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EA Carey



  • The uppermost pipe is the one with the lining.

  • @AnantaAndroscoggin To your knowledge, are there any pipe restorers out there who can provide assorted sized Meerschaum inserts?
  • motie2motie2 Master
    'Twould seem that the only replacement/inserts of meerschaum that are widely available are for calabash pipes. 

    Put MEERSCHAUM INSERTS into Google.......
  • Seems like using composite meerschaum for making bowl liners would probably be an appropriate place for the stuff, so long as the binding agent is not really heavy.

    Dunno if anybody does that.
  • motie2motie2 Master
    Interesting fact: “The first meerschaum pipe made in the United States was carved by Charles Pollak, in New York City, in 1860, from a block which Rev. Dr. Tyng, of Brooklyn, New York, brought from Turkey."

    How to care for a pipe with a meerschaum insert?

    See attached .pdf -- Reflections on the Trade: Random Pipe and Tobacco Facts and Factoids of Yesterday
  • KenofAhwlbyKenofAhwlby Enthusiast
    Motie2,  I certainly appreciate all you add, however, reddit, along with Pinterest are a royal pain,,,, they so enjoy tracking all your movements on the net, and are laden with ads.......no thanks.
  • motie2motie2 Master
    @KenofAhwlby -- I don't participate; I just lurk and gather (steal) data.
    I agree with you, however.
    Most of the "social media" sites are trays of steaming reindeer feces.
    And, as I've commented elsewhere: "Facebook is where thinking goes to die."
    So, I beg your pardon.
  • motie2motie2 Master
    Here's a strange looking EA Carey pipe featured on eBay.....

  • motie2motie2 Master
    So, a couple of days ago I sent for some EA Carey Revolution Tabac, a blend of two of Carey's aromatics (one of which is most certainly their Classic Black Aromatic, their best seller, which I've had.... it's OK, but not great) and a small amount of Latakia. I had been gifted a sample, found it... uh.... wonderful, and ordered two ounces (under $12 including shipping).

    Package arrived today: two ounces of EA Carey Irish Cream. I called Carey and gently complained. I was told to keep the Irish Cream with their apologies; they would ship out the Revolution Tabac tomorrow.

    Class act.
  • My lovely bride of manyseveral years bought me an E. A. Carey straight billiard from an antique mall for Father's Day. I had been reading about the system and enthusing to her about owning one someday - she ran across it and remembered my comments when she saw the name stamped in the stummel. How lucky am I?! Anyway, after cleanup I found that without the papyrate filters, the only way to even keep it lit was to hold the my fingers over the vents, as such it smoked rather well. Having no filters nor being authorized to buy any, I tried the "Po' boy's solution" an trimmed a piece of paper towel to fit. One wrap wasn't sufficient to restrict the air intake enough for a decent draw, but 3-4 wraps will do the trick and last for several smokes before needing replacement. I am now solidly onboard as a fan of the pipes and the system!  B)
  • DanfriedmanDanfriedman Master
    edited July 2019
    @johnspecht   I am glad you had the opportunity to get a Carey pipe. I love all of mine and recommend the system to many pipe smokers. Your paper towel work around is great, but I hope you can order a box of papyrate filters when you have the chance.
  • motie2motie2 Master
    Yeah, they are not at all costly. I've had a box last a year.
    (Remember, I can't smoke indoors, so I am restricted to Spring, Summer, Autumn.... by authority of SWMBO.)
  • @johnspecht I recently acquired one just like the one you pictured. Needs some work and love put into it though. I'm hoping to get the time in the next few weeks.
  • motie2motie2 Master
    If you've been waiting to pull the trigger on a used EA Carey, look at this, with a current bid of $10.50
    Judd's Lot of 5 Nice Old Used Carey Magic Inch Briar Pipes

  • @AnantaAndroscoggin - you can always ream out the old meerschaum lining. I have an old Yello Bole that used to have a Meer lining that was removed, and it smokes great!
  • So, I received permission from my lovely bride and ordered a box of the papyrate filters. They do indeed work the best! I would say, (1) smoked without filter of any kind - smokes poorly with a need to constantly "finger" the vents or wrap them in electrical tape, (2) single wrap of paper towel - not well, needs fingers on vents occasionally, (3) 3-4 wraps of paper towel - smokes acceptably well, no need for fingers on vents, and (4) with papyrate sleeve - smokes wonderfully! Overall, a great system/pipe which is now one of my favorites. I look forward to adding more to the collection whenever I can. I wonder what that 40th anniversary edition costs... 
  • motie2motie2 Master
    edited August 2019
    As the resident EA Carey fanatic, I am pleased that the word is spreading. The only widespead criticism of Carey pipes is that some/many of the stems are less substantial than clenchers would prefer.

    And by the by, the pipes are intended to function with the cheap papyrates, which are changed usually for aesthetic reasons.... The smoke remains the same whether you change every smoke or every couple of weeks (Ask @ghostsofpompeii). The paper towel trick and holding  your fingers over the slots is a kludge.
  • LOL - I had to look up the word "kludge", but it is precisely right for those "poor boy" attempts at making the system work without the proper components. Thanks for the good advice and for a new (to me) addition to the vocabulary!
  • Im very fortunate that SWMBO has Papyrate sleeves and BJ long rubber stem bits on her Amazon list. I can expect a tube of 250 Papyrate sleeves and bits every Christmas.

    I find the bits help protect the stems. The stem quality is my only Carey complaint but the bits help a lot.  

    I probably have have a lifetime supply of filters. I find I change them more frequently on my bent Carey’s than the straight. 

    As a a side note, if you call Carey, they sell replacement stems for $7. I’ve never seen them advertised on their web site though. 
  • motie2motie2 Master
    edited August 2019
    I've found the Carey folks to be fast, responsive and helpful. Two years ago, I had a Magic Inch device come out of the stummel on my very first Carey, purchased new for $15.00 in 1964. The phone lady offered to have it repaired for a very reasonable price. But she asked whether I was "handy." She then gave me specific and very detailed directions: How to do it myself.  I did.  It's good as new.

    A tube of papyrates would last me forever, or certainly to the grave. I'm on my fifth ever box, and I'm only about half way on that. I smoked my first two Carey's from 1964 to 1984. Of course at that time I had several other pipes. I resumed pipe smoking -- I dunno -- around the end of 2016, starting out with the two Carey's and a Duncan Hill Aerosphere, marketed by Carey. Since then, thanks be to eBay I have been able to acquire twelve more lovely Carey's that new I could never afford.
  • motie2motie2 Master
    Wow!!!   Great news about the bit replacement service from Carey. Good news for clenchers. I've never feared for my Carey's bits. Only one of them has a flat saddle bit, and it doesn't even show chatter. I'm a soft and seldom clencher; my hand holds the pipe a lot, even as I draw.
  • KmhartleKmhartle Master
    edited August 2019
    Feeling better than I have in weeks today. Decided to break down my 2 most smoked Carey’s and give them a deep clean. It’s amazing how much the “magic inch” holes can get plugged. Nothing a paper clip or small bit can’t fix! Gonna fire this bad boy up with some Sextant later. 

  • Back a ways, someone recommended ETSY.COM as a source for used/estate Carey pipes. I've been monitoring the section at ETSY using CAREY PIPE as a search term. The selection and prices are not nearly as good as those on eBay.
  • ScampiScampi Professor
    Well ordered my first EA Carey last night from e-bay. Brand new in the box with case and filters for $35. If they are as good as Motie2 says that is a steal.
  • I wipe a new bowl with a very light swipe of honey to encourage the break-in / caking process. But hey, that's me.
  • ScampiScampi Professor
    That's exactly what I plan on doing
  • Bags of excitement! I just received my latest PAD "fix": a bent billiard Carey with a small red tab on the right side of the bit that slides to either open or close the vents with a partial sleeve inside. The pipe is very lightly used and was obviously cleaned carefully, so it looks almost brand new. Interestingly, I was the only bidder for it on eBay for a total cost of $18 with shipping. I can't wait to try it out later today! My only dilemma: which tobacco choice for the inaugural!
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