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Our furry friends....



    Guarding our daughter 

  • Watching for me to come home from work. Wife sent this one to me the weekend before I had to put her down. 
  • pwkarchpwkarch Master
    SO SORRY my friend, losing a loved pet is much like loosing a loved human......go right out and give another loving pet so they too can be loved
  • Londy3Londy3 Master
    @Michael308 that's terrible. Very sad 😢
  • @Michael308
    It was tough for me to have the vet carry out the euthanasia on my furry companions.  I can’t imagine that responsibility.  I live in town, so it is not an option anyway.  My condolences on your families loss.  It is said that all dogs go to heaven.
  • @Michael308 Having been there as well, I know it is both a tough decision and difficult (mentally) to actually do, however, under the circumstances how could you not.
    My condolences at the loss of your family member and friend.
  • We've got a ground hog in the neighborhood who has been making the rounds. I see him walking through my neighbor's yard about the same time every day between five and six in the evening. I live in a wooded area, and he's created several burrows scattered throughout the woods in the lot next door. Think he's building a ground hog subdivision. Deep enough holes to break your ankle if you're not looking where you're walking.
    Usually I sit quietly and watch him plod through the yard, then across the street into the woods. But today I must have shifted in my chair without realizing it and he caught sight of me. I had no idea these things could run as fast as they do. He raced across he street and into the woods like a chubby low to the ground Greyhound. It was the first time I saw him move like that. Quick little bugger.
  • @Michael308 As an animal lover I can feel your pain. I unfortunately found myself in the same situation on three separate occasions - two Collies and a Border Collie (all with heart worms - and yes, all three had their shots ... but where I live is over run with mosquitoes). And each one was harder than the next. After the last time I'm come to the conclusion I don't want any more pets. 
  • @ghostsofpompeii I can understand where you’re coming from. Being raised on a farm I’ve had to do it to several of our animals including one of our horses. Callie was by far the hardest. Thank you all for your support!
  • WintonWinton Master
    A week or so ago, our neighborhood racoon got into our window well. This is right next to my wife's quilting nook, in our basement. She was not happy that the racoon thought this would be a good spot to poop!
  • motie2motie2 Master
    Yeah, I once had to deal with a large possum in a window well.
  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    @Winton you have a strange selection of pets... I mean, a raccoon, a skunk!?!?
    If we ever get together, it will have to be at my house...
  • I was going to say, “Dude, that is NOT a raccoon”.😬
    Here kitty, kitty, kitty. 😀
  • WintonWinton Master
    As a youth, in FL, my brothers and I would go fishing at the local dock, almost every day. Mom later said this helped the grocery expense. Anyway, there was a boat ramp by the dock. Once we found a dead gator there. We suspect the shotgun blast was the cause of death. Since the tail (only edible part) was missing, we guessed the gator was usually 8-10 feet long. Later that day, we found the same gator laying in someone's front yard, about 1/3 mile away, Whoever hauled a couple hundred pounds of dead gator, YOU ARE A WORLD CLASS PRANKSTER!
  • @Winton
         Talking of pranksters... My roommate in college and a few of his friends, a half a dozen or so, all football players, lifted one of their high school teachers cars on top of the roof of their high school, Loyola in Missoula, Montana.  It was a small car (an original Honda Civic or VW Bug?).  There was a loading dock and a dumpster that helped in getting the car on the roof😳  I do not remember how it got back off the roof.
         The adult next door neighbor where I grew up apparently did something similar.  When he was in high school he and some friends had deposited one of his neighbors VW Bugs on their porch one night. This neighbor owned a VW Bug, and later, sometime after my two brothers and I had graduated high school, told me that he had expected to see his VW Bug on his front porch some morning.  Sadly, we were not “World Class” pranksters, so his Bug never ended up on his porch.

  • motie2motie2 Master
    Best trick is to pick up a Bug and turn it sideways in a single driveway.
  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    @jfreedy Did you ever notice that when a racoon has the misfortune of becoming "road kill", their facial expressions look so, so peaceful. But when you find an opossum in the same situation, their facial expression looks like the "beast from hell!"...
    Just a personal observation...
  • Can’t say I have ever seen an opossum in anything other than pictures or video, dead or alive.
  • I live trap squirrels and release them in a park outside of town. Reason being is that they have caused damage to my house and have chewed wires and hoses under the hood of my pickup. Every year I'll catch a couple of opossums and a raccoon or two unintentionally. Opossums are hard to get out of the trap, sometimes I have to grab them by the tail and pull them out. I wouldn't try it with a raccoon for a hundred dollar bill. They can be a little aggressive at times(not to mention they carry rabies). We live in the middle of town, so you wouldn't expect to see either one. They travel through the storm sewers and raid gardens and garbage cans.
  • jfreedyjfreedy Master
    Opossums are nasty, hissing beasts. I grew up in the country and have seen several. We also have some living close to our house in the burbs. 
  • motie2motie2 Master
    I catch raccoons for neighbors using a Hav-a Heart trap and a mix of peanut butter and cat food. Never fails.
  • When I was stationed at MSO Portland OR, the road out to SISRY (Swan Island Ship Repair Yard) would be rather heavily populated by opossum road kill most mornings.
  • motie2motie2 Master
    The Giant Rat of Sumatra may have been a ‘possum.....
  • WintonWinton Master
    Many years ago, I heard the dogs barking like crazy, in the middle of the night, under my bedroom window. I went out to see what the problem was. Over the dogs, I heard a very scary animal noise. Back to the garage for a light and an ax. The dogs left me alone. I found a small possum hiding behind a ladder. He played possum, so I used the ax handle to roll him away from my window and closer to the woods. 
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