I had family in town from Thursday through Sunday so I didn't have much time for pipe smoking. Did manage a bowl of Mellow Moonshine in my Royal Danish yesterday though.
Just loaded up some Villiger Tropical Export in a recently refurbished Middleton Apple. Just a touch too moist, but I'll give it till around 7 to lose some of that excess moisture. Works out well since both my outdoor thermometers are reading 100 presently...
I am one with nature...ok, how lame am I, lol! Anyway, I'm enjoying a bowl of Mac Baren H H Bold Kentucky in one of my Savinelli half bents. The ocean breeze is beautiful as I sit on the porch of our Rhode Island cottage. Cheers, all!
Once upon a time, I took a US Navy MSC into Newport, then we did training exercises off the RI Coast for awhile. Interesting time streaming mine sweep gear with all of the damn lobster pots. When tied up to the pier we were catching lobsters (probably not legal?) with crab traps off the fantail and eating fresh lobster.
@pwkarch, we once worked out of Long Island and had our crew boat moored where a small local lobster boat also came in with their catch. The two fellows that crewed it worked for someone else, but were more than happy to sell us their lobsters for a buck apiece....I suppose whoever they worked for never noticed the decline in the daily haul. The crew of the ship we had working East Rockaway ate lobster twice a week for a couple of months. It was the cheapest meat around.
Captain Black Original in a MM Diplomat while doing deer sloppy joes...not a bad mix! I have to say that the diplomat apple has become my favorite cob. Feels just right in the hand and holds a decent smoke's worth of tobacco.
Maltese Falcon in my Lorenzetti Avitus. My dad’s Big Ben pipe aka Father’s Day gift came today. It definitely suits him more than the Avitus. The bowl is deeper and the stem is longer as well.
I’ve learned a valuable lesson when purchasing pipes. Knowing the size you’re looking for in a pipe is important.
@Bloodhound61 Block Island is part of Rhode Island and is easily accessible from ferry in Point Judith, which is nearby. It's beautiful here in Narragansett. We were in Newport a few days ago, also a lovely town.
Starting the day with a bowl of GL Pease Maltese Falcon, which is smoking really good. In fact, a second bowl is about to follow. I highly recommend it!
I’ve learned a valuable lesson when purchasing pipes. Knowing the size you’re looking for in a pipe is important.
Starting the day with a bowl of GL Pease Maltese Falcon, which is smoking really good. In fact, a second bowl is about to follow. I highly recommend it!