After about two weeks away from my pipes (vacation and sickness), I had my first pipe tonight. C&D’s Old Joe Krantz in my Stanwell Lovat. It’s good to be back!
This afternoon i had another bowl of ole shanandoah Barrel Edition. Really like the cavendish blend of it, but it also has a very plesant vanilla, more aroma than smothering taste, but im really starting to enjoy it. Especially in the afternoon. Has anyone else tried this? was given to me a while back.
Wrapping up LOTR Two Towers book on my front porch earlier this evening. Combined some Sutliff Black Cherry with some VG Black Cavendish in a Hilson Viva with an extended stem. Soothing aroma...
Thanks @Bloodhound61 and @KA9FFJ ! I’m happy to be back and enjoying my pipes. Currently smoking C&D’s Black Frigate in my Mountbatten Billiard. Truly a superb blend.
Continuing my GL Pease Maltese Falcon dominated vacation this morning using my Rossi Billiard. This is the last day of vacation, so it's as many pipes, cigars and craft beers I can consume before we return to grim reality tomorrow morning. It's been the most relaxing vacation I've had in years.
@BlueCollarBastard I'm dying to read your review of that cigar you posted above. Looks like a Connecticut shade wrapper. Great looking packaging and band on the stick.
C&D Sam’s Blend in my Ewa Classic. It really wasn’t a fave of mine when I purchased it, so I cellared it in a Mason jar for a couple months and now it’s quite tasty. The Latakia and Perique stand out more.