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What is the story behind your user name?



  • rustedrailpipes

    GREAT photography on your site.......I love trains as well. I have loved trains since I was a kid. My Grandfather and my Great Grandfather were both Engineers and previous to that Firemen on the old steam engines, my Great Grandfather was actually killed in a train accident. I just wonder if my lifelong liking of trains is somehow genetically imposed by my ancestors. My youngest Grandson is also a train nut. I take him to a spot where we can see 2 passenger trains pass by within 5 or so minutes and he gets so excited. Keep up the good work.
  • Everywhere else in life I go by Fletch, but for some reason I could not use it on TPL
    Mangoandy was my first email address and based on my website/blog called theMangoTimes and my first name.
    Origin of the name is here: Why the Name?
  • Everywhere else in life I go by Fletch, but for some reason I could not use it on TPL
    Mangoandy was my first email address and based on my website/blog called theMangoTimes and my first name.
    Origin of the name is here: Why the Name?
  • motie2motie2 Master
    edited February 2020
  • jdk5hhjdk5hh Apprentice
    I go by JD, which stands for Jeff David, and K5HH is my ham radio callsign. I see we have a few other hams in this pack. I'm still laughing about the smoked ham comment.
  • I was too stupid to realize that I was not only entering a name to log in to the site but also a user name. Ah well, I don't mind being upfront about who I am and the habits I have.
  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    edited December 2017
    @RockyMountainBriar I do have a ham shack, but it's in the house = no smoking...
  • Mine is the "internet handle" I adopted in 2004.

    While reading a book on India, one sidebox had a story about when the universe had just been finished being made, the remaining odds and ends left over were gathered together and combined to become Ananta, a being to serve as some kind of "bodyguard" figure to Shiva. At least, that's the first version of the story I've since heard about it. Not sure if the name is Hindi or Sanskrit (or one of India's other 700 lingos).

    I live in Greene, on the backside-top of a ridge along the Androscoggin River, in the heart of Androscoggin County, Maine. Androscoggin means either "The place where fish are speared" or "The place where fish are dried," or both, perhaps. I believe the language is Algonquin.
  • rustedrailpipes

    GREAT photography on your site.......I love trains as well. I have loved trains since I was a kid. My Grandfather and my Great Grandfather were both Engineers and previous to that Firemen on the old steam engines. My Great Grandfather was actually killed in a train accident. I just wonder if my lifelong liking of trains is somehow genetically imposed by my ancestors. My youngest Grandson is also a train nut. I take him to a spot where we can see 2 passenger trains pass by within 5 or so minutes and he gets so excited. Keep up the good work.
  • motie2motie2 Master
    edited December 2017
    Being on AOL may mark me as a geezer, but in any event, I have all my AOL mail forwarded to my Gmail account. Beyond that, I have no interaction with AOL.
  • Thought I'd bump this back up to the top since we have several new members with intriguing monikers. 
  • hm....well my name just happen to come to me my normal name I use is guitarfreak2383 well I can assume you can tell I play guitar and a freak about them well same came for pipes as well I became I freak on have them so since I am into pipes and I'm a freak about them I came up with pipefreak the 2383 comes from the guitar freak I was 23 when my brother made the user name and 83 is year I was born so there you go :-) 
  • @Pipefreak2383, Welcome to the world of pipe smoking, I started smoking a pipe the year you were born, Wow! that makes me feel old!
  • @Pipefreak2383 Nice to have another musician among us. I'm a keyboard player who dabbles in other instruments as well. Or at least I was ... retired musician now. Recorded under the moniker Ghosts Of Pompeii.
  • @ghostsofpompeii I write play and sing. I play guitar piano (keyboard) bass I've made a album or 2 but I don't anymore since kids were born. if I can catch sometime I will fiddle with the guitar now and then just to relax Nice to hear you played keyboard
  • @pipeman83 Thank you very much ! I suppose that would make you feel old lol remember it's just a number your young at heart. for Christmas my wife got the new NES system and I was playing with my son (7) and brought back memories of when I was HIS  age lol.....I felt old those surely were the days thou 
  • I always wanted to learn to play the guitar but my fingers never could get the hang of moving the way they needed to. A couple of years ago I got interested in 3 string cigar box guitars and thought that I could learn to play one. I couldn't. On the other hand, I did build three of them - two acoustic and one electric. One of the acoustics is now hanging above the walk-in humidor at a local cigar and wine shop. I have the electric and made a small practice amp powered by 9-volt batteries that I play with every now and then. My son's brother-in-law is a musician and I've let him play it a couple of times. He says the sound quality is really good for playing blues.
  • @PappyJoe, I took guitar lessons too when I was younger but I too had trouble placing my fingers on the frets and I didn't have the patience and would give up, so my dad told me if your not going to learn I'm not going to pay for lessons, so I abandoned that idea, I wished I would have learned how to play an instrument, always liked the keyboards and brass.
  • @PappyJoe
     I never learn how to read nor play. Trying to read music is like trying to speak and read in Spanish. it just don't click. But I have a very good ear for music. I don't normally have to much trouble moving my figers around it's when I go to bar all the string like a F. if I do it for 5-10 mins I get a pain in between my thumb and first finger and boy it ain't fun lol....pretty painful it's like a bad cramp. 

    I also enjoy country bluegrass classic rock 50's-80's 

    I am dying thou to get my hands on a banjo!!! oh baby! lol...banjos melt me there so awesome 
  • I proved over and over again, much to my regret, that I don't have the finger dexterity for playing instruments. But then again, I do have three hand drums.

    Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuttt . . . if you are in need of a Bottom of the Dungeon Bass singer, I'm your man.
  • mustangiimustangii Professor
    I have owned 8 Mustangs. 3 of them were of the 74-78 model years, Mustang II, so mustangii
  • ocpunk714ocpunk714 Master
    edited March 2018
    714 is the area code of Orange County, CA where I live and I have been a punk rocker since I discovered my first set of cassette tapes and vinyl when I was 10.
  • I've been a blue collar worker for most of my life.  The bastard part is just for the hell of it.  Just for fun.  
  • I have a red beard and was born in 84.....

    I know, so creative
  • it is my name.  simple, easy 
  • First name initial, middle name initial and last name.  I never said I was the most creative bloke. 
  • motie2motie2 Master
    edited February 2020
  • Been smoking pipes and sailing since the early 70's - many years back my girlfriend began calling me sailorman on a cruise in the Caribbean so it stuck. The rest, as they say, is history.
  • Taylorjdutton is my name. 
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