ghostsofpompeii For what it's worth, I add some dark Cavendish to my Paladin and it seems to mellow it out... I also agree with @pwkarch I tried some Lane Dark Red at our pipe show last Feb and I do like it better...
I switched to Lane Dark Red for my Cherry fix. I will blend that with Sutliff Chocolate Mousse for a "frankenblend" tasting like a chocolate covered cherry. I think Cult Blood Red might equally suffice in lieu of the Dark Red, but I like my Lane Dark Red a lot, I smoke it often by its' lonesome. I agree with you on Paladin, smells GREAT in the pouch but soon becomes painful in the pipe. I hope all is well with you, and that you are enjoying your music.
I also agree with @pwkarch I tried some Lane Dark Red at our pipe show last Feb and I do like it better...