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Pipes Pipes and more Pipes...

Good afternoon here is a question that I am sure everyone still stumbles across and that would be Pipes.....what kind of pipe  shape size etc.... 

My wife for Christmas bought me a Joyoldelf which is the company that sold it she got it on amazon. as you some of you may know I am very new to pipe smoking. I've never even smoked one before. I used to smoke cigarettes.  It's a very nice looking pipe I must say, upon looking at it I can see it's a Chinese pipe. Has anyone heard of this pipe? Is it a good pipe? it looks as though it is made from brier which is a good thing. I assume for a starter this would be a Great starter pipe. which is why I thought I would post about it. I'm sure there have been many of you been around for years. 

I would like to know what your thought are on different kind of pipes. Does the pipe it self matter? I am thinking about getting a Hungarian pipe and a Bent apple pipe I like the way they looks. Is buying a pipe all about the look of the pipe or do different pipes effect the smoke in different ways? 

a hear a lot of talk saying I should get a corn cob pipe but I don't really like the look of one are they a necessity? 

Thank you very much :-) 



  • @PappyJoe   here is the pipe the wife got me for Christmas because I become a freak on pipes lol 

  • @PappyJoe I believe you have answered a lot of my questions as I said before I read about many who have said corncob pipes especially for first timers are good. I suppose imma have to give it a try, as far as the Meerschaum I don't know about them ive seen them around on my searches but they don't draw me there just something about them maybe I will have to at least get one of those. I didn't know they were a different type of corncob pipe. 

    smoking a corncob reminds me of popeye :-) 
  • @PappyJoe One last thing. I am a Irishman as looking at pipes I see they have different country's I wouldn't mind getting a decent pipe from Ireland do you know of a company? I am thinking when I get my irish pipe to get a Hungarian 
  • @PappyJoe  
    What is the difference between filter cobs and non-filter ones?
  • @Pipefreak2383 - There is a world of difference between Meerschaum pipes and Missouri Meerschaum. I also have 5 Meerschaum and three of them are in my regular rotation. Meerschaum pipes can be beautifully sculpted or shaped into the same basic shapes as a briar. The are great smokers and as long as you don't let a lot of cake build up in them, they don't ghost or retain the flavors of previous tobaccos you've smoked. 

    I looked at the picture you posted. Those little wire screens are so people can smoke something other than tobacco products. Pipes like that with a screen in them used to be seized as drug pipes. 

    General Douglas MacArthur smoked a corn cob pipe. The difference between filtered cobs and non-filter is the same as between briar pipes with filters and non-filter ones. The filter is designed to reduce the moisture in the smoke and slightly reduce the air passage to make a slightly cooler smoke.

    One of the biggest names in the pipe world is Peterson. They used to be completely made in Ireland. Now they are "mostly" made in Ireland but are really roughly shaped in other countries and then the workers in the Peterson factory finish the pipes. The are usually high quality pipes but in recent years some have reported problems with the drilling. Peterson does stand behind the pipes it sells and they have some pretty good pipe tobacco with their names on the tins.

    You are going to have to explain what you mean by "Hungarian" because there are different interpretations. Some people call a Oom Paul shaped a Hungarian. (Mom Paul have a deep bend in them. And, yes, I have one.) Hungarian could also refer to a pipe carved in Hungary which would probably be a pear wood pipe. And i've seen Hunter shaped pipes and Bavarian/Tyrolean pipes that were called Hungarian.
    This is my Oom Paul or Hungarian. It's a Savinelli:

    This is my Tyrolean pipe. Some people call it a Hungarian.

    These are what I call Hunter pipes.They have also been called Hungarian.

  • @PappyJoe

    Thank you for the great detail. Yes I meant to also say a oom paul. the site I found it on only calls it a Hungarian that's why I put it.  

    the pipe I have on me should I not smoke from it? should I rather get a different little better pipe like a corncob? or is it ok to smoke out of the pipe I have? This pipe also has a stinger at the end of the stem. 

    you have very nice pipes there :-) 
  • Just revised The Daily Briar Photoshoot with some additional pipes I received over the holiday as well as some newer one I failed to include.
  • @Pipefreak2383 Once again welcome to the hobby. I've seen the pipe your wife purchased for you - and though her heart was in the right place it's unfortunately not a very good pipe. Although I'm no expert on pipes I have watched a variety of YouTube videos and that particular pipe is one that was mentioned. I did go back and read the reviews on Amazon and for the most part those who purchased the pipe seem to be satisfied. And if you're happy with it - that's really all that matters. And you're lucky you have a wife who bought you a pipe. 

    I'm not sure where you live or how close you might be to a dedicated tobacco shop that sells pipes as well as cigarettes - but you can always buy a pipe stamped 'second' which is a pipe with some imperfection or blemish yet still smokes great. When I was working in the Steel Mill I always bought several pipes stamped 'Irish Seconds' from The Tinder Box (which I've since learned are actually made by Peterson), and they served me well and really took a beating. Another good pipe for beginners as well as any budget conscious individual who wants a well made American pipe but doesn't want to have to get a co-signer is anything from Dr. Grabow. These American made pipes are inexpensive and the company has been around for about 100 years. And you can usually pick one up at Walgreens if you don't have a tobacco shop near you. And it's advisable to have more than one pipe to smoke. Pipes need time to dry out between smokes so you don't end up with a sour pipe. Some people suggest 24 hours rest after smoking the pipe. Which means it's good to have anywhere from two to four pipes around. There have been many debates on that subject - but for the most part we tend to agree. Although our Grandfathers probably only had one pipe which they smokes several bowls a day for years on end until the pipe gave up the ghost and they had to buy another. So it's not a bad idea to get more than one pipe ... so buying something inexpensive like a Dr. Grabow is the way to go.

    Hope I was a little help without coming across like a know-it-all. Which I'm far from.


  • @ghostsofpompeii you did not come across as a now it all in fact it was very helpful. I just actually just got a  2 corncob pipes as well as a Savinelli Unfinished Vulcanite 602. 

    is it ok to smoke out of the one the wife gave me? that's why I posted about it because I wasn't sure and once I really got into researching about pipes I realized hmmm something might be wrong because of how much the pipe was lol....so now I am a little up in the air about smoking out of it. so I was looking for input in to what others thought about smoking out of it. 

    Thank you very much @ghostsofpompeii
  • @Pipefreak2383 go ahead and smoke the pipe your wife gave you. It will make her happy. Then go with the savinelli 
  • edited January 2018

    @Pipefreak2383 I really like your unbridled enthusiasm. You're really going about the pipe smoking hobby in the right way. Researching, asking questions, and experimenting on your own. And that last part might be the most important. This will determine whether or not you find true satisfaction from a pipe or revert back to cigarettes. You need to insure the experience is pleasurable, so by avoiding the pitfalls that cause some newcomers to abandon the hobby as too much work - you can learn from the mistakes of others and make a smooth transition from cigarettes to a pipe.   

    I agree with @mfresa about smoking the pipe your wife bought you. People have expressed concern - but I don't think anyone has died smoking the pipe. Probably the worst thing that can happen is a burn-out in the pipe. And depending upon how you smoke, you can burn-out an expensive brand name pipe if you're hard on the pipe and puff like a locomotive. Most important thing is to learn the correct way of smoking a pipe. And there are a lot of YouTube Presenters that can give you that info and demonstrate it at the same time.

    I think the greatest concern about the pipe is what wood it's made from, as I don't see it listed on the description. And as @PappyJoe and others suggested not all pipes are made of briar. I too have pipes made of pear wood that smoke just fine. But for me a red flag went up when I saw the way it's described ... as a 'cigarette tobacco smoking pipe' . This seems a bit odd. Does that suggest it's not made for hotter burning pipe tobacco?

    I think we've been programmed to automatically develop a knee-jerk reaction to the phrase 'Made In China'. And sometimes there is real merit to those concerns, like when it was discovered dog food from China contained something that was killing our pets. And those Dollar Store rawhide chewies made in China also contained products that could harm our dogs. And fish caught in polluted Chinese waters and process in plants that would never meet our standards and Government regulations are packaged up and sold at places like Walmart ... along with parasites which have been discovered in the fish. So there are reasons for concern. China makes things on the cheap which is why they could sell you a pipe, a pipe tool, 2 cork knockers, a pipe holder, 10 pipe cleaners, 3 pack of 5 pipe screens, and 2 metal screen percolator leach nets all for $16.99. Since there are different types of wood that are not recommended for pipe making my only concern is the type of wood they used. And I base my concern on the fact that they go out of their way 'not' to mention it. Only suggesting it is high quality wood. If it was wood commonly used in pipe making you would think they would mention it without hesitation. But using a blanket statement like 'WOOD' would be like buying canned meat product that doesn't specify what type of meat ... just meat. Could be horse meat, dog meat, cat meat, or the upper thigh from that missing hitchhiker that disappeared last month.       

  • Londy3Londy3 Master
    edited January 2018
    @Pipefreak2383 i must tell you that @PappyJoe, @mfresa and @ghostsofpompeii are exactly right. Words of wisdom.
  • @Pipefreak2383 - Don't know if they still have them are not, but when I was stationed in New Jersey 30 years ago there were a lot of big flea markets in New Jersey. You may want to visit some of them when the weather is nicer and see if you can find some pipes. They are not all going to be worth the money but if you do your research you may find some very good pipes that just need some good cleaning. The wife and I like to walk around antique/collectible shops and flea markets and my Savinelli Oom Paul was found for $10. I also have a Savinelli Guibileo de Oro I paid $3 for. I've been offered $300 for it. 
  • @ghostsofpompeii Thank you very much I am pleased to know I am headed in the right direction. as I said before the pipe my wife got I just happen to see and enjoed the way it looked not knowing that she was actually going to get it for me. after seeing that pipe is when I really got into the whole pipe smoking then tried to go research about that pipe which cant really find much of it on. 

    I will never go back to cigarette smoking back a few years ago they changed the way they made them I used to smoke Marlboro reds then went to lights. they never seemed the same after the switch they made. I believe it was due to the wrapper they coated it twice so this way it wouldn't keep burning and people wouldn't set there house on fire falling asleep smoking lol..  

    I saw a pipe that said made of "rosewood" is that a good wood? also if it's made of pear wood would it give off a pear like flavor? 
  • @PappyJoe @mfresa @ghostsofpompeii  

    I really would like to say thank you to all of you for your input and time. all your knowledge has been taking in and applied

    @PappyJoe thank to you I took your advice and bought my self 2 corn cob pipes from Missouri Meerschaum I also went to the other site pipes and cigars and picked my self up  Savinelli Unfinished Vulcanite 602. 
    I am going to use the corn cob for trying new types out and use the 
    Savinelli Unfinished Vulcanite 602 for brands I enjoy to smoke :-) and as time goes on I will add a Peterson from Ireland in my collection as well :-) 

    @PappyJoe I love going to antique shops so does my wife. my I ask where about were you stationed in NJ? 

  • @Pipefreak2383 - At one time the Coast Guard had it's Base and Captain of the Port office in Gloucester City, NJ (Just about under the Walt Whitman Bridge). I was there for 18 months and was then transferred to Miami. We lived in an Woodbury and then found a house to rent between Mantua and Pitman. 
  • @PappyJoe
     where about are you know? do u still live in FL? 

    also I forgot to mentioned it but do you need humidors for pipe tobacco? I know you do for cigars.

  • edited January 2018
    You can load your pipe directly from either a tin or a pouch with no problems. I've found that using a humidor is handy for what I'm currently smoking that I bought in bulk. It helps if it has a silicone seal (the rubber ones tend to harden over time and become unable to seal at all). Humidors are not really meant for Long-Term storage (like cellaring).

    They Don't have to be pricey, either. Here are some small-sized examples from the Dollar Tree chain:




    Just make sure the jar's opening is large enough to let your hand out again once you have a pinch of tobacco held in your fingers.
  • @AnantaAndroscoggin

     I taking it from experience lol... I gues this is something I should pick up in person Thank you very much 
  • @Pipefreak2383 I live in Slidell, La about 30 miles east of New Orleans. Retired from the Coast Guard in 1993 after being told my next assignment was going to be Washington, DC. I was in for 21 years. 
  • Having taken service calls at the Pentagon and Navy BUPERS, I don't blame you for not wanting to go to DC, Miserable traffic, and work conditions. They can't show you the problem but they can show you a drawing of what it looks like. I had to spend 2 weeks each month there.
  • @PappyJoe
    it must have been awesome working for the coast guard :-) I have always though of working for coast guard seems a good nice job ! 
  • @PappyJoe
     and I assume that's when u said oh HELL no right lmao 
  • @pipefreak2383

     As far as humidors for pipe tobacco go, just get half-pint or bigger (depending on the amount of tobacco you buy) mason jars for each type of tobacco you get and store them in a dark cool place.  They can keep tobacco fresh at hand, and work very well for extended "cellaring" if required.

  • @RockyMountainBriar

    does a garage work for keeping them? my garage gets to be 40-30 in the winter (detached garage) and prob 80 or so in the summer...
  • I keep mine in the filing cabinet next to my desk, a desk drawer or two, and in a small footlocker under my desk. It doesn’t have to be that cool but out of direct sunlight is a must. 
  • Pipefreak2383Pipefreak2383 Apprentice
    edited January 2018

    thank you I will keep that in mind. Does the tobacco need to keep a little moisture to it? I know when I used to smoke cigs and rolled them there had a moisture pad in it to keep the tobacco just a tad moist or else it would try out and get stale. 

    also as long as you keep it in that condition pipe tobacco can last years? what happens to the Tobacco when it ages like that? 
  • @Pipefreak2383 - This is just my opinion and others may differ. You don't want your pipe tobacco to be dry and crispy. You want it to be soft and pliable to touch. If it gets too dry it will loose some of its flavor and aroma - especially aromatics - which will never be as flavorful as it once was. 

    My rule of thumb is to move bulk blends immediately into glass Mason or Ball jars and put the lid on them. You don't have to do anything to the jar other than make sure they are clean and odor free before adding the tobacco. I have some tobacco that's been in jars for 4 or 5 years and it looks to still be moist. In December I opened a jar from 2014, and it still needed to be air dried for 10 or 15 minutes before lighting. (Air Drying to me is either loading the pipe or putting the tobacco on a paper plate and then letting it sit for 10 or 15 minutes.) I also use some of the bail type jars for some tobacco and again, they have maintained the tobacco pretty much at the moisture level it had before I put it in the jars.

    Aging is another topic altogether. C&D sells their Cellar series and tells you on the label that it will reach its peak flavor in 10 or 15 years but you can smoke it now. As a general rule, aromatic are considered not to age because of the flavoring and toppings added during process. On the other hand, non-aromatics like Virginia Blends, Burleys, VaPers and English Blends do age well like fine wines. I've read in places that the aging will reach its peak from 3 to 5 years and I've read that it will continuing aging for 15 to 20 years. I've never experimented to find out. 

    One note on aromatics and this is just my opinion. Where aromatic tobacco may not age, I believe the flavors of the blend will meld together and it could change the flavor profile. I look at it the same as I do with cooking. When you make a pot of red beans or a gumbo, letting it sit and rest for a day actually makes the flavors richer. The same with seasoning or marinating meat. The longer it sits and rest, the more flavorful it can become.
  • @Pipefreak2383 -- You cannot go wrong following @PappyJoe's suggestions and advice..... I've learned a boatload from him.... no service pun intended ;)
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